So about a week ago, I started seeing these signs put up in people’s windows made by kids with ‘ ca va bien aller’ (English: it’s going to be ok) with a rainbow. Now it seems the transit authority here in Montreal has picked this image up too (pic related), I had also heard it’s beginning to appear in England. I don’t think the choice of the rainbow (the lgbt symbol) is an accident. So what’s really going on here? Mass mind manipulation? Are they getting the kids primed for being passed around the pedo rings when this is over? Do I just need to take meds?
Strange things going on in the background
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Where is this happening in England? I am unironically worried that some kind of 'soft' martial law is going to happen here soon.
The rainbow has occultic meanings too. Fags took it to represent their faggotry. A rainbow itself has nothing to do with fags.
the rainbow has been a symbol of wonder and entertainment for kids for decades. faggots will never fully own it, kids will keep having fun with it without being gay.
>Mass mind manipulation?
Yes, if you consider mass hysteria to fall under that category. People started hoarding toilet paper first and foods second because they saw it on their facebook feeds (where the original facebook feed was something restricted to austriala and a major producer stopping imports). The rainbow shit probably has nothing to do with the pedo-shit this time; i'd be more weary about our government wanting to control us and the stories circulating where they're urging you to install monitoring apps on your smartphone to aid "social distancing", that's some 1984 shit right there.
Someone in England made a joke about it on FB yesterday, as if they had seen one in a window, I will try to find it...
We've been doing them all over the UK for the NHS workers. I am in Scotland and there are15-20 on my street
Seeing them all over here in Germany
when you tell people not to worry, they worry more
if you want people to panic, just tell them everything's going to be ok. if everything really was going to be ok you wouldn't need to say anything about it.
Ok, so it’s real, I will hold off on the meds
We are being manipulated, but by whom, and for what purpose???
Questions abound
The rainbow has meaning for everyone, not just LGBT organizations; it's even referenced in the Old Testament as a sign of God's promise to never again flood the Earth (Genesis 9:13). It's a symbol of rebirth after catastrophe. Beauty after a storm.
I'd be careful about attributing sinister intentions to everyday images user. Could lead you down a pretty dark and hopeless path.
You guys have had soft martial law for at least 20 years now.
Honestly I just think it's a mom thing that spread over the net
>Are they getting the kids primed for being passed around the pedo rings when this is over?
They won't exist when this is over.
Noahide laws, sign of the covenant
Here it's full of those rainbows with "Todo va a salir bien"
Kinda fishy.
Also here;haven't seen any in a widow yet, but there is a campaign on normie-book trying to get children to draw raimbows and putting them 'en la ventanas de cada hogar', 'in the windows of every home'.
It's a pedophile consipracy! Ahhhhhhhhh
>Honestly I just think it's a mom thing that spread over the net
Translated to several languages, simultaneous al over the world.....? sure muh internet, hyperconnectivity and all that, but sounds a little fishy user.
>We are being manipulated, but by whom, and for what purpose???
The immediate purpose is to familiarize kids with the faggot rainbow; don't forget that in most cases it will be the parents prompting the kids to draw this. Other motives as well.
Gotta hand it to them, these faggots are masters of subversion.
Rainbows are more than fag symbolism. My front door had a leprechaun and clouds with rainbows my kid made for st Patrick's day. Now it has washable paint to imitate stained glass for easter. Stop overthinking things.
I didn't think much of it at first, but typing in that term 'cavabienaller' seems to show an extremely sudden explosion in promotion from 2 days ago. Forced meme?
Can we have a /Pol-X/ board?
Rainbows have been a kid thing for fucking ever there even a children show in the 70's called rainbow in the UK, but i guess /x/ will dig deep and claim that was just the beginning
That's an activity for young kids. When you walk in the streets they can see other windows with paint or drawings. It's dumb yes but mentally relieving when you have to be in house for a few weeks
And you don't? As soon as 911, you demanded surveillance cameras all over the place, accepting and inadvertantly demanding big brother. Your police murder you for fun. American brainpower?
If it was innocent, it is already being subverted. Check this woman's profile - a 'Jesus Feminist' aka subversionist. It has begun. Is involved with 'evolvfaith' which promotes transgenderism.
I'm gonna stop now or I'll go schizo.
What is French for "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE"?
