Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism? Can't you see the parallels? You don't want another world war do you?
Dangerous rhetoric
>You don't want another world war do you?
I do want another war. The Earth should be gone.
didnt cnn coin the term fake news then trump turned it around on them, fuck you commie revisionist niggers
You really want to see the end of civilization as we know it? All your friends and family dead? How edgy.
Trump drinks water
Guess who else drinks water ?
>Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism?
>Can't you see the parallels?
I can. Good stuff.
>You don't want another world war do you?
And again the Jewry threatens the world for daring to want sovereignty.
I have been looking into this hitler fellow, just a working theory but I think he may have been a nazi.
Based & fpbp. Only thing is that Earth should stay, humans should go.
You sound distracted, Shlomo.
What does that even mean.
Based Israeli poster? I just hear a lot of people throwing around the term "cultural marxism", which is a pretty obvious dogwhistle for subversive jewish influence in this country. Prove it Goy
Maybe Hitler wasn't wrong?
lugenpress more like judenpress
It was facebook
Basically they announced that they were combating "fake news" and released a list of websites...
Instead of buzzfeed betoota advocate they pretty much just listed all conservative media.
Leftists invented "fake news"
>Can't you see the parallels
This is textbook populism, it isn't just Hitler or even fascism. But yeah i see the parallels all the time.
This. That’s why it’s such a great meme, Trump turned it around on them and they kvetched because of it
>The Earth should be gone.
>T. edgy nihilist.
Jews are overrepresented in American intelligentsia, industry, and media. However, they have overt distant for Europeans and Christianity. This alone is a legitimate reason for antisemitism, simple as that, I don't need to prove shit. But of course seeing how the academia, industry, and media are all overtly hostile towards Europeans and Christianity, the connection is easily made. Subversive Jewish influence is a fact clear as day, and antisemitism is a healthy, positive, beneficial and logical response of self preservation.
>And again the Jewry threatens the world for daring to want sovereignty.
Sure, that’s why you’re a threat, not subverting, brainwashing, undermining every nation and scheming to destroy all other races by creating an easily controllable brown horde.
Trump doesn’t do anything to shut the media up. Nice try OP, but you’re gonna have to do better than that to convince everyone instead of using a baseless meme
>oy vey goy it's dangerous if you don't believe everything we jews tell you
dangerous for who???
I want another world
If it results in the subjugation of niggers, wops, Jews, Arabs, and all kinds of chinks, it can't happen fast enough.
both of them are rigth user
I just hope Trump don't invade Russia
My post kind of implies that you don't need to explain that shit to me, I know it already.
>fuck you commie revisionist niggers
The media talking about fake news, and a head of state attacking the Media are too completely different things, even if they use the same "term". You are confused by semantics.
>you must not point out disingenuous or misleading reporting because bad man did that
aha ok
>Hitler did nothing wrong
The jews started a civil war in 1917 and also made life a living hell in Weimar Germany. The got what they rightfully deserved.
The correct response after interacting with jews
Lugenpresse is more like: Press of lies
Is it really rhetoric when the media lies repeatedly?
>listed all conservative media.
Because most of these "alternative media" sites are just flat out lying and making things up.
>Dangerous rhetoric
>Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism?
I am very pleased at the current continuing rising rate of awareness of the Biblical tribe of liars.
Is a jew able to go a single day without lying? NO, it is built into the religion and genetics to lie at least once a day.
Also OP is a faggot jew.
Well, if it is a lying press, why not call it what it is. Spreading disinformation and hyping divisive causes is the exact thing a provocateur would do. Fake news is called that for a reason, when you turn on CNN and MSNBC you will not get clever on the actual events of the world. You get presented to entrenched zealots for a very narrow political viewpoint. Do you ever hear about other stuff than politics or are your life consumed by it? You got to see it for what it is, propaganda.
>alternative media
Alternative doesn’t just include these far right retards and PragerU. It’s all media platforms no matter who they is
As opposed to buzzfeed listicles... find out which marvel super hero you are user...
>You don't want another world war do you?
Are you really threatening war just because we wont swallow your lies anymore or tolerate your subversion? Just fuck off to israel and stay there.
>Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism?
Yes, I'm worrying that it's not rising fast enough.
Shut the hell up.
It was used well before Adolf.
Betray CIA die by heart attack.
>Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism?
Trusted news sources?
pure coincidence the instructors name is (((berg)))
Kek. Bring it.
Lol buzzfeed... why do they even get the time of day?
Do you understand the function of the word "these" in that sentence? That dumb meme obviously applies more to you.
I am worried it will fail again. This time we need the hall of costs to be real.
NOPE, quite the opposite. Larping as a jew and trying to drum up sympathy is actually a more effective method of redpilling the masses than simply espousing " THE JOOS", like I used to when I was a kid. Get on my level
Oh my, don't say you didn't you get the memo, fellow white person?
Anti-semitism is over, we stand shoulder to shoulder with based Israel in the war against the soulless bugman chink.
Heads of state are supposed to bow down to your globohomo canal and not attempt to have their own agenda, got it.
LOL, yea, really...
You in the wrong 'hood, OP.
>As opposed to buzzfeed listicles
I don't know i never read it, but i doubt people take that it serious.
