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Line go down!?!?!? Line only go up!!!!

Dont worry, money printing will start in few minutes.

a lil graph I made a few weeks ago

Attached: 1585160122752.jpg (906x237, 47.16K)

Wtf? I'm gonna sell now

You made a line?

>eet bounced?

Attached: 45564312.jpg (1280x720, 71.15K)

>rule #1 when Rothschild's are selling, sell. when they are buying, buy.
>rule #2 you'll never know when they are selling or buying

>You made a line?

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I made a thread on monday saying the stock will crash crazy later that day. I guess I was wrong by a couple of days, that didn't stop the shills from calling me a faggot.

>dead cat bounce
Everyone that says this on Yas Forums needs to be shot in the face. You're not smart, you can't predict the market, and you are indeed a gigantic nigger faggot. Please put an end to your miserable, worthless life.

No way! If I just stare at these charts long enough I can predict the future, you'll see!!!!
I'll prove it to you by posting a screen shot of my new Robinhood account going up 30%

Attached: 53478953456783901.jpg (641x855, 76.09K)

>You're not smart, you can't predict the market, and you are indeed a gigantic nigger faggot
Lmao, stfu.
>infectious disease going around
>everyone under lockdown
>businesses cannot operate
>everything is closed, no one is working
>but the stock still magically keeps going up
No nigger, everyone with a more than 1 brain cell could tell the stock is about to crash hard as soon as trump said the coronavirus measures will last till at least the first of may. Don't expect the stock to go up anytime for the next 3 weeks. If things get worse and the measures get extended until june, the stock is going to plunge even further, which seems to be the way things are going right now thanks to the incompetence of your favourite moron who found himself in the oval office. Keep fooling yourself. Short of a cure/vaccine in the next week and some way to mass produce it and deploy it within 2 weeks, the stock market will keep it's decent down the shitter.

End of capitalism soon, it's habbening i tod u guys


It’s embarrassing seeing these little kids spam “dead cat bounce” like they just learned the phrase

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imagine if you could pull up a console of real life. And then input

>set market_dow 22000

thats basically how the real life marke has now become.


Bring in the printer boyos.

Post your portfolio filled with millions because you timed the market just right. You fucking won't.

just set this shit at 0, wall street is made for the jews

Attached: yodaisrael.jpg (715x573, 86.4K)

>you need a portfolio to understand that a complete standstill with everything locked down will result in a plunge in stocks
Post your 60 IQ score on the IQ test

>I don't have a portfolio that I will post showing my incredible market prowess, but you're dumb.
Okay champ

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Why can't you just admit I was right, niggers

It will bottom at 3000.

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IMPRESSIVE grasp on the obvious there mr retard


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3000 it is

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up 400 today faggot

If you turn it upside down it doesn't look that bad

the money is fake anyway, why shouldn't the graph be too?

Has the unemployment not sunk in yet?
Though at this point, US unemployment may as well be decoupled with stonks, fucking gig economy.

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Yeah but my line goes over 30k in two years

>people actually brought the "dip"

I can't even.

>6 million unemployed and Dow Jones more or less remains the same

This is bottom, I think


Daddy, why does america's economy look exactly like a buble?

the stock market is actually appropriately valued, but the reason is inflation not any innovation or increase in productivity

Sad but true

based biz Algerianbro.

A.k.a the "Boomer Trap".

>t. neocon boomer

>using Futures as a metric
Futures are a terrible look at what the market is GOING to do. It's faggots making moves based on what they think is going to happen when the market opens. It usually moves in the opposite direction that futures predict.
>bottom at 3000
Not a fucking chance in hell. The Fed will prop it up. I could MAYBE see it dropping to 15k, but even that's unlikely unless these lockdowns continue through August with no additional stimulus packages

Almost as if it was planned

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Can you explain your methodology here? What is the basis for the calculation you did?


You sound like a hipster butthurt someone found out about hiss off brand of seltzer.

I drew a line

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>The Fed will prop it up
the fed is already propping it up. Country is at a stand still with 10m unemployed and some how it's rallying

Where's that $2 trillion gone?

im pretty sure our next stop is argentina, a fluttering economic disaster that implodes every 5-10 years. Argentina has essentially been in the doldrums since the 90s with very little in the way of economic "growth"

Jew offshore bank accounts with direct ties to Israeli government.

Standstill? Wtf are you doing? Business as usual where I work

Its so awesome that the Gov stepped in so that every man woman and child could be bag holders for the super rich to the tune of around 30,000 dollars each.

The true line would start in 95'. The market is overvalued right now but after Corona has passed we are heading back to 30,000, probably by 2022.