Aus/pol/ - Fuck Jannies, Mods and Kikes

They deleted aus/pol/ because they kept banning everyone here and it did not work but we must show them it will never work




It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

If you're an Australian Yas Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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based ausies are the best anons
kike ausies are the worst anons

Take your meds


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Why did you delete aus/pol/ you kike nigger?
Thread was near 100 posts when it was deleted and you thought no one would notice?

OP is a fag

>all of those honeypot links
Mate, you may as well just report yourself on the ASIO website

See how mad you shareblue/correct the record/memelab chink cunts are?

Stay mad it helps.
Try and debunk anything linked on the OP and maybe then we can talk.

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The occidental Observer is run by an aristocratic banker. Are they really interested in selling you truth?

Why are Jannies mad at aus/pol/?
Did a bunch of fuckwits from some australian political party get jannie positions maybe?
I can't see why such a well known and commonly reposted copy pasta for aus/pol/ would be deleted otherwise.

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the occidental observer is made by, run by and funded by aus/pol/ you mongoloid, the servers are owned by him.

You new here memeflag?

>Corona-Chan might have just flew over my house

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>If I own the server of a Website, I care not who moderates its posts.


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>website funded by and operated by Yas Forums users is owned and controlled by evil nasty bankers
okay meme flag, i believe you.

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I am just up the road from a hospital, definitky alot more helicopters recently.

Right. And that's supposed to be a better reason to believe those articles you posted?
Yeah i am, I don't stray outside of Syria general or aus/pol/ and it's been years since i browsed Yas Forums at all.

Know what a good communist is?
A dead communist and what are you being right now?
Not a very good communist.
Don't you have some starvation to complete?

Hello guess I ought to thank all you hard working wagies as since I have been on newstart I have managed to amass a savings of $1000 thanks to the Scomo one off Coronavirus stimulus package. I know a grand ain't much but it's a start.

That's a pretty original thought you have there. Completely independent and autonomous. I'm very envious of this ability you have to be a free thinker.

Fuck i love aus/pol/ never change lads, you cunts give me hope for the future.

why is a nazbol larper in this thread

Is tht kind of like how all communists kind of think the same thing? There is no little voice in a communists head they just do without thinking, they are broken beyond repair, they have been demoralised and there is no return from demoralisation which is why you can't convince them to think differently about their opinions even if shown clear evidence that their opinion is wrong.

Much like modern feminism another thing caused by kikes, is that why you deleted the last aus/pol/?

Because you are a fucking angry Yidfly?

Why do kikes come here when all they can do is whinge and complain?
Either debunk the OP or fuck off you stupid fucking Neanderthals.

Thank you now we can have our shitpost thread back, stay gone you stupid fucking Yidfly cunts.

You're a fucking retard. Australia is too big to function as an ethnostate. Any Aussies with actually GOOD skills and qualifications get poached by the UK or USA (read: WHITE countries) so it's literally white countries ruining Australia.
The only Aussies that stay here are ones who make bad career choices and get useless degrees and have to go into sales or some gay shit like that. And then local WHITE employers need actually skilled labour (which they can't get since they all fucked off to the USA where they get paid 4 times what they could earn here) and so they higher non-whites to fill it and keep their businesses competitive.

Australia could only work as an ethnostate if either
a) Only 1 or 2 states were ethnostates, Tassie maybe at most.
b) Australia focused on nationalism instead of ethnonationalism.

The whole country being an ethnostate though? Would never work.
Oh and it's white people vying for Indian engineers and analysts, it's white people who CHOSE Chinese sellers over Aussie ones back during the gold rush days.

I've had Corona 6 times already. I just back that chinky dink shit off cause I'm a hard cunt

Stay mad memelab you will never take control of this thread, you have been trying to do it for 5 fucking years why do you think 2020 is your year?
It isn't even if you can delete the thread it just angers the Jannie poster and makes you dumb fucks lose your jannie positions when mods realise what you did.

Stop playing with fire or you will get burned, you think this is bad?
aus/pol/ has doxxed and ended entire political parties, had people arrested after hacking and transferring pedo shit onto their PC's and all the nasty shit you could ever imagine and aus/pol/ can and will do it again test aus/pol/ and see where it gets you.
There is a reason this general and others exist. any attempt to remove them causes some weapons grade autism to be unleashed.

