Yet they dont quarantine the insane women and they dont close the hospitals worldwide . But they lockdown the whole world and arrest people for going outside . IF this doesnt make you question the legitimacy of this virus then you are truly lost and should kill yourself
Abortion is the number 1 killer
Other urls found in this thread:
Ya but it's their body so it empowers them. They drink the spinal fluid of the baby and when they become single mothers down the road, it activates their super powers just like the bumper stickers say. Bigot.
And a week later we're up to 50,000 for COVID, and daily death rates are now more than AIDS
doesn't kill any humans, sorry that you can't enslave women user.
Ya, they're just parasites!!!
this is preventing them from becoming single mothers. I know Yas Forums has a soft spot for single mothers and wishes we had more of them, but personally I think single mothers are harmful
As long as it proportionally kills more browns Abortion os a good thing.
Keep Abortion Legal
The key is killing off your spawn when it's a white pregnancy and then going through with it when it's Tyrone's baby. You get one shot at activating your super power and the darker the seed, the more powerful the abortion fluids make you.
It's obvious you'd want to abort 5 white babies before birthing a black one because that's when it's strongest.
>source: My ass
Why is a Facebook meme on here? Go ahead and find stats for Malaria deaths for 2 months of this year lol
The preferred term is people of colour
>people dying with pre-existing conditions are dying , this means that this fabricated by the media virus is the cause
How can you be this delusional ?
>sorry that you can't enslave women user.
the shill finally reveals himself
Good. Most abortions are had by niggers/spics/white trash.
Half of all niggers in the US were never born because of abortion.
Christcucks can go suck a dick and die.
Most of those 9 million abortions were subhumans/niggers/inferior genetic trash.
Good riddance.
hahahahaha you christ fags need to just kill yourselves so you can go be with your sky daddy.
shoo shoo juden
most of the people who die from the corona virus are literal human garbage which is already 1 foot in the grave with weak immune system . They always suffer from something else and they are labeled as corona virus death . why they dont have troops for the 2 million cancer deaths ? Thats preventable . Why they dont have tanks in the streets for the 1,1 smoking deaths ? thats preventable .
Things like this give me hope. I'm going through so much shit, but I'm not one of the 2 million people who either suicided or drank and smoked themselves to death in the last 3 months. Thats something.
>>source: My ass
are you literally retarded >? the source is displayed in below the stats . Also there are many more sources on this , plus it is a common knowledge
Weird how this source-less info lists deaths for smoking AND cancer
Almost like it's bullshit
>are you literally retarded? the source is displayed in below the stats
Nigger do you know how they get their stats? The WHO. You know what the entirety of the WHO's page on Malaria consists of?
>Every 2 minutes, a child dies of malaria. And each year, more than 200 million new cases of the disease are reported. Although countries have dramatically reduced the total number of malaria cases and deaths since 2000, progress in recent years has stalled. Worryingly, in some countries, malaria is on the rise.
That's it
Seems bretty good source there Zhaou
What would you suppose the leading cause of death is in smokers? Cancer? Then why is it listed twice? If it's Emphysema, why isn't that listed instead?
The only thing I'll take away from this Corona Chan bullshit is that I learned the flu kills a lot of fucking people each year.
I'm glad I'm not old and sicky...yet.
>if you don't want to enslave women then you're a shill!
I used to be pro abortion
I mean I guess I still am
but I've had to reconcile to myself that it is killing babies, it's just that we've socially accepted that it's okay to kill these particular babies
that's kind of fucked, but, whatever. the largest moral outrage and worst thing to ever happen in history is factory farming, and none of these anti abortion types give a single care about that
>not humans
>full human dna at conception
Imagine being this retarded. Yikes.
>but, whatever. the largest moral outrage and worst thing to ever happen in history is factory farming
fuck off back to plebbit and stay there
This is stupid, it shouldn't even contribute to the death rate.. IT'S JUST A CLUMP OF CELLS!!!
i am all about enslaving women , but he accused me that i cant do it , this is why i called him a shill .
>factory farming is worse than killing children
woah there bucko, everyone can agree factory farming is wrong but c'mon. Eat grass fed beef and local source produce.
