How is this okay in USA?
How is this okay in USA?
Because we wanna weed out the lazy degenerates
I don't understand why so many people in this country are ok with almost all the money going to corporations and rich people.
I was gonna bump this thread, but you're a faggot
>I don't understand why so many people in this country are ok with almost all the money going to corporations and rich people.
Paying a percentage of peoples wages like they are in England will do that even more.
The richer you are the more money the government gives you.
And corporation dont have to pay a wage bill of course.
America has more people than all those countries.
Canada isn't sending everyone 2k a month. Only people who don't otherwise qualify for EI and had to stop working. A single person who is a net tax payer with no dependents and can continue working get absolutely nothing.
The fuck are you going to do about it?
You still bumped it retard
Highlight the post you want to quote and click the numbers of said post.
You fucking new faggots.
It's just a start
President Trump is obviously interested in Andrew Yang's plan
UBI may actually be a thing in the near future
This is a very strange fenomenon, ruling class clearly despises the plebs but they still worship them, not only an american thing tho
200m people vs 10m people that make 30k a year.
We are the richest big dicked motherfuckers around where our poor make 50k a year you fucking poor god damn Europeans. You couldn't even afford half of their god damn salary
Thats what I did.
Maybe blumpf sabotaged my post.
You dumb peasants miss the part where the fat faggot fed is paying $600 a week on top of state unemployment?
They also increased unemployment benefits.
everyone on unemployment will be getting over 600 a week.
Stupid uninformed shill thread
>Pandemic goes on for months
>All other countries collapse because giving everyone unlimited free money collapses their economy
>USA is the last country standing
Looks like USA are the only smart country
It's not for free.
Everyone has just been closed out of the property market in UK, as mortgages now require 40%+ downpayment minimum.
im posting and not bumping, whatre you gonna do about it?
Poor niggers btfo, that's why user.
Where's my money...Don't tell me I got to fuck Sophie again... I will want double pay this time.
It's not an idolatry issue, but rather many Americans believe they can hit it high too. Hopeless fools they are
Have you tried to file? I have been since day1 and continue to get retarded error messages etc. $0 from UI, even though I've paid into it regularly for 16 years lmfaio what a clown world.
Pitchforks coming
Niggers dunno what a sage is?
I was hoping this crisis would make houses affordable again
The government doesn't have the money to do this, they just print it out of thin air
Nah the Trumpbux handouts are a temporary thing due to a global emergency.
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money and so you cant keep doing it forever.
If they did, there would be no money available when a catastrophe like this happened.
>2k a month
i fucking wish
America is collapsing and I'm completely fine with it.
No. Our future is set.
>fake as fuck
"Denmark" is not paying 75% of people's salary, and most people are still working here anyways.
Just got off work myself.
it's kinda unfair to compare usa to first world countries
Most of us are already rich af nigga
>Canada: Sending everyone 2k/month
More like Canada: Sending those who qualify approx $1400 USD a month
Obviously it's temporary, but I'm sure they're also going to observe what effect it will have on the country.
Honestly with all the technological advances we have. We should only be working 4 hours a day with a more flexible workforce. This incentive may even boost our internal markets that were almost bled dry from the vulturous oligarchs
I don't understand how we've left so many communists into our country?
Lol the last bill cost about 35,000 bucks per capita and you're getting 1,200. The rest is going to airlines, banks, etc.
>it's kinda unfair to compare usa to first world countries
It sounds like you dont know the definition of first second and third world countries?
Imagine having and wanting to rely on your ruling class for free hand outs. Peasant mind set
Not really. You want to enforce labor based slavery.
>Sending everyone 2k/month
Canada is doing even less than the US.
Turdeau is just really good at putting lipstick on a pig.
You forgot to deduct income tax
Say that now. When your net is gone, your phone is dead, and you cant find food....
It's coming, faggot. Better get your dick suckin skills tuned up, you gotta survive somehow.
If they cut off immigration then wages would rise exponentially and potentially you could get to the point where 4 hours per day was the norm.
I seem to remember a Hitler quote about productive man having about 4 hours of decent work in him per day.
You would at the very least need to finish the wall and deport the illegals before giving free money handouts.
It's clear you don't understand very much.
Newfags don't know the secret codes. I didn't bump this shill-faggot shit, either.
>1 post by this ID
>misleading or false bait image
>no sources
>muh drumphf
yeah no
I have no idea. Im not really sure why its suddenly fashionable to not allow the business cycle to take place anymore? Why do cruiseliners need taxpayer bailouts? Why does boeing? If these industries are so important, why dont we nationalize them instead of giving them infinite no-interest, pay back never, loans?
