habbening after habbening is upon us.
But you know what, would you believe me, if I told you, the ordinary, the nobody, that you are the VIP.
World is a mess
Other urls found in this thread:
That all this huge show was made just for you.
that and 5 bucks gets me a cup of coffee
I used to know a guy called Bob. Lived in USA.
If I remember right, that asshole got me redpilled and my life was downhill from there.
Late april fools.
Bob was the best thing.
Sounds like some kind of Bane line. Anyway, I think we're all perfectly aware that we memed this whole thing into existence. Now we just have to wait for the normeis to kill themselves from the isolation and the world will be ours!
I have no idea what you're talking about.
>+35 slow captcha
It doesn't matter what judgement you retards make if my existence.
Nobody "meme'd" anything, jew. This is a scripted jewish crap going along the expected outcome and only recently started to derail.
* of my existence
One of the biggest jewish tricks is inducing psychotic grandiose into their victims (search about the symptom if interested).
seems like here's something more going on.
This world is fucked. I am so tired of it and the powers in darkness. I just want to die, be taken away by aliens or for this shit of a world to just fucking burn. Coomers and incels and posessed libs. Fucking phones ruined it all. Fuck drug users and the seven sins. I just want every single evil person, myself included, to be fucking dead. God i pray that you end our suffering
Always brings shills to my spine
This brings up a teary eyed love, my unknown friend.
What if, Nobody is Lucifer?
And everything is just a misunderstanding?
I need a cigarette
40+ captcha
How do you think the Jews do what they do? The Jews call their memetic warfare "Collective Conciousness". The idea is that if everyone decides to agree on a cohesive group discourse, and reinforces it with symbolism, then a disparate
and scattered group, say one that was kicked out of every country or one that meets on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum, can accomplish a unified goal. The "collective consciousness" can even be adopted by non-group members and further reinforced through synchronicity. If you see the plan everywhere, its hard not to follow it.
What if I am the most hated and loved guy
This thread doesn't seem to exist.
I am the bad guy.
Aha. I have never hurt no one.
I know
this is my Greed Island
BTW after this Togashi resumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found the schizo thread.
If I am the bad guy....
Everything is alright.
dont be like that my half flag, let the magic flow!!!!
This is now a Nobody thread posts your best Nobody memes. Let's meme him into reality.
Wow user I was on the verge of killing my self. Your elaborate description of me and my struggle has given me new life.
Kys, nigger. Stop shitting up our board.
checked, kek'd
>the nobody
/x/ one?
Why do you respond to every post like a desperate attention seeking faggot
Hey, I am Nobody.
I have never hurt no one. I have always been loyal son to Jesus.
Sorry about the mess, but it was meant to be. I love you, but Jesus is so much more.
Yes check this digits.
the Nobody is not Christian.
what this shizo meant we are living in simulated individual matrix and communicating through quantum portal3internet
Nice digits, wizard.
Check your psychic inbox.
makes the poster look like he read everything. If I were "the nobody" i wowobeconfusedveryd
Yas Forums Messiah is the true Messiah
a (You)! For (Me)!
Yep, but the whole point is to return to the other world, and destroy the matrix.
Some may still want to hear "hey you, you'r finally awake".
I am not.
But I am forever loyal to Jesus Christ.
I go where he asks me. Even to the depths of Hell. I go, Running.
You'r not the nobody, he's not finished
maybe ,who knows the truth? if souls really are being trapped through simulated heaven filter than ,but why than people experience pure consciousness through psylocibin mushrrom?cheatcodes/hacks? why let goyim know?
you are also the man, and the goy, if someone doesnt let themselves know, is ourselves
Can you speak English? I don't get you.
I am taking a massive shit right now, both literally and metaphysically. Also, no captcha bitches.
The world was always a mess.
The masses are just becoming aware.
we dont want to know, because consciously existing can be painful, unbearable if you dont havent found true love
this is like a painful rehab, is training ourselves that the pain is not real, and that you can indeed move that
finding ourselves shows us the love but also the pain and thats the point of the decision
do you want to exist?
I think he is.
About time.
you already answered, obsviously, but you didnt knew that you did
thats why you lack purpose, NOT ANY MORE
what do you mean by destroying the matrix?
are you implying your conscious are trapped?
than why people report going to heaven on heart atacks?
if heaven is fake and part of matrix than why ,matrix engineers put psilocybin mushrooms and let u talk to them directly?
thats how i feel 24/7 but still dont want to get back into npc state of consciousness.agree with your message tho.
nah,fuck this randomly generated/simulated shithole playground, i rather create realities in my consciousness somewhere in ether than wagecuck in this time space prison .
My own idea is to live long and prosper.
Maybe I am just not needed anymore?
I don't want to die.
But when the time time comes, I pomise I won't co..
So that when Nobody visits the Architect, it can offer him an ultimatum.
>what do you mean by destroying the matrix?
Destroy the one wish is not supposed to be there
>are you implying your conscious are trapped?
Not mine, but some are.
>than why people report going to heaven on heart atacks?
God protect them, your christian god is powerful.
>if heaven is fake and part of matrix than why ,matrix engineers put psilocybin mushrooms and let u talk to them directly?
You are not fully in the matrix, not your soul for most, you can still go outside of it.
Ok, I'll do a tldr of the situation.
You in a game, ok the game is nor good not bad it's just life, and then some fuckers installed a mod to get cheat codes in life. The mod take control of his life, and as more people get the mod, as they wanna cheat. It take more control of life.
Currently mod can't be installed and we put a virus inside to localise the cheaters and fuck their life.