Why do people think Trump is like Hitler?

Why do people think Trump is like Hitler?

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because trump is like hitler

He's not Hitler yet, but after all this corona bullshit is over, he will be.
He will be.

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He's not. He doesn't challenge bankers, globalism, etc. He's just a puppet to dupe nationalists/patriots.

Because both his proponents and opponents are fucking retards. He's just your vanilla neocon-lite Republican with more confidence and less of a boner for bombing the shit out of random countries. The reason why he looks relatively decent is only because other Republicans are simply war-mongering, corporatist subhumans and he happens to be on the restrained side when it comes to these things.

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Clearly because he allows immigration, race-mixing, launches global LGBT crusade and gives billions to Israel and signs laws to combat antisemitism.
Could not be more Hitler than that
This is the peak

Because people are herd animals and want to be part of a group. Hating someone in power is easy and makes people feel cool.

Rise of social media has made it so no one really matters anymore. They now cling to identity politics as a means to matter. That's why politics has become polarized, race relations got bad with obama, and people have dug in on either side of any debate- climate change, EU and brexit, pipelines, sonic vs mario, star wars sucks v doesnt.
It's just getting more extreme and vitriol and calling the president a dictator or hitler is just another syntax abuse stepping stone on the way to dehumanizing the other camp.

People are fucking stupid

I wish

I dunno, I didn't figure that out personally.

Maybe it's his reflexive overreactivity?

because the media tells them what to think.

or ironically he gets everything done for we the people millions love him and think he is hilarious and effective.

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Also, this. Politics has turned into a social media freakshow with virtually zero substance to speak of. It's always been bad and thoroughly infused with propagandist nonsense, but now it's almost exclusively just that.

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No, it was because he wanted to build the Hitler's Berlin wall and restrict immigration (while he cucked out, but this is not important, he could have been the next Hitler).
Only Hitler has done those things in the history. This is what defines Hitler

Because they're morons. Trump could never be as effective and motivating as Hitler.

Literally Hitler

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>Why do people think Trump is like Hitler?

Because of his concentration camps and rampant anti semitism sweaty.

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Hitler looks black in that

Hitler would curb stomp Zion Don

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i thought the same thing

Hitler is the most villain-like personality so morons cling to the archetype and apply it to anyone they don't like.

Based natsoc larping eternal anglo! Heil Bush

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Because orange man bad...


>The same kike info graph with no source
>everyone is a kike except Donald trumpenstein

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How are you disappointed concerning Trump exactly?
you are all repeating "he s a kike, he s a kike" but what he did against white people?

anyway talking politics here is always pessimistic, you are all blocked inside a giant status quo.

Old fag here. Every republican president since Reagan has been called literally Hitler. It's just something you say because it gets attention. It will always be this way.

CNN said for years that Trump would be the new Hitler but in reality hes a pretty reasonable center ground politician.
So some people feel lied to even though the obvious answer is dont believe CNN in the first place.

because he is retarded anti-white and shabbos goyim, just like the guy who ravaged europe while keeping jews in camps with hospitals and pools, and while his own people starved

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so basically Yas Forums is disappointed from Trump because he his not radical enough for them?
Having this guy elected is already a big step for more, I remember that before that guy won the elections, some people believed that it would be impossible to fight against the left, that globalism already have won.

>so basically Yas Forums is disappointed from Trump because he his not radical enough for them?

Theres a lot of people on here saying that.
But I suspect they are not genuinely from here because their argument relies on taking what CNN reports seriously, which nobody on here would ever do.

I agree with you that simply getting a non far lefty elected in to power is a great step in the right direction and has totally changed the political landscape for the better.

Because people are generally low IQ retards

More like Libertarian Stalin
Shitler was a midget

During the 2016 presidential election the democrats ran lots of attack ads about him being racist and wanting to kill all minorities and rape all women. Lots of people have really held on to that despite the lack of supporting evidence.

I only wish he was

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Because Hitler was a great man. I think Trump knows that. JFK did.

>But I suspect they are not genuinely from here because their argument relies on taking what CNN reports seriously, which nobody on here would ever do.
THIS. Those posters are so obviously not genuine. They're only disappointed that Trump isn't the monster they jackoff thinking about. He's the moderate president that moderates voted for. He's not even as evil as a Bush.

