He completely flip flopped on the Coronavirus

First he said it's like the flu now he's saying it's not the flu and it's "vicious". Fox News did the same shit, lmao

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Why should I give a shit about a no citation shit opener like yours OP?

all the news did that
nobody had a crystal ball

Oi Vey I agree with OP. As a fellow white man and assault machine gun owner and former Trump supporter we need to vote Trump out of office.

op has already moved on to create a dozen identical threads. he has to make quota by lunchtime or he might lose this job

Yas Forums was never good was it

Marine/truck driver/assault weapons owner/patriot/klansman here and lemme tell you something, pardner, I’m ridin with Biden.

I'm glad my president can change his rhetoric and policy as new information comes in.

Same way he initially said there were good and bad people on both sides in Charlottesville then turned around and condemned only white supremacy and never said another word about Antifa.
It's almost as if he's just a fucking puppet and allows the NWO to steamroll everyone.


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It's a fucking nothingburger, don't kid yourself. Just 9/11 except this time they're going to restrict freedom of movement

Go the fuck back to China. He was trying to calm people down.

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Yeah and MSM called him racist for even considering travel restriction on China. How do you think dems would hjave handeld this?

It's almost like opinions change as more information becomes available.

Yes, he shouldn't have listened to the lying media.

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But you already did!?

Look another out of school FAGGOT.

They always do. This isn't new. Why do people keep pretending he's not a narcissistic sociopath?

>1 post by this ID
Ok stop replying to slide threads, guys.

i dont know why trump flip flopped. so did my prents. stick to your guns folk this is a hoax! dont let anyone tell you other wise

what do you mean he is not omniscient?

He listened to Fauchi.
Fauchi is on record in Feb saying it was nothing to worry about .... a "nothingburger" if you will.

as a navy seal/f500 driver/bazooca owner/patriot/neonazi i aproove this message

Is he supposed to have a fixed opinion despite new evidence suggesting otherwise? Seems pretty stupid.

The problem is that all this information was made public by Taiwan and Japan in January. Trump is a Jew and he is trying to kill off the boomers so that Medicare and social security don't go bankrupt. This is also being used as a pretext to invade Iran. Tough decisions. Strong leadership.

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>"crystal ball"
implying that all the evidence wasnt there and trump didnt just duck away like he does with all other issuses until he learned a fucking virus will kill people even if you go full protectionist denial retard

hes a boomer and he trusts "the institutions" like all other naive boomers. He trusted the WHO.

Welcome to china, loser. The government never acknowledges a problem until it becomes transparently obvious.
After that they point the blame at a random country and blame their own failure on them. Next come the stormtroopers shouting "idss for your own Gud, skrrr", I'll throw down all my stockpiled gold there are no elections in 2020.

And Boçalnato here, all of them at the same time.

how fucking dare you criticize the GEOTUS
he can do and say whatever he wants, he's always right no matter what, if you haven't learned that yet then you are too far lost and are the enemy of the new world that will come out of this (hint Trump has much bigger plans and everything he's been saying has been very calculated in order to achieve them)

member when the media was telling people to hug an asian a month ago haha yeah me too im sure they will report on their stunning turn

Why do you pretend we care? Why do you pretend you care? Why are we pretending like it even matters.

We like Trump because he's instilling policies that many of us believe are beneficial for the US to succeed longterm. Is he the doing everything we want? God no. Not even close. But he's better than the alternatives by a longshot. When Trump said he could shoot someone on the street and still get elected, he's right. I care far more about the policies Trump is setting in place more than his individual faults.

And likewise, the left focuses on vilifying ANYTHING he does. Because if Trump is doing it, it's automatically bad. He could set up a LGBTQ parade every day for the entire year and the left would still have a seething hatred for him. That's because the left has more of an emotional conflict with Trump. They hate him on a personal level, and when you hate someone on a personal level, they can do no good. Seeing that they are doing could would create an internal conflict which would cause them to question them hating Trump on a personal level. "Trump said Illegals are bad, but they're not bad people, so I hate Trump for saying that. Trump also planning an LGBTQ parade, which is good. But wait, Trump is bad, how can he do something good? The conclusion is that the LGBTQ parade must be bad!" We see this exact kind of logic going on with the hydroxychloroquine thing that Trump promoted. Despite having pretty much every study showing it has a positive effect, they already declare that Trump is an idiot, the drug is dangerous, and trump is dangerous for promoting it. If that drug was shilled by say, a neutral party, you would not hear ANY objections.

""Next 2 weeks will be horrific"" what did he mean???

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3 years plus down, almost 5 more of your autistic screeching about orange man bad to go.

He's a retard. What did you expect from a boomer?
Still no reason to vote Biden though

Also has a whole fleet of war ready military asset's sitting in the gulf. For what?? Cartels,,I doubt it. Something big happens in next two weeks.

