Be boomer

>be boomer
>free university for me but not for thee
>stable family and women for me but not for thee
>homogenous society for me but not for thee
>stable career growth and wages for me but not for thee
>non police and surveillance state for me but not for thee
>property for me but not for thee

Explain why I should view boomers as anything other than scum?

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Because in sixty years when whatever the fuck the kids are called then are all calling you a disgusting boomer who deliberately went out of your way to make their futures shit, you'll understand.

There would be nothing to take away or make it shit anymore, other than full blown war on our soil and complete collapse.
You've literally taken it all you fucking disgusting boomer scum.

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weak men create hard times OP. rise above

Go ahead and say that when they're complaining that internet access costs them 50k USD and it cost you almost nothing in comparison goddamnit you used up all the internet you stupid fucking boomer!

Of course, nothing you did actually influenced the price of the internet but do you understand the analogy yet?

You're a fucking idiot haha bongs are so god damn retarded. You old fogeys fucked your country up just like the boomers here in America. I hope you enjoy being old and alone with no savings whatsoever in your state provided nursing home after the economy tanks and you're getting abused by muslim workers. Eat shit and die

The things I listed that are no longer available to non boomers positives and assets, they are fundamental to a good meaningful life.
The internet shouldn't even be available to people, its main uses are communications for corporations/governments. There is literally no positive from the internet to people, it's just made everyone more anxious, stressed, and depressed.
That's like me complaining that coke is a lot more expensive because of boomers, the fuck.

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The answer is: you should. The borrowing/debt meme caused brainlet boomers to run up the debt like a giant credit card, assuming they'd get all that pension money and millennials would foot the bill. Now it's all falling apart and all they do is whine about how unfair it is. Tough shit, old fucks.

I don't disagree with this at all.
My contention is that boomers need to be part of the scum that gets removed in the hard times. I have as much empathy for them as shitskins - negative.

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>30 years old
>have wife and kid
>15 years of saving up
>finally have enough money for a house
>suck it boomers, moving up in the world yeah
>Start eating to saveings to survive
>government not wanting to give out first time home buyers loans right now
>banks wont take new mortgages right now
>dollar keeps crashing
lads :(

its a sad life man, started first job and now im sick as a fucking dog, cant get a test and am on unpaid medical leave

why is life so unfair fren

At this point in our lives maybe we could have fucked things up but boomers wont let go of the reins

No no you're correct. A lot of people who will argue to the contrary are legitimately retarded like this guy If you raise your children right and provide them the opportunities that you had then they will love and appreciate you. Our generation is more than right to hate the boomer generation.

also, you should just go into work user. If they wont pay you with out a test result than goi in and spread it

I would just collectively deny them healthcare and shut down state run aged care homes. This is the price they pay for burying their hands in the sand.

>>non police and surveillance state for me but not for thee
A lot of people overlook this one but it's serious. All the loicences and stupid fucking regulations where you can't even camp or fish in your local pond come from the era of boomers. These fuckers taxed and loicenced every aspect of life.
Seriously fuck that cancerous generation I can't even live with joy without the internet because these fucks made sure the is no hope or happiness in life without somehow paying/owing these cretins something.

>be millennial
>just a common cold for me but not for thee

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Nice user you got this time

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It'll get a whole lot worse, but you're right, we'd probably get blamed if there's no revolution or fightback by that point.

>War with Iran
>Democrats Presidency (2028)
>Global Recession
>One world digital currency
>Global migrant crisis (mudsoup / La Luz Extinguido brought to life)
>EU type unions managing every continent
>President Ivanka Kushner
>Israel Expansion
>India China war over a river (within 50 yrs)
>Neo Feudalism successfully established
>This means the "Rags to Riches" story will never happen again

this will completely collapse the housing market
>$1.2 mil drywall-and-glue houses sit on the market for months because nobody can afford $480,000 up front
>boomers start to panic because nobody can get dirt cheap loans at 1% down to buy up their "retirement fund" house
>boomer lowers price 10% because he wants to go on that cruise
>house still doesn't move
>boomers start to panic
>becomes a complete race to the bottom, with houses losing 50-60% of their value

this is fucking great news
no-money-down mortgages are the reason housing is so fucking expensive in the first place

Meanwhile in reality
>Middle class and wealthy foreigners continue to buy up housing as money laundering method from whatever authoritarian shithole Western firms decided to base their production in
>government continues to buy up properties using your tax money to use as subsidised housing for the inevitable nigger/paki/sandnigger migrants that are needed to pretend to work the menial jobs that are actually worked by tourist visa chink and jungle gooks who take cash payments and send back to their hotels overseas

Seems like a panic move only selling mortgages to people with 40% deposits.
Means the pool of buyers and therefore money chasing houses (and inflating their values) gets shrunk to a very small pool of cash rich people.
House price values will then be guaranteed to stagnate and then start falling as panic sellers try to call the top of the market and cash out.

>29 this year, married for 9 years and have kid.
>Bought first house last June.

Best of luck user

because the average Boomer was just responding to incentives and has as little to do with Boomerism as you have to do with avocado toast.
The Boomers had John Lennon and other rock stars' obscene and blasphemous lyrics foisted on them by the overlords of their predecessors.

No you're right. They took it all. It is FUCKED. They deserve this virus

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Calls people retarded, continues hating an entire generation of millions of people, many of whom have benefited the world in immeasurable ways. Alright.

You're right, those ways are immeasurable.

see the black guy in the advertisement in the window?
I was living in the UK when the commercial he was in aired, check out the pregnant white wife

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and when us millennials are old this is the defense we will use when now unborn generations upload arguments to the internut about how millenials ruined everything and need to be done in



Daily reminder that you have literally zero impact on the mutation of society. All of 4chinz from 2003 until the shutdown in October 2020 has maybe a tiny effect.

