Is that the irony of life or was it put there on purpose?

The most famous parts of Bill Gates' computer program are:
He sold an operating system idea to IBM but he didn't really have anything and he ripped off the creator of that system

>Windows operating environment
He conned XEROX in conjunction with his partner Steve Jobs to get a mac and then betrayed it by getting windows.

>Internet Explorer
It integrated it from Windows 95 onwards and was the only browser that was used for monopoly, not for being the best. It's the worst crap ever created.

>Windows operating system
From Windows 9x onwards I consider it to be an OS. At the beginning it was a real shit (BSOD, hang up, insecure) to the point that I hit bottom with WINDOWS ME, the worst of all. At the same time I get NT, but it was a shit incompatible with hardware and software. With Xp (2000 with "heavy make-up") he was able to achieve a balance between a little more security and a more stable system, but at the same time it got old and insecure and was the last system he was in charge of. Of the later versions 7 is the most rescuable and is the Achilles' heel of win10.
At the same time year after year linux, mac and android are taking market share in giant steps.
If you want to use programs from different versions you can't do it easily, you need Patches, badly designed programs to fuck everything up. These in turn install in many cases spy viruses. And of course, you are not sure that it works.

Other shitty projects
>zune The "ipod killer"
>windows phone The "android killer"
>Xbox The "playstation killer"
>messenger Removed by microsoft

You are never interested in the safety and functionality of your products. Just scamming

The actual virus or poison is likely to be camouflaged in the vaccine and act in conjunction with the suspected disease that would be the other part of the virus, such as a Trojan computer virus

(Sorry because English is not my mother tongue.)

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i think this is a good point user, Gates gets praised as the second coming and in reality he hasn't done much that actually affects my life.

he's just another illuminati agent/shill, a front for their organization

i was using Win ME and had zero problems with it, the occasional crashes were driver caused every time

op is a giant fag

The funny thing is that if he launches vaccines, the new ones will disable the old ones, as he does with the windows "security updates".

He looks like one of the simpsons
A literal simp

He was hated really big in 1990s, then somehow become loved, or at least MSM are shilling how he is 'loved' now

once a criminal, always a criminal

Yup, he's essentially the biggest white collar criminal in all of recorded history.

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You are a retard bitch who abandons his best friends. You make up shit about people who have been in your life for years. You talk shit about everyone yet dont look at your own flaws. You are a scared little cunt whose only life goals are to make up shit about people you used to know and get fucked in the ass, but no one wants to fuck you because harpies and the ugly.

Gates is an illuminati / NWO frontman. Musk, Jobs, Zuckerberg etc are all the same.

These huge tech companies are formed by the same cabal who own the media, the banks, the government.

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he's always been a piece of shit nobody likes. no wonder he's playing the supervillain now. but he's always been a thieving scumbag. he probably gave jobs a cancer virus he was sooooo jealous.

Capitalism for ya

Questioned and hated in his (computer) field which in turn was not at all brilliant.
He is remembered for his questioned monopolistic practices.
I'm almost sure he didn't program anything in his life either.
Windows is associated with computer games, but linux is taking market share from them.
Linux gave them a scare when it became massive.
They brought out a shitty antivirus that is less secure than a used prophylactic.

It's not good for computer science but it gives medical advice without any medical training.

Are people stupid?

I had a first generation Zune. I loved that thing. I'd still use it if my phone didn't replace it in every aspect.

check out those digits :)

This, if you were alive in the 80s and 90s you should know that Bill Gates is a shit

kek bill looks like an incel

The zune was pretty based. If it had come out a few years earlier it would have done infinitely better


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The rise of reddit tech science cults.

You are forgetting MS-BASIC. It was the standard BASIC back in late 70's and 80's. One of the few genuinely good products MS has ever had. Also the main reason he managed to sell MS-DOS to IBM was IBM's own incompetence and the fact that his mother was family friend with someone on IBM's board.

When it comes MacroSloth as corporation, it is one those huge companies that does nice things occasionally while different division of the corporation upholds the reputation as the evil corporation by doing something extremely shitty and anti-consumer.

Always thought it was bullshit how they never mentioned he came from a rich family full of connections. Guy was in harvard, ffs. This piece of shit was already rich way before he began scamming others, he used his connections to sell other's people works and gain more power and money.

He is an computer idiot.He even doesnt know how to use mail today.
But...muh...garage inventor

Windows has done more for the world than anything ever. This is an objective fact. Bill Gates whether you like it or not has generated literal trillions in the economy. I personally think Bill Gates (especially late stage) is a fucking retard but I'll give Windows / Microsoft credit.

I'll note you omitted Microsoft Office, the best productivity suite ever made.

God I actually have that magazine issue somewhere for laughs. Couldn’t believe the shit I read at the time in that article. No one believed me it was a bunch of lies and hype. Then everyone got red rings

Everyone had BASIC nothing unique to Microsoft. Besides the real genius was Gary Kildall the guy who wrote cp/m and worked on a host of other programs.
Bill paid some idiot for a cheep copy and used his business connections.
A shame what happened to Gary but you can still watch him on the old Computer Chronicles before his death
Here Gary is with the host and Devorac , who is still trying to put that ps/2 back together, in one of the best episodes ever produced.

Attached: gary-kildall.jpg (800x1124, 190.25K)

Yeah. Good, simple design, sturdy enough that you can throw it around without breaking it, big color screen, and a subscription service if you actually paid for music


They published this comedy trying to explain the beginnings of M$ and Apple. So everything looks like a miserable piece of shit.