Fuck, off by one...
i dont want my income to be tax to just be given to a nigger. Get it, canadian faggot?
Most of are economy is fake--and retards gravitated to the corporations that produced nothing of value for society. We don't need people like think like that, nor the corporations they support.
USA is shaking off the fat--you retards are building giant nigger magnents of gibs to further kike your own retarded countries.
Americans ditched the retarded, myopic, ideals of the EU and crated america. Why would we want to devolve into your retardation now?
Canada: 2,000 CAD a month to those who qualify, for 4 months or when the plague stops, whatever comes first.
That 1200 bucks is worth more than your entire economy but don't worry, I'm just gonna send mine to Israel.
I didn't want to bump this thread but I just wanted to say... Up yours Chinksect and/or Kikestein
Do you know how many fucking workers in this country literally JUST lost their jobs and CANT file for unemployment because of _________ (you fill in the blank faggot)
yeah, you dont know. there are people across this entire country that are contracted, or in some kind of fucked up temp-agreement, or length of work wasnt long enough, or __________ (the reasons go on, faggot)
This country is literally imploding in on itself. The credit card debt caused by this pandemic alone is going to be economy-destroying. Not to mention defaults on cars, houses, credit lines are about to go through the roof.
I was hoping so too desu.
Guess I'll be a forever rentcuck
By April 30th, when the governor lifts the stay-at-home order, Louisiana will have been shut down for 8 weeks.
Everyone was ok with “doing their part” for a few weeks. Most people (including business owners) said fuck it and went back to work regardless of what the government told them.
The big question is what those who are still out of work are going to do. No one really seems to be talking about the future, either short term or long term.
If things dont go back to some normalcy by May we will probably get another 1200
In Israel it's even worse.
We are forced to rely on our regular unemployment insurance (80% of pay for only about 2-5 months).
Now the government shat out a new "support program" with 80 billion shekels. Only 20 of those will go towards the unemployment insurance payments.
The rest are 20 billion shekels as giveaways to banks and businessowners, and 40 billion shekels aren't even giveaways, they're just loans (30 billion toward "low interest loans" to businesses, 10 billion as some sort of bond fund businesses can buy).
Oh, and a one-time payment of 500 shekels per child/pensioner (that's $140). If you don't have children or aren't a pensioner, you can go get fucked.
>When your net is gone
Why these faggots disguising themselves as Americans on pol?
Well as long the company for which I work gets enough of that government tit to keep me employed for another 30 years I really don’t give a fuck.
Because the money going to the corporations means they are not allowed to lay off employees which keeps people employed and they continue to make their salary, which is more than a government payout, and better for the country and economy as a whole. Without the corporate payouts, I wouldn't have a job right now.
>all those US flag trying to justify it
>not realizing that most of those claims are either false or so much full of fine prints that they are pointless
$56k is your median, which means 50% of people earn less and 50% earn more
This is most people's attitude
If the government allowed large companies to fail, it would open the way for smaller companies to innovate and grow and create new jobs.
You're right. Immigration is an issue that I see, but if our work culture can transform with a positive effect, then a lot of issues can solve itself. We will have an exponential baby boom since post WWII. With Whites getting leeway in the daytime, we can essentially "Nordify" the country with a birthing bomb and possibly expand to Latin America, should we have more imperialistic ambitions, and their countries can get better too if they assimilate to our ideals
I served in the army for six years and I felt like a zombie in an infinite loop of work/sleep. It was dreadful and my social life was nonexistant
Now that I'm in part-time with full disability (thanks a lot Uncle Sam) I have a steady stream of financial security and have enough time to look for a partner and start a family while seeking for a better job. It worked with me and I feel it can honestly positively affect everyone too
With America getting true prosperity, everyone wins
>income tax on 8k and no other revenue
Oh no, it’s retarded
Under different circumstances, yes. But right now mom and pop shops aren't working. There will be some smaller companies to come out of this, but given everything that is happening currently, thia is for the best. In addition, those large companies failing now means millions more out of jobs which we can't currently afford.
You are right, but this circumstance isn't normal.
Repeat thread, utter shite.
>no replies on only factual response
Shit like this really makes me think most of Yas Forums is underage
You can actually apply for 100% unemployment atm. You're just stirring shit.
the jews created them as their golems, now they have their own little subservient degenerate pets
Maybe the circumstance isn't normal, but it's an opportunity to change the despicable economic order that's been established since FDR.