@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/1/20
>VP Pence on FBN 4/1/20
>VP Pence on (((FakeNews))) 4/1/20
>VP Pence/AgSec Perdue visit Walmart Distribution Center in Gordonsville VA 4/1/20 (full)
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/1/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on CBSEveningNews 4/1/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on (((FakeNews))) 4/1/20
>FDACommr Hahn on FoxNews 4/1/20
>KAC on F&F 4/1/20
>KAC outside WH 4/1/20
>SG Adams on GMA 4/1/20
>SG Adams on TODAY 4/1/20
>FCCChair Pajit on F&F 4/1/20
>CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite on F&F 4/1/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on FBN 4/1/20
>CDC Preparing Nursing Homes for Corona-chan 4/1/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Coronavirus State Infection Rate
April 1

State: [total infected % of pop.] (+change from previous day), [positive test %]
(The positive test % serves as a poor man's confidence level. The higher percent, the less likely they are testing enough and so the real infection rate is likely higher)

NY: 0.431% (+0.041%), 37.985%
NJ: 0.251% (+0.040%), 42.276%
LA: 0.138% (+0.026%), 14.034%
MA: 0.111% (+0.016%), 14.956%
CT: 0.100% (+0.012%), 21.428%
MI: 0.093% (+0.017%), 43.972%
DC: 0.083% (+0.013%), 15.221%
WA: 0.077% (+0.005%), 8.828%
CO: 0.058% (+0.007%), 19.835%
IL: 0.055% (+0.008%), 17.284%
RI: 0.053% (+0.007%), 12.872%
VT: 0.051% (+0.004%), 7.141%
PA: 0.047% (+0.008%), 12.444%
GU: 0.046% (+0.005%), 15.942%
GA: 0.045% (+0.006%), 23.359%
NV: 0.042% (+0.005%), 9.994%
TN: 0.039% (+0.004%), 8.268%
IN: 0.038% (+0.006%), 17.843%
DE: 0.038% (+0.005%), 8.396%
ID: 0.038% (+0.008%), 10.195%
FL: 0.036% (+0.005%), 11.478%
MS: 0.036% (+0.005%), 22.424%
MD: 0.033% (+0.005%), 10.329%
UT: 0.032% (+0.004%), 4.781%
NH: 0.031% (+0.004%), 6.388%
VI: 0.029% (+0.000%), 16.667%
WI: 0.027% (+0.003%), 7.610%
MO: 0.026% (+0.004%), 9.072%
ME: 0.026% (+0.003%), 5.348%
SC: 0.025% (+0.004%), 20.439%
CA: 0.025% (+0.003%), 11.230%
WY: 0.024% (+0.003%), 5.835%
AL: 0.023% (+0.002%), 14.253%
OH: 0.022% (+0.003%), 8.622%
MT: 0.020% (+0.002%), 4.412%
AZ: 0.019% (+0.002%), 6.710%
AR: 0.019% (+0.002%), 7.357%
ND: 0.019% (+0.003%), 3.160%
HI: 0.018% (+0.002%), 2.884%
AK: 0.018% (+0.002%), 2.889%
OK: 0.018% (+0.004%), 36.553%
OR: 0.017% (+0.001%), 5.323%
IA: 0.017% (+0.002%), 6.991%
VA: 0.017% (+0.003%), 9.672%
NM: 0.017% (+0.002%), 2.742%
KS: 0.017% (+0.002%), 8.179%
NC: 0.016% (+0.002%), 6.543%
KY: 0.015% (+0.002%), 8.999%
SD: 0.015% (+0.002%), 3.199%
TX: 0.014% (+0.001%), 8.500%
MN: 0.012% (+0.001%), 3.251%
MP: 0.011% (+0.007%), 100.000%
NE: 0.011% (+0.002%), 5.686%
WV: 0.011% (+0.002%), 4.175%
PR: 0.009% (+0.001%), 11.034%
AS: 0.000% (+0.000%), 0.000%

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>runs the economy into the ground because of the flu
this wouldn't have happened if paul ryan was president

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Based and whitepeoplepilled

Digits decides the percentage of dindu deaths

South Korea and Japan massively averted crisis by aggressively tracking down potential infected, testing large amounts of people, and quickly banning risky people. America did not.

Nice again, thanks.

Thanks for baking

Attached: 1478994309071.jpg (650x443, 60.84K)

for anyone interested, i've imported in the state archival data so i can compare any number of them while accounting for the population size

Attached: 1584749441443.png (1059x650, 67.26K)

last week was 3.3 million, so just under 10 million in the past two weeks


Daily reminder goy, do not go outside. Do not go to the beach. Do not go enjoy life. Sit in your house and rot like cattle. Don't ask why.

This all could have been avoided if we just went to college

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>This paper has been withdrawn by its authors.
>but muh HIV
Everyone laugh at the bongoloid. Here is the article from the /cvg/ pastebin:

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-02 um 14.28.49.png (1438x810, 152.79K)

Did we ever get more information or final stats? Was there a cure? How many total infected? etc.

Attached: 04-01 07_08_54.png (301x232, 4.18K)

Top kek, lad.

reminder that this virus killed at least 1.5% of china's population in less than 4 months, even with strict lockdowns. so much for it being a "nothingubrger".