You never show that I programmed a piece of shit

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only street shitters use his shitty software

He's no Jobs, he did actually engineer stuff, but Windows did fall into his/Jobs' lap.

Gates would have been hugely successful and probably famous with or without Windows, when I was in 7th grade my science teacher had an issue of Popular Science magazine with a kid on the cover who'd built his own computer, it was Bill Gates, and that was 1979/80.

I remember Microsoft bullied and threatened the creator of Netscape Marc Andreesen , he said it was like the Godfather. Gates was pissed that he had jumped in and took over the browser market before Microsoft could build their shitty explorer.

Jobs was shit too. It was all Woz he was the engineer and an amazing one at that.
Here is how it went everything that was developed at xeron was just an implementation of what was previously developed at SRI. Jobs the idiot that he was got so blown away by muh GUI and muh mouse he missed all the important network stuff xerox was doing. Admitted as much when Apple purchased NEXT.
Here is the SRI demo from 68
Bill and Steve are nothing just a face for the genius engineers that they leach from


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The funniest thing was when they brought out TAY.AI
It backfired on them.

Bill Gate$ the false prophet

"A 640K memory should be enough for anyone." 1981

"I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system of all time." 1987

"I don't see much commercial development for the Internet in the next 10 years." Comdex Las Vegas 1994

"Our software does not have enough errors for any user to claim to fix them." Focus magazine 1995

"Spam will be a thing of the past in two years." 2004

>If you want to use programs from different versions you can't do it easily, you need Patches, badly designed programs to fuck everything up.
you don't even use Windows, do you?

>Are people stupid?
Generally, yes, although you're not.
Gates was a 'good' business man - ergo a good bullshit artist and exploiter.
Software's crapitalist pricing mechanism isn't very good neither is SaaS convincing but a small step up.

for ants

Pretty much everyone had BASIC, but most of them had MS-BASIC back then, likes of Commodore, Apple and so on. Even the less consumer oriented manufacturers. On 8-bit computers it was implemented on hardware level, even when it is software, as a physical ROM chip on motherboard.

Only Steve from Apple that wasn't a piece of shit was Wozniak. He actually designed their computer hardware until early to mid 80's.

Also that film should be called Parasites of Silicon Valley.

>programmer master race

if you use programs made with vb you have to install the patches for each version. The same with other programming languages.
However, not all programs are compatible, even with the same OS.

these are the visionaries
such a great video

Bull Gates

He is literally trying to become satan, he pretty close.

Bill Covidgate

Pretty sure he stole the mouse from xerox. He bought the OS from a programmer in Washington for something like 60 or 90k. The sold licenses to use it.

To be fair he does seem genuinely interested in saving humanity. Maybe he could achieve it too, but who is he to play God? He's done some great work in India and is very admired here by all. He legit got the fertility rates lower in a State through condom distribution and copper T. I really hope he's not evil like everyone is putting him out to be.


i think every serious computer/programmer hates microsoft. I can't imagine what kind of retards actually work for them and are "fans of windows". they must just commit to the whole "mac is gay and PC is *real* computing. also gaemz!" anyway install Gentoo.

if you think about it, it's all related to the computer world:

>Bill Gate$ in health
>Mark Suckberg in digital banking (he was recently planning to take out the e-money)
>Jeff Bezos in e-commerce and entertainment
>Serguéi Brin and Larry Page in computer and electronic services

Windows brought free porn to millions of pre pubescent children. What a fukn saint Gates is.

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>He bought the OS from a programmer in Washington for something like 60 or 90k
tim patterson ended up working for microsoft and became a millionaire from stock options, but all he did was copy the code of

t. gates

Is Bill Gates a jew?

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microsoft bad practices:

From a Software User's Perspective
Bloat, Backward Incompatibility, Perpetual Upgrading, Hostile treatment of customers, Predatory Practices, inferior products, Insecurity.

From a Technical Perspective
Closed "standards", Mutilation of existing standards, Lack of innovation.

From the Perspective of Everybody Else
Attempts at taking over appliance markets,Attempts at buying the public's trust, Outright Deception.

Gates, page, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Bezos really do get way too much credit. In all cases the thing they are credited with creating was already there. They were just lucky.

>Fertility rates lower in India

>Windows® ME™
That thing gave me cancer.

zune was great suck a fat D

no, but he's the son of bankers

I am a serious programmer and love Microsoft.


DOS- Dept of State.

I’ve had lots of hand me down computers from 70s and 80s and none of them had Windows. They either had Apple Os or some black screen or some other color screen. My uncle had an expensive from the lates 80s or very early 90s. You knew it was expensive because its design didn’t change. Not even today. It didn’t even have windows. I remember those big old floppies. Used to love fidgeting with them. We would even make small paper planes that could be propelled by them.

On another note I still remember when govt systems began changing to windows. They were renetworking all institutions to a custom designed infrastructure for windows based computers.

Man I still remember Bill Gates speaking on PBS about Russian innitiative and business potential through using a new global mainframe or reengineered social infrastructure.

You can fuck right off jack.
Windows ME was on my first personal owned computer. It would crash every 30 mins.

Silver-lining of dealing with ME:
>became a zealot of minimal programs/memory load
>learned about other OSes
>eventually became a Linux user

The funny thing is that almost all governments around the world only use m$ products. For simple texts the latest version of word is used. This is true even in third world countries where there is no money left.

Is what you say true?