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Yes this flu is suddenly vicious and when millions don't die it's because Trump saved us all.
Second term secured.

This, like when you pet a horse on the head to calm it right before you shoot it.

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Have anything to say now?

Most blatant shill in here

>nobody had a crystal ball
And yet retards on Yas Forums were weeks if not an entire month ahead of every government on the planet. You must be a fucking retarded nigger

>its a hoax
>today we are at 13, by next week itll be 0
>we are doing a great job.
>I see it over by Easter, it's good date that's why
>its the china virus
>the chinese are good people
>it really bad, vicious
>we will only have 100k dead, maybe 200k dead.
>the cartels in Venezuela are the real threat
>just sent bibi some masks

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The funny part is seeing all of these Trumptards now trying to deny their cult leader's own words. It's hilarious.

>But, but, he said it was a hoax... 250,000 dead? But, it's a hoax. You said it was a hoax Trump. I believed you. No, the Dem-Deep State got to him. Or, he's luring them into the open for an ambush, just like Q said. Yeah, that's it. I love you Trump. MAGA!

On about jan 11 is when I saw the first thread. You shouldn't be in govt if you want yse the internet

>president says things based on the info he’s given at the time
Holy fuck you’re right! This is clearly a major issue.

everybody could at least prepare for what might happen. Senators knew for months. He knew for months.

>Get new information
>Change mind

Oh no how could he have done this.

Here's a tip man. Use less emotion in your future shill posts. You are spotted very easily.

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Retards on here are convinced Yellowstone is about to explode and wipe us all out. If you claim everything in the world is the next great happening eventually you'll get one right.

>He completely flip flopped on the Coronavirus
>First he said it's like the flu now he's saying it's not the flu and it's "vicious".
>Fox News did the same shit

Watching the Dallas/Oakland game, score is 14-7, Dallas is up with 2 minutes left.
Oakland scores with 10 seconds left and makes the 2 point conversion, winning the game.


Things change, nigger. Its called adaptation. Smart people change their minds a million times a day if the circumstances change.
Get back to section 8 and nigger ball on the court

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Nope just blowing up d.u.m.b's.

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All the Trump zionist cocksuckers are shilling in full force for the reelection.
It's just a flu bro, inmuno chads, haHAA look at my pepee kojak so puny therefore your argument is irrelevant
and so on a so forth
this board was prime when it was a meme nazi-based board it became a trumptards board even trumptards using Hitler as if they werent promoting jew puppets into their goverment.

He flip flopped because of public outrage, just like the UK. When this all turns out to be completely fucking nothing the surge in support for him for being originally correct will get him re-elected.

>retards on Yas Forums were weeks if not an entire month ahead of every government on the planet.
a broken clock is right 2x a day.
NO ONE on here was right, scientifically.

Look, some people will die from COVID19 today.

IM RIGHT!! IM A FUCKING GENIUS!! HOLY SHIT Yas Forums scientist win again!!

youre the dumb nigger.

Sorry faggot, if you weren't retarded you'd be able to tell when it's just paranoid autists sperging over nothing and when it's actually something serious

then kill yourself

Up yours Libtarded and/or Chinksect and/or Kikestein

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>when it was small he said don’t panic
>now it’s big he says to worry

Yeah what an asshole his stance should never change even when the situation changes

So that’s flip flopping? Not that he changed his view and has amended his conclusion, right? The spin game is so tiresome. At least, can we dial down the inflammatory gotchas? It makes you niggers so obvious.

He figured out he couldn't red pill millions of blue state sheeple

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Everyone said it was like the flu. Things change.

Same as every single country including China. The real question is why was everyone buying it after it exploded on so many countries already And it's been like three months since it's confirmed it's dangerous.? are people really this dumb?

Are you retarded?

-He said it was just the flu, because it is
-The media went against him, as they always do
-The public broke into hysteria
-Everything snowballed

What’s he supposed to? Keep going against the vast majority of the dumb fuck citizens, ie his voter base? Of course he flip flopped for the cameras now he’s claiming 100k to 240k dead before it’s all over. The plan is to way over estimate publicly knowing full well it’s all bullshit so in a few months he can claim victory in slowing the virus and keeping deaths way below official projections.

God damn, how is this not obvious?

at some point you have to let go of the childish illusions of what you want to believe and face reality as it really is. this is one of those times.

You mean the entire media and th democrat party.

Remember when Democrats played down the virus in January so Nancy could hand out fucking pens for their impeachment obsession?

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>Trusting the media

NOOOO! I want him to tell everyone to go outside so more people die; and then I turn around and ask why he hasn't changed his stance!

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now you don't have to ask people like me why we don't vote

>If Only China told us in November instead of December, then we wouldn't have wasted January and February.

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