Where's my reply, wiggers?

>During the 2016 presidential election the democrats ran lots of attack ads about him being racist and wanting to kill all minorities and rape all women
lol remember the attention seeking tweets from trannies thinking they would be put in a concentration camp if Trump won.

If only....

Because they are not educated enough to have Trump with the Union Jack behind him (or the American flag,) as opposed to the Dixie Battle lag. They don't even believe that Lincoln was against racial equality.

Because they know jack shit about Trump and even less about Hitler.

Whoever drew that needs to have their hands cut off

Probably a nigger

Not this retarded painting again. FFS we are in quarantine over here.

Hitler challenging globalism? He literally tried to establish a one world government, which he would be Emperor.

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Because he’s a white man.

>World Emperor Hitler
I wish

if only...

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Because christian are idiots.

Trump is a degenerate monkey anglojew.

Hitler is god.

Everyone who isn't a radical far-lefty is literally hitler

Because he's a national democratic socialist like Hisler.

Up until the CoronaChan hoax I was on the fence about Trump, but now after he signed off on destroying the US economy I don't believe him anymore. He could come out tomorrow and just tell everyone to go back to work and end this sorry mess but instead he extended the bullshit to April the 30th. So IF he thought he was smart before and thought he get over the New World Order shit, he was wrong. They are quite successfully taking him down, and all he has to do is go on the air and expose it like Eisenhower, but he doesn't have the BALLS man. HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS!!!!

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Because the Hillary campaign said so, confident they were going to win. Then when they lost, their audience believed Hitler had just been elected and lost their minds, and here we are.

show me how trump is like hitler

Comparing Hitler to Drumpf is insulting to Adolf. How the fuck is the greatest enemy of the jews anywhere comparable to the greatest jewish whore?

Easy, he is going along with the "shutdown". Telling people they can't leave their home or goto work is like living in NAZI Germany. Thats some straight up NAZI shit right there!!!

Trump has his border wall.
Hitler had his Berlin wall.

Do I even need to say anymore?
>Pulls british comedian on US TV face

both are retards squandering the best chance whites have had at securing their position at the top in a century

Thats not the same thing. Building walls to keep people out of your area is an age old thing every nation and city state does.

Building walls to KEEP people in, and shoot them if they try to leave was the Berlin Wall. The Berlin wall was a giant PRISON wall build around East Germany to keep the German people inside a prison and it had guard tires and check point along the way with snipers and they would shoot people trying to cross.

You need to go watch some videos of people trying to escape East Berlin and you will see.

They both have hair

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You just wasted so much fucking time on your retarded reply

because he hurts their fee fees.

I fucking wish trump was hitler

You verified its visible and thats good enough because its an accurate statement people can see.

Whats pissing me off is Yas Forums is removing my posts for #filmmyhospital. I guess someone leaned on them pretty hard after it went viral.

>Why do people think Trump is like Hitler?

Dunno, Hitler and National Socialism is leftist.

Eat that.


Its a joke the Berlin wall was not built by Hitler. The Berlin wall was built by the soviets to stop people escaping to the west

>Hang on did you just subtly counter troll me?

Because he is portrayed as acting in white interest.

Hitler built the Berlin Wall? Are you illiterate?

because based

The left is dominated by women and fags.
women and fags are hysterical.

Well the thing you replied to was obviously a joke so

HE IS NOT HITLER....the best he can be is a low grade MUSSOLINI

Correct, and if you watch the videos I think from the early 60's a steady stream of people with luggage in tow can be seen escaping from the East to the West in long lines while the wall is being erected in the background my Stalin. Stalin was a mass murdered who then went on to inslave those poeple in East Germany. They ended up working in weapons factories and the conditions and police state was EXATLY like the movie 1984. Very dystopian, Secret Police "dissapearing" people all the time. When the Berlin Wall fell and we saw the full extent of the atrocities it was something to behold. I know this to be the case as Texas was flooded with East German guns after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The Soviets who love to use their nuclear technology for assassinations and lord knows what else, were secretly marking people like us inside East Berlin using radiation. They would slip a specific isotope into your food that wouldn't kill you but made you give off a specific radiation signature and they put up detetors around East Berlin to track people that way.

Its actually a pretty good way to do that but it doesn eventually kill the person.

Now they just track cell phones which is easier.