Euroshits and the like have done a damn good job at manipulating the public, and most importantly the American public, into believing the CIA is a force for evil when the agency has been one of the most instrumental factors in maintaining U.S. cultural, military, and economic dominance.

Quick rundown:
>CIA toppled commie dictatorships and liberated the people
>Empowered patriotic companies domestically and abroad through grants and other funding
>Pushed American ideals through the media
>Prevented foreign nations and companies from undermining U.S. sovereignty
>Funded English teachers in moving abroad to make English the lingua franca of the world
>Brought terrorists to justice

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Other urls found in this thread:



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this may have been true before Clinton, Inc and Team Obama got a hold of it

Let's just say that the greatest trick KGB ever pulled was the supposed fall of Soviet Union & Iron Curtain

And thats why you continue to lose
And you lose big
America has the biggest losers in the world!

They also supported race mixing and secularization in more traditional parts of Afro-Eurasia, and encouraged the construction of Wahhabi Muslim mosques across Europe

This is obvious to anyone who pays any attention. This is why the CIA and other agencies still classify Russia as a threat at the same level as China albeit less capable nowadays. Hell, their "President" is "ex"-KGB

>the CIA is now making low quality memes
Your tax money at work people

Trump considers them his buddies though.

Suck my cock mutt

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You are too fixated on race and religion.
Europe may be filled with allies but they are still foreign nations.

>your nations
The worlds interests. Ever since the occupation of the philipines we stopped doing genocide in warfare. We have to bring society to the world or it will combust into flame.

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Are you saying it didn’t happen?

Sure and the tariffs imposed by his administration was just his way of exchanging pleasantries with his buddies.

seethe more

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The CIA literally funded Cultural Marxism:

"Marcuse's first assignment was to head a team to identify both those who would be tried as war criminals after the war, and also those who were potential leaders of postwar Germany. In 1944, Marcuse, Neumann, and Kirchheimer wrote the Denazification Guide, which was later issued to officers of the U.S. Armed Forces occupying Germany, to help them identify and suppress pro-Nazi behaviors. After the armistice, the R&A Branch sent representatives to work as intelligence liaisons with the various occupying powers; Marcuse was assigned the U.S. Zone, Kirchheimer the French, and Barrington Moore the Soviet. In the summer of 1945, Neumann left to become chief of research for the Nuremburg Tribunal. Marcuse remained in and around U.S. intelligence into the early 1950's, rising to the chief of the Central European Branch of the State Department's Office of Intelligence Research, an office formally charged with "planning and implementing a program of positive-intelligence research ... to meet the intelligence requirements of the Central Intelligence Agency and other authorized agencies." archive.schillerinstitute.com/fid_91-96/921_frankfurt.html

Glow-niggers are a serious threat to America and the West, and when the time comes they'll be put on trial for their treasonous acts.

>Liberated the people
No it didnt. USA never liberated anyone. It just installed a proxy government to sell himself cheap gas.
>Empowered patriotic companies domestically and abroad through grants and other funding
I dont even knoe tf this is.
>Pushed American ideals through the media
Something that not even the "real" americans are able to achieve with "hard work"
>Prevented foreign nations and companies from undermining U.S. sovereignty
LoL one word Trump
>Funded English teachers in moving abroad to make English the lingua franca of the world
English is not even your language so i dont even know why you are proud of it.
>Brought terrorists to justice
LoL once again.

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I like the CIA, I really do. Great job guys.

oh nice argument def got me thinking there. wait what? you still havent got either free healthcare nor free education for all citizens? kk cya amerifag

If you were a proud Turkish citizen then you should like the CIA. Turkey is a NATO ally that is helping fight the Assad regime.

>Q predicted you faggot glowniggers trying to save face so your sheckel stream doesn’t dry up

Nothing can stop what is coming glowniggers, you work for THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, not an unaccountable group of PEDOS using the US as a Toys R us for child traffiking.

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We chose to empower our private sector and create a prosperous free market that helps to raise people from poverty and work with the public sector. You should be thankful considering the U.S. helped in drafting the current German Constitution.

You've been manipulated friend. The CIA are not our enemy. They work to safeguard the American people from outside threats and work towards American prosperity. I know it's hard but you need to look hard at all the propaganda being pushed by Russia and other foreign agents and see it for what it really is. Divide and conquer tactics.

It's not Russia, it's totally the Christian bashing alphabet bois.

t. Q

> Supporting NATO over Assad
Okay Mossad.

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It was great then and is great now

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Have you ever wondered why Foucault and left-wing power politics are so popular in the USA, even more so than France? It's because glow-niggers like yourself funded him. Every banshee feminist and nihilistic power grab by the left was supported by the CIA. You're responsible for the death of American and Western culture and tradition.