>we NEED to import street shitting retards and dog eaters because some Aussies work overseas


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had some easy mac but I'm still hungry

eat non-shit food

Fuck yeah. Don'y forget the jungle bunnies that come here and definitely don't form crime gangs. They are so necessary

>just sold my house and was gonna move to Qld next month
Yah some faggot rekt my thread yesterday as well wtf

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I wish I lived in a big city where is would Not it be weird to get food delivery this late

i hate that bitch so fucking much
how'd she win again?

Nsw here fuck knows
Now I gotta go pay some boomer rent

Never said this. I was simply explaining why it happens.

3 massive landmasses can't all be white ethnostates. They're too big.


Where's me fucken sevenfiddy?

I don’t get it

>They're too big.
not a single thing you've said has meant anything

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Do you have down syndrome? Sounds like you're a bit retarded

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you are a fucking retard, Australia was as white ethnostate up until 1975.

why did jannies yesterday delete a high quality thread about predictions for the time after corona?

Does the simplified OP need to be posted?
Here is the OP in picture form for retards.

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According to Yas Forums logic the UK, USA and Australia should all be ethnostates despite all evidence showing that would never work.

Yeah before the technological and trade boom where everything nowadays is IT, you fucking retard.

Wasn't even one at federation mate. We should have killed all the abbos.

it just suits you not to think so because you're either a fucking slant eyed bat eater or a pajeet with a fake degree driving a taxi

I'm just a peaceful neet but yeah the fuckwhits grenading auspols are retards
This thread is literally to contain autism unironically.
Oh well in nsw I shall stay not like I'll magically improve my life by moving anyway

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Why does shareblue/correct the record/memelab even attempt to come on aus/pol/?
I thought the whole reason behind combining shareblue and correct the record into memelab was because you were being identified on a fucking anonymous image board..... Why are you cunts so fucking retarded?
Is a requirement for working at memelab an IQ of 63?

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>the technological and trade boom
You buy into globalism. You sound like a tranny with down syndrome?

You mean back when Australia was self sustained without foreign corruption?
What a trade off mate.
How is that working out in the modern day?
We experiencing an economic collapse due to foreign dependence during a pandemic or nah all good?

going to be real fun if the restrictions are lifted and the state governments have to get for tourists again. might as well balkanise and become independent countries.

they won because Liberals were being fuckwits, ironic because Liberals decimated Labor in the election before it because federal Labor were being fuckwits. Fairly sure ON is going to clean up most seats outside of Brisbane this election, people are starting to see that the two party system isn't working.

because browbeating is the only thing they have left they don't even believe the shit they say

I love how your tune immediately now shifts from ethnostate to globalism.
So you now admit that nationalism is the way to go and no ethnostatism?


fuck off falcunt

it's a combination of foreign dependence, and the fact that the eternal boomer is willing to sink this fucking country to stave off death for a couple of years

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I think Daddy might be wasting his money paying for you to go to uni

Might as well make this the new normal.
Lmao you lot think this locked boarders are temporary

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You cunts see what i see right? this cunt from memelab he is saying Australia needs foreign dependence, he is supporting that shit that is his purpose in this thread to spread that message.
He thinks this giant fucking country with a small population should prostitute its resources to other nations and depend on that money from feirgners instead of keeping it all to ourselves and being minerally rich.
Shit look at our food production, coronavirus proves Australia needs to import NOTHING.
We produce enough food to feed a popultion of 75 million which Australia should never reach in the first place, greenies don't realise that more population means tearing down what small nature reserves we have left right?
It is that or reducing the amount of farm land we have.

>fuck off falcunt
Lol so it wa you baiting me I thought it was

You are the one asking for globalism i am the one supporting a self sustained ethnostate which we would have right now if it was not for a group of 12 kikes in the 1970's

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Why are kikes so fucking dumb?
They had a paradise down here with us lads and they ruined it for all of us.

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Not what I said at all yet it doesn't futurist me an unemployed centrelink bum can't read properly.

My point from the start wasn't that this country's problem is that it's not a white ethnostate. That's only a symptom.
Its problem is it keeps getting robbed by other WHITE nations.
You said it yourself by specifying "nations" and not "brown nations" or whatever.
Australia needs to focus on itself, not on skin color. Skin color focus is what got us into this mess.