To all Mohammeds and Svens of Sweden
How do you honestly feel about your government's latent response to the pandemic? Are you shitting bricks or still in denial
Asking for a concerned friend
To all Mohammeds and Svens of Sweden
How do you honestly feel about your government's latent response to the pandemic? Are you shitting bricks or still in denial
Asking for a concerned friend
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I'm honestly cool with it.
Not that we have much of an economy but we're not crashing it for this shit atleast.
Wish we would have closed the border though (preferably 20yrs ago).
Muslims don't really care about the individual, they are like insects or Chinese as long as a few survive to reproduce they will be fine and continue to infect their host countries.
The quicker this blows over the better.
100-300k deaths is an acceptable price.
Yeah, you can't afford to pay for pensions and infinite shitskins at the same time
Nice ww2 prison clothes...
imagine being an old sven in sweden right now, 50 years building the country to get fucking thrown away like trash in favor of muhammads
Most boomers have voted for S in every election and deserve to die.
Really dont give a fuck, i got every thing i need and im just being comfy inside. Many will die and the government will become hated. Shorted the market in feb and became rich. Corona is the best thing that could happen to me. Feelsgoodman
Swedish government is still in denial. their state epidemiologist was busy shitting on my country and Norway for the lockdown, they reap what they sow. 40 Swedecucks died just today, the day isn't even over yet
Too bad they can't put respirators mudslime woman. That'd break their face seal.
So sad.
and now there are crickets on Swedish plebbit. they were busy salivating over that Tegnell cuck, guess they're silent now and pretend problems don't exist as usual
>the day isn't even over yet
it is though. the rest that die today will be included in tomorrows death tally.
and yesterday 59 Swedes and "Swedes" died, this is no bueno
Dr. Tengele admitted he was wrong today.
1 / 3 nursing homes already infected. Triage will happen fast in Sweden better pray mohammed is not occupying the ventilators once you and your mom and dad gets sick Sven.
Sweden failed again. jesus fucking christ your country is an embarrassment, a shitstain on the Nordic countries
correct. i don't think normie svens quite comprehend just how many are about to die in the coming weeks.
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The more Swedes that die the better. Ideally all Swedes will commit suicide ASAP
Beds no one can pay for.
>Not that we have much of an economy but we're not crashing it for this shit atleast.
You in a way deserve what is going to happen, and I hope you will learn something from it.
>Most boomers have voted for S in every election and deserve to die.
But the journalists that lied to them, how do you plan to get them to pay?
All the mainstream journalists are dependant on government handouts so they will simply be left to starve when the government collapses.
>correct. i don't think normie svens quite comprehend just how many are about to die in the coming weeks.
No wonder, since they still belive what the regime media tells them.
I have been reading on Flashback(largest Swedish forum), and is horrified about the naivety a lot of the posters show.
Yes like barely any at all will die. It’s a fake fucking hoax.
Flashback is cancer, they don't like the current government but everyone there is a complete turboboomer who still endorses the underlying system as long as SD is the ruling party. They essentially want to go back to the system used in the 70s. They don't understand that this bitch has to be crashed.
Coronavirus is a hoax.
>All the mainstream journalists are dependant on government handouts
I'm afraid that the government will be able to carry on.
I do hope that some Swedes will take revenge after their parents died so Muhammed could live.
Meh. Me and my girl are rural af in a county with 0 deaths the last two days. As soon as the sami-mold gtfo we are moving out on my island. Yes, I have an island. So Im good, I'll be sitting in my boat with a Corona watching retards drop like flies. Feelsgoodman.mp4
And so will you.
>They essentially want to go back to the system used in the 70s
That is kind of understandable.
>They don't understand that this bitch has to be crashed.
What I fear is that the average Swedes is so competent, that the crash don't happen until it's too late.
>I'm afraid that the government will be able to carry on.
Well, nothing is gonna get better until the current system completely collapses. It's unsalvageable and doomed from the start.
>Me and my girl
No parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts?
I just told some Americans that they deserve to die for sucking billionaire dick and so do you somalians.
No virus has ever been isolated from a human subject. Everything we know about viruses is a lie. What are identified as "viruses" are a most likely just one form of a pleomorphic germ created endogenously in the human body, and used to break down diseased tissue to prevent aging. Viruses do not pass Koch's Postulates: they have never even been proven to exist, let alone proven to cause disease. Stefan Lanka's claim that measles has never been proven to exist was upheld by the German federal court. Germ theory is wrong, and Louis Pasteur was a fraud and a plagiarist. Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause. The tests for coronavirus are fake. Every single person who has tested positive for COVID-19 recieved a false positive. The tests are for genetic material nonexclusive to COVID-19, and we have no reference to validate the accuracy of the tests. In fact, we have never proven the genetic material detected on the tests is even contained in a virus. They have never isolated the virus from anyone. Dogs, sheep, pigs, have all tested positive for COVID-19, which is 100% impossible. Viruses are specific to the cells of the species. Viruses cannot mutate across species. It would be about as likely for one of your cells to suddenly start producing dog cells or sheep cells. It can never happen. We have never proven this virus contains the genetic material on the tests. It could be from our own cells, a bacteria, or fungus. We have no idea. How are we falling for this?