I'd post a picture of where I live but I don't want to end up doxing myself. A small village in North Yorkshire, that's all I will say.
They are in pretty much in every window here. But only houses with children in them.
C'est correct d'être un blanc
You faggot, the rainbow is literally God saying "its going to be OK" (to be white)
It’s not going to be okay
>The rainbow has meaning for everyone, not just LGBT organizations; it's even referenced in the Old Testament as a sign of God's promise to never again flood the Earth (Genesis 9:13). It's a symbol of rebirth after catastrophe. Beauty after a storm.
>I'd be careful about attributing sinister intentions to everyday images user. Could lead you down a pretty dark and hopeless path.
This is at least 6 million lumens of bioluminescent Liberian, an outstanding (((specimen)))
Didn't Francois Legault our Quebec premier say this? I don't know if he's the one who started it
Here is a story about ca va bien aller. Quebecois started it.
Hmm. We need to look into who is funding this. Find out the names of the companies, look at the owners/investors. This is clearly a global thing. What do they have in store?
The rainbow bridge symbolizes the arrival of the gods and giants for a final, world-shattering showdown between good and evil. Strap yourselves in, lads, Fimbulwinter's just getting started.
"It is harsh in the world,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the world goes headlong.
No man will have
mercy on another."
internet mums that's who. hard concept for a Yas Forums dweller to understand but most people are still communicating with each other
Had them all across the West Midlands, had no idea what it was for. Assumed it was pride shit
Why thank you user. I do my best.
The rainbow was always a positive, upbeat symbol. It purloined by the homos. I've seen it elsewhere recently in a non-homo context and asked myself whether I was being shilled at. Maybe we can launder it and get it back into circulation free of it's sodomistic associations. Will be a while. Certainly those of us who have have had to endure the fag rainbow campaign will not easily shake of the connotations.
The word 'pride' will need a good scrubbing as well.
>Rainbow (an lgbt symbol)
A rainbow is the promise between God and humans, the arc of the covenent, you fool.
It seems every single country has this going on.
Today I saw dozens.
From a conspiracy viewpoint this looks like an effective method of identifying houses with children.
"Après la pluie vient le beau temps." The rainbow comes after the rain and represents the end of the struggle.
This is a much more apt use of it than the tags are doing, so the symbol is ours now. The fags can pick something more fitting to represent themselves. Like Goatse.
just about the least efficient way i can think of doing that.
what they doing patrolling millions of streets with a clipboard, pen and paper.
Ironically they like the biohazard symbol and +
Good, give them that shit and give us back the rainbow.
if a raid is the objective you wouldn't need any comms, just break & enter
Can confirm these are all over Scotland. Most have occult symbols in addition to rainbow.
>pedo swirl
>order of the Eastern star insignia
>lightning bolts.
Also identifiably marks any household containing young children.
This is being centrally directed by satanists, 100%.
/x/ is not supposed to be political, and they will delete pizza gate info. So /polx/ would be a good idea.
But it's not a conspiracy anymore. Marc dutrox, Jimmy saville, Peter daglish, epstein, etc.
Its because of the children being saved from the unground rape tunnels
my point was you can get that information from local schools, local government, banks, insurers just about anything really that the apparent boogeymen will have easy access too.
Of course they do, but they are actually allowed to defend themselves and own weapons.
We have one-sided martial laws where only the enemy is allowed to fight.
I think this is an interesting observation OP.
See you in Valhall!
Some wanker has done this.
I'm inclined to blame you fuckers, except it's gay.
That right kiddys sabotage the hospital's postal system during an epidemic take staff away to deal with this shit.
Oh fuck off you schizoid twat.
No. Its a message to the gay cabal. They will be spared.
>fags didn't take it exactly because it attracts children
>because fags aren't psychologically locked in their adolescence.
I understood mate. But that easy verifiable method still implies needing to access the database. This is faster.
you're a dumb faggot and i hope your family dies
forgot my pic
Oh God no this must be linked to the deep state underground tunnels right?
Melek Taus
The peacock angel worshiped by yazidi religion.
In Turkestan is said to be one of the seven tower of the devil.
People are summoning it, unconsciously, unintentionally, hoping for the best, but nevertheless doing it.
In fact why not exposing the cross, or the Sacred Heart?
LGBTs do the same.
Thats the Noahide law rainbow desu