CIA seems pro white desu

The CIA is also responsible for Pakistan, Iran and North Korea's nukes.
Because they requested our government to release a nuclear spy, who then proceeded to share his knowledge with those countries.

>Please ream out my asshole Mr. Glow-Nigger. I'm a subservient faggot who loves Foucault and Cultural Marxism. Thanks for funding them to destroy American culture.

Ignore these glow-niggers


Who the fuck cares about the past? It's obvious now that they're homonegro cucks

It is thou.

Those are conspiracy theories. The CIA has supported American values from its inception all the way to today.

No the fuck you dont, stay in your faggot fucking country.
Everytime you fags start wars, American youth die and we get more immigrants.
Legit fucking shooting yourself in the foot because you grew up on call of duty.

Did you ever consider that maybe the CIA (decades old institution) didn't change and that maybe your views accelerated to the right which essentially put your ideology on par with terrorists? Last I checked the CIA always supported American ideals.

Stfu glownigger

Nah it's real. A former Prime Minister has also confirmed it. Our government also tried to shut the whistle blower up for years.

It's in your own declassified documents you stupid glow-nigger:


Don't you find it the least bit strange that CIA and American intelligence (sometimes allied intelligence) is dehumanized? Glownigger, glowie, and similar terms have been used to 'other' these agencies and make them out to be enemies. Who does this benefit?

You don't even know the definition of a nation. Fucking retard. Lmfao.

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yeah thanks for the constitution that a german already drafted in 1848. germany and us basically have the same poverty rate so theres no real reason for you to not have free healthcare and education other than the fact that youre an unregulated capitalist hellhole where rich people make everybody suck their cocks.

what exactly do you know about the historicity of rightist ideology?
cause let me tell you, it's not rightism that changed

How the fuck do you defend Pinochet nigger?

You ciaglowniggers are becoming so desperate you expose yourself from the first post
Truly nothing is more pathetic than glowniggers begging for acceptance

So this is where my tax dollars go to...

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The rich people are just that -- people. Similar to how the CIA has been construed as an object of evil so have the rich. They have always been among and tend to be the most philanthropic people but we have had a rise in socialist thought which aims to undermine our success and bring America down.

Based glowie but you're still not welcome here

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It benefits actual human beings whose tax dollars were used by sub-human cia-niggers to fund cultural marxism and other intellectual movements designed to destroy american and western values.

Ok Ivan.

I guess it's philanthropic to spend the public's tax dollars on funding cultural marxism and other philosophies designed to destroy the family, christian values, and the identity of your own people. Fuck off glow-nigger.

You keep pushing lies. The CIA is anti-extremism.

If you align with the Nazis then it makes sense why you are anti-CIA.

Remember to kill every american abroad, there's a high chance they are a glowie.

>your nations
Glowniggers work for pedophile jews

America will always be number one in my heart

Is that a threat?

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It benefits americans because every subhuman traitor working for the CIA is an enemy of not just America but humanity as a whole. There is no other force on the planet more malevolent and destructive than US intelligence agencies

Glowniggers will glow. How much are you paid to destroy your own country? I feel bad for you, bro. CIA can lick and tongue my anus :3

you called me a conspiracy theorist when i presented you hard evidence here now you're strangely silent. everyone take note of this. the cia-nigger has no interest in honest intellectual debate. his very nature makes him incapable of it. he's a natural deceiver. his soul is tiny and perfectly suited to being a Machiavellian cock-sleeve.

>hur hur if we fund Foucault then Marxism go bye bye. woops, we didn't understand either philosophy, and now we destroyed the American way of life. hur hur CIA your friend.

Ignore this waste of energy and space; it’s a paid shill pimping himself. Fags like you get the mag

Reminder glowniggers are just braindead diversity hires nowadays

Anyone have that vid of FBIniggers visiting some kid who shitposted them and the boomer dad told them to fuck off

>funds Foucault, who argued that everything from God to logic to Mozart's Symphonies to the family structure are nothing but jealous power-seeking (cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP86S00588R000300380001-5.PDF)
>calls itself anti-extremism

fuck off glow-nigger

It benefits the American people. CIA is a cesspool of degenerates that clandestinely advocate for pedophilia, human trafficking, illegal narcotics trafficking, and black book operations.

Feds like you get the rope. This is not satire. Again, tongue my anus you faggot shit. You are against the American people, and you will have your day in court. 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN.

Good day

lmao. I want to see it

OK Golem

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Op must be a CIA diversity hire