You have a very high iq if you understand this

anyone below 141 is a nigger

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132 king-of-all-niggers reporting in. What do you bid me do, my Imperial Liege?

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I had a high IQ now it’s not so high.

Life sucks at both high and low IQ.

Probably a lot more enjoyable at lower IQ to be honest in some ways.

In other ways higher IQ was better.

Ok niggerz, thanks for the infos

Don't listen to those mean comments, everyone is free to do whatever she/he/they want in this world regardless of race or iq or sexuality.

Understand what? That you're retarded and believe an internet IQ test? Come back when you've taken a real test.

lick my balls, nigger

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its not so much as having high iq is bad, its being around low iq people when your high iq. that will pop blood vessels

It´s so fucking hard to cope. It´s like herding a bunch of niggers to the church back in the fifteen hundreds. God helps will us...

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Or God will help us. I´m also a bit spastic.

Im 132 , king of the brainlets.

My balls hurt when I'm around these subhumans with low iq.

anyone under 150 is a brainlet

You’re probably a lot lower for thinking 132 is remotely brainlet tier.


have you been around average iq? im surprised they can feed themselves

it's high enough that you don't learn proper work ethic and low enough that you won't ever succeed because of not learning it

Lmao double digit IQ shill reporting in.

146 here. Daughter and son didn't make the cut at 136 and 132. I blame my retarded German-Polish descent wife.

>be a Yas Forums turbo-autist
>claim to have high iq
>still a loser
so much for high iq :(

It's not about how high your IQ is, it't what you do with it that matters.
That being said, having high IQ is suffering because living in society feels like your trapped in a psych ward for drooling illogical retards.

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I have a iq of 190 preasent white rashes im gonna fuck you all with my big bbc especily ur wimen

i know the feel

I just took one of those free online ones and it out me in the range of 121-137 and I’m of the opinion that I’m no more than 120, especially with an online test giving me that.

INTJs like myself simply don't give a shit.

Ok nigger

tfw I only scored 97.
I think i will do better next time i take this test tho

"People who boast about their IQ are losers"
Prof. Stephen Hawkings.

kys loser incels.
also, you can't measure the brain's ability by numbers retards.
you call yourselves high IW brainCHADS yet can't comprehend the idea that IQ is for cucked losers to keep them in their place and nothing more.

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Ok brainlet you better kys for the society

I didn't even post my IQ. I just said I was an INTJ and literally do not care.

that's why IQ is shit lmao
you can take it again and always get a better score.
An Ideal Test would be one where no matter how many numbers of times you attempt it, your score remains unchanged.
but that's literally IMPOSSIBLE because we're growing and learning by each passing second.

savants are just as handicapped as the retards at the end of that bell curve

saying you're an INTJ is another way of saying you're super smart and not meant to be in coomie-based society and you deserve a King's treatment.
Nothing different from IQ-tards shilling about thier IQ's

>online IQ test
Completely useless, you wanna know what your IQ is? Take an actual in person test were you actually have to do drawings and manipulate 3d models.

thinking an online iq test is legit puts you in the 100-120 category at best

cope harder brainlet

>muh iq is for losers it doesn't mean anything

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>He thinks the power of human Mind can be simplified in simple numbers.
literally kys
if you think I'm coping,you've been coping too much that at this point you think everyone is coping except you.

Okay faggot, whatever you say. Not giving a shit must mean I want special treatment or something.

>he thinks IQ has value

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I really don’t care what some dead crippled astrophysicist thinks....

if an IQ test is just about pattern recognition, doesn't it seem logical that if you train pattern recognition you do better on the IQ test?

also why would the IQ determine other skills that have nothing to do with pattern recognition. Like, yeah you might be great at doing IQ tests but have you ever put thoughts into somebody else's mind telepathically?

yeah sure your pattern recognition skills are great but, have you ever done an astral meeting ?

why would being god at pattern recognition be the only measure of intelligence? lmao.

But not as much as you nigger

if you REALLY didn't give a shit, you'd probably slide by this masturbation circle and ACTUALLY not care.
instead your little brain craved for stupid attention and wanted to be a UNIQUE faggot among the faggots assembled here.

Of couse, that was necessay to mention mutt.
Everyone knows you guys don't care about anything.
You guys said the same thing about the chink-virus.
What are you going to say next?
That you really don't care that your Tyrone classmates can please your mom more than you dad?

>astral meeting
Found the brainlet, now go seethe somewhere else

You can't really measure IQ above 140 with simple checklists and tests

It is a good way to determen if you are a nigger
but other than that
The person measuring you (or making the test) must be way smarter than you to measure your actual intelligence

Mine was 135 last time I was tested. I was raised demoshit and femashit, that's why it's so low. :(

see, this guy is probably good at IQ tests but hes' completely unaware of the things you can do with your mind / conciousness

Last time I checked, my IQ was 133. In the moderately gifted range, but I lacked the intellectual curiosity to improve. I'm sure it's dropped after a decade of being a wage slave that drinks too much. Anything I read longer than a NYT article has to be career related or I fall behind.

>belives in /x/-tier bullshit
literally kys.

>> he has never had shared dream with his girlfriend

sad to be you, spiritual npcs.

Anyone else have an existential crisis after discovering their IQ?
I always had the vague notion of boredome interacting with most people and I chalked it up to me just being weird.
Then I discovered I'm in the 99.5th percentile IQ. It dawned on me that the people j enjoy talking to are likely around that level as they are able to engage beyond surface level conversation.
Am I doomed to walk this world feeling alienated. Anyone able to fully integrate into society?

what else, did you and gf had the same dream where she was getting fucked by a black Somalian while you fapped you little Weiner in pleasure?

yes you should seriously kys, no joking.
if you're not smart enough to reprogram your brain for the commie-tier society, you're better of kyssing and COOMING in your grave.
kek loser

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I have a negative IQ
I make my environment more stupid
How does this work? I dunno, lol

So the key is to become a become a high ranking officer in the tankie order?
Avoid the guillotine and get rich off of seized assets. Sounds good .

Well stop taking advantage of their stupidity to fill them with your spooge then

The pain is the only thing that doesn't fade

no no, the key is for you to kys.
Simple as.

Matthew 13:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
Your spiritual IQ is retard tier bro.

IQ is not a good predictor of success.