Confirmed: 5 466
Deaths: 282
Recovered: 103
and this happens when you import those doctors that can't read or write in any language
>And so will you.
I hope Coronachan will fuck our economy enough, so that the multicult dies, but I fear that is not going to happen.
I'm now considering moving to Sweden if the jews don't kill me in the US in the next month.
>old people die, be afraid
nigger kike.
>It's unsalvageable and doomed from the start.
It's that countries like Brazil have not crashed, that really scares me.
Sweden isnt worried about Corona because all their women have contracted AIDS from all the niggers raping them while their men are cucks and dont do shit about it
Dad died late feb. Grandparents long gone. Aunt is a terrible, terrible person that Im praying to the gods that she gets corona'd. I think my uncle is dead, junkie fuck.
My girl is 25, her eggs are good for another while so no need for kids just yet. I have no loans or nothing and keen on keeping it that way, therefor no kids just yet.
>Deaths: 282
If you die in an old peoples home or at home, you are not counted as dying from Corona.
take your pills user
Brazil has a bunch of logging and mining and shit that keeps it running. Sweden is a pile of gravel in the sub-arctic region with no natural resources to speak of.
lol Swedes would rather break an arm or a leg than cut gibs to feed their pet mudslimes and niggers
give up your freedoms, goy
Is your name Mohammad or Yousef? If not may be difficult.
>blows over
lol ok boomer
Stale pasta
I think we’re in for a real struggle in 10-15 days. Lots of focus on the healthcare, obviously, but my workplace is slowly crumbling. Half staff of 500 are either home sick themselves or caring for another sick. Now we’re getting notification each day of another dead colleague. Healthy people around 50 years old dying.
If the hospitals can manage then we can keep going as we do, no use locking everything down just yet. People are going to get infected either way.
Swedes practice social distancing by default.
I've wanted to behead the ugly traitors publicly for a decade so this is neither surprising or infuriating me further. Kinda sucks though, because I have a family to worry about.
asking for a friends = zio thread sage.
>South Korea
you kidding?
At least compared to all the other nordics you're riding the steepest curve at the moment.
God's speed swedebro
Bruh. It has an incubation period of about 10 days. If you start lockdowns only when hospitals are starting to get swamped, you are royally fucked but you just don't know it yet.
Healthy ppl at 50 doesnt die from corona you stupid fucking nigger. Seriously, why the fuck can´t people learn to read statistics from Italy and every other country. Only the old and/or sick are dying, and they would die from an ordinary flu as well. The regular healthy individuals below 70 will survive this fucking virus. And there is the one or two exceptions, hence the word "exception". I for one can never die from the flue. I am 26 years old and healthy like a horse. Eat vegetables and meat, avoid sugar, exercise 4-5 days a week and don´t drink too much alcohol. If you got bad genes, then stay the fuck home. Do not shut down society because your of bad genetics.
Sweden has the best healthcare in the world! Even Americans like Bernie Sanders want to copy it. We also have plenty of caregivers because we're not bigots. I think we'll be comfy.
maybe it's racist to fight the virus or something
Stunning and brave.
kys you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker.
Yous like a nigger who thinks he can just say fancy words and don't know they mean.
Cope more Muhammed
3 this week.
In the US a Crirical Care bed can just be a bed manned full time with a nurse, in other countries it means ventilator, oxygen supply, etc at the minimum.
S never wanted wanted multiculti. If you paid any sort of attention you'll know Göran Persson was opposed.
Reinfeldt was the key person who brought this on us. M, C (muh 30 million), Mp and V were the parties.
They're still voting for S though.
>muh moderaterna i right-wing i learnt that in school
Fuck off.
Not only is this objectively wrong, you can still spread it.
You have infinite oil money, you will NEVER be rid of multiculti
We are going full Weimar in 20s and will have a glorious fashy revival in the 30s. Sorry to break it to you, fishbro. Maybe anschluss later
>muh moderaterna i right-wing i learnt that in school
I have no idea why you are bringing this up. We were talking about S-boomers.
Seize the means of productions..I mean quarantine am I rite hahah?
This is why you should take the VANDALPILL.
It's available in English as well at
You were trying to blame it on M like there's a difference between the parties.