Why even try

>be 6-2
>9/10 looks
>world famous
>great singer

And all he can get is a flat chested goblina

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who and literally whom?

>shawn mendes
>goblina something

Not white don’t care

Isn’t he dating that Cabello broad. She’s pretty attractive imo

non-whites racemix less than whites Yas Forums BTFO

Have you ever heard some of his lyrics? He's the prototype white knight faggot.

nobody cares about these people
stop posting them

>what is love

This. I must be getting old; I’ve never heard of any of these faggots

Iberian Spanish are white goy. you are thinking of brown latinos in the Americas. try not to be such a dumb nigger.

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She’s incredibly attractive. OP is gay.

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Pretty much the opposite. White women racemix the least of all race and genders, followed by white men and black women, as the later are so undesirable by all other races, that they don't get to. Ethnics mix with any white trash willing to lower himself to their niveau.

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>Europeans aren’t white
Ok mutt

this makes me nervous as a 5'11 manlet who is finally getting over his people problems and wants a gf now
can anyone who actually goes outside tell me how fucked the dating game actually is? does this site overblow it or is it really that fucked


>inb4 all the black nationalist meme flags

Not every woman is a whore like the jewish shills want you to believe just good luck finding them. They dont go to church that trap.
Just bee yourself.

Based, never heard of this ape either

Lmao his fucking legs

>kind of handsome, but skinny
>Dating a 5'1 9/10 black/latina weeb/cosplayer

My genes will conquer

as a 5'11, 6-7/10 facially, non-fat dude, how within the realm of possibility is it for me to get a non fat white girlfriend?

he's right

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He's half-canadian half-portuguese.

Jesus take ur meds bruh

It‘s moot

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Disgusting. Go promote race mixing somewhere else, spic.


Pay attention to the mans crotch. No penis or testes

She's a beard.

Everyone outside here knows.

looks like she has plastic tits

Gross! Does she even have a bemis? I'm so turned off by this woman.

>shawn mendes
you say this name with a self explanatory confidence.
please elaborate further who this is for all non-faggots.

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He’s a famous singer. You don’t know? I haven’t met a 20 year old that doesn’t known Shawn Mendes.

>baby don't hurt me

Look at the OP pic you Mongs.. she is ugly as fuck

In what world is that guy a 9/10? I mean I don't really find other dudes attractive but I'm comfortable enough in my straightness to realize what gals find good looking and that's not close to a 9

>he doesn't find this attractive
big yikes

user, you selected the Muttpocolypse Ending as your primary goal. "It was only a matter of time before Muh Dick turned everyone into a bunch of filthy mutts. At least the parties are wild. But so are the fights and lack of civilization."

Overbites are sexy af desu

>tfw you will never be tall dark and handsome

goddamnit. Females should not be allowed to post on Yas Forums. Take your Entertainment Weekly and e-celeb threads somewhere else.

you think this latino mutt is a 9/10? OP are you a 4?

There's really nothing to cope about, outside of maybe Chinkoids and some Europeans everyone is a huge race-mixed mutt on the planet.

What in the fuck is this gay ass shit?

she is just another twitter whore ebaiting any men she can get

i honestly don't. I mean i'm 35 already so maybe i'm that much out of touch...
i really don't care tho. Where did he sing? In a Band / Boygroup?
cause i don't wanna google that nasty faggot and generate clicks on him.

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If you can’t get four women a weekend you aren’t trying.
End of.
And anyway it’s over, a chinee souped a bat and now I can’t have sex.
End of.
Pic related. A selfie of me with corona.

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aww leave him alone, hes still just a normie waking up and dosing on redpills, bless his cotton socks.

Yeah he’s a famous singer, one of those pretty boy types. He sings mostly solo tho

I've noticed this too, more and more men are just fed up with prospects here stateside. The women are shit and they know they can get away with it.

More and more of my friends are dating traps, a few have boyfriends. I'm probably going to get a BF soon myself, it's either that or some rainbow haired freak with multiple bastards. Don't feel like being raped in court over tyrones son.

looks like a pajeet lol
and no, not at all

ah okay. Well ... doesn't bug me. As long as somebody has fun listening to it while getting fucked in the ass... i don't care.
thanks apu.

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

because his pp average

you dont have to be bent to see that he is well out of her league in looks

>everyone is a huge race-mixed mutt on the planet.
Imagine being this jewish

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Pick one

The ugly man on his right looks like a Paki, not a goblino

People who date for looks are the ones who end up in misedable relationships

>herrr bad picture mean she ugly
Cuban girls (non-niggers) are patrician taste

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I wouldn’t touch a - one of them - for £200 an hour.
If I wanted to I could, I’m getting dressed to see - one of them - that fancies me now . The pharmacist at Boots. She gave me a fuck ton of opiate painkillers by mistake and so I crushed and snorted them like you do. Went back and she was like
>“you can’t have your prescription you already had X amount”
so I just ordered her to bring them out and stop talking, used my I might have to get angry look like you do with kids and like a gud girl she had no choice and brought them to me. I was trying not to laugh at her and was grinning like an idiot Cheshire Cat and she must have got the wrong message and tries to talk to me every week when I go in now, she starts trembling a little bit and blurting out rubbish, you know what they get like. I put my earbuds in last week before I went in all gas masked up for corona and told her I couldn’t hear her. I’m not into non white chicks, anything more exotic than Greek and I’m not taking it on.
I turned down a shot at a porno sloot last summer because she’s half Jamaican. I don’t get turned on by beastiality either, that feels similar to race treachery.

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not a fan of the native skull shape and features

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On paper she's attractive, but...yet....ack. no.

She looks pretty to me. Was Yas Forums always this gay?

I had a dream I took a picture of Greta Thunberg while she was sitting on a camping chair on a snowy mountain top overlooking the mountainous horizon giving way to twilight during the blue hour and the stars giving way