>you should do this
okay, i'll do that and i'll save like 2 cows from being hurt.
and then china culls literally several billion pigs in the blink of an eye, the largest non-natural death event of cognizant organisms in the history of earth
good thing i saved those two cows, though
in the future, factory farming will be seen as worse than holocaust-type events. if it isn't, then we will have been destroyed by ourselves, since we failed as a species and inevitably fell to nuclear war or manmade pathogens
all Catholic Churches are closed but all planned parenthoods are open.. sick
if coranivirus shut down planned parenthood itd be saving more lives then taking
Malaria does not have the mortality rate you seem to be implying, my retarded yank friend.
church definitively gives people coronavirus
abortion clinics definitively prevent people from getting coronavirus
>ensuring women don't murder their offspring = enslaving them
Men are also enslaved by this logic though you mutant - enslaved in that we're not free to kill humans as we please.
>What would you suppose the leading cause of death is in smokers?
expiration from looking way cool
abortion is a tricky moral widget, but nu-pol/'s 85% anti stance is bepuzzling
Go back to Twitter/ Reddit.
Also I'll volunteer to abort any children you conceive 5th trimester and onward
Abort all non-white babies
if you think that white people wont be effected by the abortion laws then you are stupid or a lying shill . Abortion is something which is going to harm the while race more than any other race
Where's the number of deaths from being a fat fuck?
you ever play pool with a woman?
sometimes when they make a bad shot or scratch the 8 ball or something, you just laugh and let them put the balls back on the table and do it again
that's what having an abortion is. it's not losing the whole game because you made one bad mistake
everyone has a better time in the end
Most of these abortion deaths are future nigger walking crime-waves. Keep abortion legal. Psyop into black neighborhoods.
Do you REALLY want an extra 5M niggers every single year?
i really hope you're not promoting veganism. Grass fed meat is the least harmful to wildlife and the enviroment, you are a carnivore
>two forward facing eyes
>one high acid stomach
>bread invented only 5000 years ago, what did europeans eat during winters
use your brain, youre being used
I did try to strike normies with that paradox but mass media is too strong: you cannot discuss women's rights.
Even when confronted with real stats, normies are imune to awareness.
These are bogus estimates.
Give me a detailed report like we get on coronavirus and then we're talking.
ok retard
just because the burger tastes yummy and you don't want to give it up doesn't make you less of a fat undisciplined faggot.
>giving up trying to logically justify murder and admitting "fuck it, I support it anyway :)"
Thank you, user. This is really all I require from simps and moids who support abortion; if they simply admit that they're willing to kill humans because of their own laziness then we can begin the actual discussion of why simps and moids are not currently imprisoned/enslaved.
Jesus fuck do we really have room for 9 million more poor negroes??
literally almost all animals are opportunistic scavengers, literally any animal will happily eat meat nuts and berries its too dumb to pass up an good oporutinty its just specialization where humans have evolved not to have to catch things with our teeth
literal retard
you are a slave
If you are fat fuck, any desease will kill you faster, lungs, heart, wathever
>we can begin the actual discussion of why simps and moids are not currently imprisoned/enslaved.
because society at large has voted to allow it, and we live in a society, so you're outnumbered and don't matter.
>Abortion is the number 1 killer
why go on and on about shit when you don't know the other person's position
i am promoting lab grown meat
>i am promoting fake meat
you hate nature just admit it?
The only whites who get abortions are degenerate liberals. traitors are a bigger threat than the enemy. abortion is great and I would support the govt completely subsidizing it.
have sex
>meme source
Ok faggot, bring up an actual argument next time.
Nothingburgers are really losing their minds in quarantine....
Humans are obligate carnivores, also, humans do not require fiber to "stimulate peristalsis" you fucking moron...
>the government creates libtards , race traitors and degenerates by its oppressive system and mass media brainwashing
>i will still support the gov in order to remove the problem which is created by them , even if it means destroying my race and me
the absolute state of Yas Forums
Society at large also treats women like second class citizens, according to moids and simps, therefore we should allow this because clearly moids and simps do not matter.