>find out which marvel super hero you are user...
Kek, i guess that is why i don't read it.
Ugh ok professor lemme take your grading critique on an anonymous website
No, because I'm not a jew.
>You really want to see the end of civilization as we know it?
Yes, terrible fucking thread.
All your friends and family dead?
What friends and family?
How edgy.
Yeah fuck off.
A fav copy pasta that shuts up every single jew sympathizer every single time ---->
Find one bit of degeneracy or corruption in western nations that doesn't have a jew behind it.
>You can't
>No one can
This is rather telling as jews are less than 2% of western nations populations.
The difference is that Hitler was referring to the jews and not the people.
Whoa, two slavic niggers like destruction.
How dare Trump call out the character assassinations that run 24/7 about anyone or anything challenging the corruption/people who dont have the population's *actual* best interests at heart, what a demon.
Does anybody really think that media companies these days are fulfilling their obligation as a free press ??
Is that you Justin?
>Heads of state are supposed to bow down to your globohomo
Heads of state should be above what the media writes, they should accept critique and lead by example. And the media should be critical this is a tested and trialed arrangement.
Trumps a jew
Huffington Post and Jew York Times have actually cited Buzzfeed, so yes some people take them seriously.
If you think only conservative media lies than you are either naive, oblivious, or being deceitful
Been caught twice now with the ankle bracelet.
I hope this globalhomo gets taken away to Gitmo soon. We need day of the rake.
>Aren't you guys worried about the rise of antisemitism?
>that media companies these days are fulfilling their obligation as a free press
If you have a better grasp on reality than the NYT or the Economist, what is holding you back from starting your own news outlet?
Weird that the news came up with such an antisemetic term then
>You don't want another world war do you?
this got a chuckle out of me, clever OP
>Trumps a jew
That's why the prime minister of Israel threatens to assassinate Trump, because he's such a good jew puppet for Israel right?
>MSM outlets never lie
>And we think you're Hitler if you ever say they do
Do shitlibs actually have 0 self-awareness or are they just trying to not have to say they want white people exterminated?
Doing something productive.
hitler was orange we just couldnt tell because all the footage was in black and white
Yes. Trumps a jew.
Never has an Israeli plan taken so long to execute.
>You don't want another world war do you?
It's almost as if it's a threat.
Most people are not aware of who and what religious people actually declared war and started WW2.
funny how this unknowingly yet perfectly embodies the merchant mindset
>so yes some people take them seriously.
The New York times is pretty good in general, i am sure if they cite buzzfeed they atleast would make it clear.
>conservative media lies than you are either naive, oblivious, or being deceitful
There is a difference between putting a spin on shit and flat out make up shit. And i don't think mainstream conservative media is lying (that is why i used "alternative media") But FOX is extremely deceitful. The best conservative news sources are think tanks in my opinion.
Jews love playing victims
>is retarded while thinking he is smart
The Dutch were God's greatest mistake.
Kek, so you don't think proving good news in productive?
Lol if I were an actual jew, I actually might be scared. But I'm not, so I'm not. Tons of traction in this thread though so I can see why they use subversive tactics.
>He does not agree with me, and he has arguments. Ergo he is retard but thinks he is smart.
>The Dutch were God's greatest mistake.
In order to estimate properly the really pernicious influence which the Press can exercise one had to study this infamous Jewish method whereby honorable and decent people were besmirched with mud and filth, in the form of low abuse and slander, from hundreds and hundreds of quarters simultaneously, as if commanded by some magic formula.
These highway robbers would grab at anything which might serve their evil ends.
They would poke their noses into the most intimate family affairs and would not rest until they had sniffed out some petty item which could be used to destroy the reputation of their victim. But if the result of all this sniffing should be that nothing derogatory was discovered in the private or public life of the victim, they continued to hurl abuse at him, in the belief that some of their animadversions would stick even though refuted a thousand times. In most cases it finally turned out impossible for the victim to continue his defense, because the accuser worked together with so many accomplices that his slanders were re-echoed interminably.
The whole book is full of them. This for example, the father killed two Germans on the page before this and you're supposed to just accept that he did nothing wrong because "wouldn't you kill the evil nazis?"
Actually no. If I wanted to be a journalist I would have taken kind of degree. I see no point in working for an outlet that will always try to spin an event to fit a narrative. Modern journalism killed factual reporting. Investigative journalism has been replaced by Twitter thots reporting on shitposters.
Stop OP, I can only get so hopeful.
This, Trump just cucked Zuckerfag hard.
This is the real red pill: "everyone else should feel guilty forever!"
It's amazing that not only was it published, but got awards.
But these slanderers would never own that they were acting from motives which influence the common run of humanity or are understood by them. Oh, no. The scoundrel who defamed his contemporaries in this villainous way would crown himself with a halo of heroic probity fashioned of unctuous phraseology and twaddle about his 'duties as a journalist' and other moldy nonsense of that kind. When these cuttlefishes gathered together in large shoals at meetings and congresses they would give out a lot of slimy talk about a special kind of honor which they called the professional honor of the journalist. Then the assembled species would bow their respects to one another.
>You really want to see the end of civilization as we know it? All your friends and family dead? How edgy.