Why do you want an expensive mortgage and a family anyways? As someone who has had both in current year, it's shit. This sounds a lot like 'whataboutism'.

What are you talking about. An entire generairom is living on Yas Forums memes
>le feminine penis
>gaymer class
>ecelebs and egirls
>haha 7 proxies behind nordVPN while all my information is online

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You shouldn't because they are.

brother bought a house lat year

found out my parents gave him the deposit for a mortgage and let him off with rent since he was renting one of their houses

kinda crushed me because they did the same with him driving, paid half his lessons and insurance

one time I desperately needed money because the council double billed me and I struggled to get £50 from them

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>no land
>no family
Nice, I'm even lower than a fucking slave. But I get it, my only purpose is to consooom, just keep consooooming to make daddy shekelstein richer, never own anything, just consooom

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Parents always love and baby the weaklings more, not your fault

Nah it just means they expect residential house prices to fall.

>graduate college during the recession
>local economy is absolutely destroyed, cant manage to save up to move away
>never really recover
>now china virus

>Explain why I should view boomers as anything other than scum?
I'm certainly convinced everyone who says this is seething that they're not a movie star or a rapper.
I've never met a socialist whose desires doesn't boil down to "having more time to work on muh art".

here boomers were going to college for "fun" for $10 a credit. ten. those same classes cost anyone else (IE anyone who actually needs them) around $900 a credit. a course is typically 3-4 credits btw.

we should actively slaughter boomers in the street and drag them from their homes. they simply need to die.

The recession was over a decade ago. If you graduated during it, it means you didn't have anything to lose in the first place. You had nothing to recover from in the first place and yet you still did nothing in 10 years?

Your house is about to lose 50% of its value in a year.

Give it a year. The market hasn't even begun to correct. Wait for the default rate on mortgages to climb, homes foreclose and prices crash along with banks. We recover, new banks emerge, you buy a house at a 50% discount for cash.

That’s what I said burger.
If the banks want you to have a 40% deposit? That means they think prices could fall 40% and you take the hit losing your deposit.

>boomer music and TV execs promote out nigger mumble and pop prostitutes like mad to make an extra shekel from the ghettonigs and poor
>plaster their diarreah everywhere
>heh these youngings are so uncultured and degenerate heh they just want to complain all day and smoke weed heh HEY TYRONE get off my wife already and get ya new dis track ready I wanna pump that shit to the top of the charts and in the hood till I can pay for my new yacht, meet goldberg has with the recording company an ol frien of mine from college

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>just bought a house
>banks now start only lending to people with 40% deposit meaning they expect a 40% drop in house prices


go fuck yourself and die, boomer. there's literally an inforgraphic floating around that disproves you. but nooooo just talk out of your fucking ass like you always have. fat bloated pudgeball, insufferable idiot. go shove your precious TV up your asshole.

view them as the corpses they soon will be especially now with corona chan
1 month ago you could get probably any of them to say that infamous bootstrap line

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like killing the economy twice within a decade

Hopefully we can do better, and they'll be looking to us as wiser elders who fixed shit, as people have done for millenia

Kek 2008 same shit
>all muh houses gonna have real prices now
>market correct itself
>mortgages required higher down payments ever since >house values skyrocketed
>rent nearly doubled
>wages only recently just caught up to pre 2008 level
>only movement actually calling out this bullshit got subverted into SJW LGBBQ sexual fetish freak fest funded by our convenient boomer friends in the firms bailed out

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Better own than renting
>especially with kids

I feel you
>believe in the free market goy, we all play fair with the guide of the (((invisible))) hand
It's that ez ahahhahahahahahahaha

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Nope. Paying double in rent is the high IQ move. Those boomers need their wine money.

>Explain why I should view boomers as anything other than scum?

Because complaining about older people makes you seem like a whiney baby wearing a shit filled diaper.

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>jimmies rustled
>"theres an info graphic"
>doesn't post infographic
Now we know why you can't find a job
Lowest unemployment rate in history
Highest wage growth in history
Can't find job. Must be boomers fault.
Do some self reflection. There is no generation conspiring against you.
It's just you not admitting your own faults. And since you don't acknowledge any faults, you can't get any better.

Mortgages interest rates shouldn't be higher than 1%

I can rent for a year and pay about 150k less for a house when this is all said and done.

>Being a a shit filled diaper wearing boomer constantly whining about younger people and how back in your day you freed the nigs, the gooks, and the reds, while the nigger nurse is giving you your meds in your retirement home in Florida

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>There is no generation conspiring against you.
OK boomer

>There is literally no positive from the internet to people,
Shut the fuck up nigger.

It is.

>Parents always love and baby the weaklings more
Way to make weaklings more weak.

It's time to acknowledge your faults, boomer boy.
Very high IQ post

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Tell me what Yas Forums and trap porn has contributed to your well being.

most boomers are actually pretty poor and destitute. I took a road trip recently and drove through Arizona and Nevada and all sorts of trailer park cities in the middle of the desert have ballooned in population.

They are all boomers who are so poor they live out on the desert with their meager $1400 social security check.

>I hate boomers
>why dont you take care of me while I jerk off all day

It's your fault op. If you weren't all degenerate faggots and did something you wouldn't be where you are

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Should've saved your money, faggots

>access to all the worlds information
>ability to travel to any part of the world
>live in climate controlled buildings
its not all bad

So do something about it. Maybe boomers look down on you because all you do is whine.