Aus/pol/ - Fuck Jannies, Mods and Kikes

Jannie has been crying to the mods and their new tactic of silence is unsolvable Captcha shadowbans but that will never work.



It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

If you're an Australian Yas Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Commodores are shit cars

im australian

Get a few of these up ya

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What is the alternative that you are suggesting?

German cars

This thread is full of worthless NEETs. Harden the fuck up you faggot cunts and get a job

Every day we stray further from God

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They fall to pieces then cost 10k to repair the wires that broke.
why would you want a german car?

Would rather transition

It is the apocalypse, are you offering a job as a marauder or a raider?
I would prefer to be a raider personally i feel like my talents would best be suited to clobbering cunts heads in for their toilet paper.

you would be hard pressed to get a job that would compete with the rent free NEET bux right now

What jobs? Corona Chan took them all

>he doesn't want 2 tonnes of jew crushing steel

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>A job? never had one

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First for fuck the ABC

become woolies wagie, trolley is your cagie.

Pls help, have registered intent to claim, heard nothing unable to claim via mygov because site down how to get neetbux
I've lost my fucking job please help

Praise Him

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Faggots that have no money and get no poosy
Yeah if you consider working in an office like a women or working at a cafe washing dishes like a retard


calm down little cobber. you're going to have to ring the cunts.

>fuck kikes

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No ima simple man, I want a car designed and manufactured in Australia for Australian conditions. I would not take a German car down the Tanami but I would take a commodore or falcon.

maybe this is the universe telling me it's time to ascend to full wizard status, forsake the coom and the sins of the flesh, live in poverty, become a paladin, hit degenerates with a hammer.

Man I'm glad I'm not washing dishes any more.

Hospitality is the worst. Fuck all the whinny retail babies complaining all the time about their cushy jobs. Hospitality is a thousand times worse

give me one then ASIOnigger
i'll shit up threads 15 hours a day for minimum wage, government housing and a gook POW wife

Hitler went way too easy on the Jews, all he did to them was force them into labour to pay off their debts to society and the grubby cunts ended up spreading Typhus through all the camps which killed 272,000 of them.

I fucking hate Jews, The fact that the communist cunt Churchil, the same cunt responsible for the disaster that was gallipoli is responsible for the allies fighting against Germany instead of helping Germany fight the commies in ww2 just makes it so much more painful.....

BUMP. I can confirm that when you start talking about real solutions they just archive, shadowban or delete your thread.

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>"harden up and waste your life working for a shit wage so you can retire at 65 and have a heart attack one year later"

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Example here

>unsolvable Captcha shadowbans
black people need to be able to use the internet too. thats why google has nigger mode for captcha. just enter nigger mode
step one: hit post button first(works at this step 1/8 of the time
step two: recycle capatcha until you get a puzzle WITHOUT "until none are left". fill it out
step three: profit

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>Imagine having daughters

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This. I am feeling optimistic for the first time in a long time. The whole system could crumble. We might actually have opportunities to live for ourselves.

I look at the absolute state of Melbadishu and can only conclude it's because of that shitty beer. It leaves the taste of shit in your mouth and that's why melbournians were pre acclimated to the decline of their city.

The unsolvable captchas they give to us aussies make the captchas either 10 staight images of solve this that fails because who the fuck knows or it is images that take 10 seconds each to reload after being pressed like "select all images with buses"

did you follow my instructions?

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It is fucked... i had to beat some cunt into a living vegetable the other week because the pedo cunt cooked a 15 year old on meth to open their legs up.
Cunts lucky he is still alive to be honest that shit is fucked up, zoomers have no morals.
a 20 year old should know better right?


I was literally on hold for six hours today and then it hung up on me

Why is this thread stickied?

Just click on the headphone icon and do the audio capcha, far quicker

what is the longest you have ever gone without leaving the house?

You get none cuz of your racist remarks on Yas Forums

if your using brave disable the shields. captcha is instant for me now

like 11 months I think

have you ever clicked the fucking audio captcha or are you meme man?
that shit is 100% unsolvable.
Random words from fucking youtube videos that start half way between words and end half way between words.

it's not?

Agreed. Every time there is a problem on the road, it seems like it is some fucking hi viz warrior or meth head or bogan in a commodore

Cunt i just change IP when they do that shit to me.
I am 100% unbannable mods and Jannies been trying for years but i am just too smart for them.

How long until work for the dole returns?

At this point I'm convinced Jews and Aryans are the only PCs and all of of human history can be explained through this kampf

Only one can win in the end, but will become valued slaves of the other

Here look ready, Bam and the IP is gone.
Mods mad
Jannie mad
Copy/Paste these words to bypass the word filters
g󠛡o ba󠛡ck t󠛡o re󠛡ddit

Yes and it's easy for me, though I dislike training google's AI to recognize speech

Cunt, you're a faggot.


Really want to make Jannie and then the mods mad?
just keep changing IP, all over the country you go and they cry, Hiroshima won't help them though.

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ScoMo got your IP and credit card details from your VPN provider, he says no bux for racists

Didn't work, literally just made shit worse

Is that what your hotpockets told you Jannie?
Why do you do it for free?
Does shareblue i mean memelab even pay you to post here as a Janitor?

Had to scrub my IP and get a new one to post.

Mods and Jannies why are you on aus/pol/?
You big aussie city boy maximum shotposter man?
You decide what is okay and what is not hey?
Big Liberal voter man ching chong china man huh?

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>Disable the shields what you mean by this?

Give me my scomobux already
I need to buy myself a fleshlight

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