Attached: 1584978618485.png (698x622, 540.93K)

Papers from India and China are notorious for needing retraction, not being possible to replicate, not being cited, and not passing peer review. This is par for course.

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6.6 total

thank you Obama

>Was there a cure?
Being white.

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Here is something you can do to color these stats: to make a “% of Italy” stats.
> take the death / million pop and divide by the death / million pop of Italy
NY is what, 80% of Italy now? If needed adjust for date after 100 death to compare same with same

My old professor used to say that 50% of all scientific papers are garbage.

it's a cover-up. the HIV link has been confirmed by multiple sources and we're seeing evidence of this with the frequent reinfection stories.

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based coronachan removing Chinks at incredible hihg speed if this is verified

>multiple sources
Ok post one that wasn’t withdrawn

The probability of a paper being garbage massively increases when from certain fields like sociology and from certain countries or racial groups like China or nigger.

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everyone was effected.

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You cannot practice social distancing in a park. Parks are closed. Do not jog. Someone could sneeze as they jog by! Do not breathe the same air as others. That air is poison! If you see a person outside through your house or apartment window, report them to the police! They are committing a crime and will be punished!

Um, sweeties.

It’s a financial Holocaust. SIX GORILLION

Attached: ABA46CB2-6615-42FB-8315-D510DDFD8205.jpg (1333x198, 205.04K)

>it's a cover-up.
This is one hell of a COPE. Top kek!

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Chinks and their cartel pals are niggers. If you support China not only do you support the cartels you're also a nigger. It's simple as that.

Attached: 78451378_p0.jpg (899x1024, 628.96K)

Chinese die from walking in front of cars and hungry escalators. They probably see a person winding up for a big sneeze and stare unblinking into his face as the droplets land on their eyes.

>Trump's greatest achievement of low black unemployment is wholly fucked in less than two weeks
the fucking state of this administration!

Attached: 1552374124145.png (800x430, 298.45K)

Incorrect; it’s 6.6 for this week and 3.3 previous week. It’s not an aggregate sum

Attached: 1585453229717.png (698x1126, 148.85K)

Fucking Eswatini and Cabo Verde even has cases

Attached: 1585620333415.jpg (756x755, 522.87K)

> 1.5% if China population
> 1.6 billion * 0.015
user, plz. 24 million dead chinks?

3.3 million new claims not 6.6

He was talking about engineering, actually. I've seen stuff like papers from Africa that report r-squared values of 0.3 and consider that a good result.

I doubt it in Japan’s case.

>My old professor used to say that 50% of all scientific papers are garbage.
probably more like 75% desufam

GUYS! How will trump get reelected now that he can't run on this record of low black unemployment!?!?

Attached: 26-mitt-romney-laughing.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 30.54K)

A drop in the bucket if it's true. There can never be enough dead chinks, and corona isn't the way to achieve even 150M dead chinks.

Attached: China body left to rot in the road.webm (480x272, 965.76K)

You aren’t reading it correctly. It’s 6.648 million new claims.

Attached: 2043C5F3-31FD-4930-A71C-EB19E9DE5FD2.png (740x426, 100.46K)

You’re being way too obvious desu senpai

Why is it always SIX MILLION?

>the bong
>not a single bong involved
You’re clearly of their race.

>GUYS! How will trump get reelected now that he can't run on this record of low black unemployment!?!?
biden doesnt have a chance, he is unsafe during a pandemic

Attached: 1584533908149.jpg (589x783, 43.43K)

There's a good reason why citations for papers are almost exclusively centered in Europe, America, and Japan/SK

Attached: blep.png (680x679, 449.83K)

perhaps blatant shitposting was the goal all along.

Black fucking people say nigger all day everyday, even on TV, and this blue checked SJW is worried about white ppl saying it? He's first

We're boned

Attached: 35f76cf155f5e8cd278f21a33366481e.jpg (450x426, 24.6K)

>implying i'm not deeply concerned about black unemployment!

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Generally speaking Instagram is shit unless your a cute puppy but this Coronavirus over-reaction lockdown footage is worth plugging your nose just to understand the fucking retardedness of this world.

Attached: Carmel CALIFORNIA.jpg (640x400, 47.71K)

97% of professors are garbage arseholes.

i'm importing in europe's infection rates right now
i have not collected archival death rates yet. i also need to create the derivative graph to show the rate of growth over time. i can tell you already based on the italy numbers i just put in, new york is doing far, far worse

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South Koreans have to provide ID to have an internet connection monitored by the government.

we need a true hero

Attached: 803.jpg (500x617, 38.28K)


> i have not collected archival death rates yet.
On that worldimeter site you can take it clicking on individual countries. You only need one tho: Italy

Democrats pushing for stay at home voting

They know if turnout is low Trump will sweep

your own screenshot says 6.6 total

>>south koreans have to provide ID.
They got it better than CONGRESS does then!!!

Attached: awan 2 go to jail.jpg (747x499, 66.79K)

was that expert Nancy Pelosi?

>They know if people vote by mail they can just manipulate the ballots as they wish

only white people with college degrees should be allowed to vote for now on

Attached: 1501772989_RyanPaulDab.png (640x360, 403.61K)

plz lrn 2 graph

This. GOP rolls with this and they lose Arizona, NC and the election

For the week (6.648m), and it says the prior week was 3.283m which gives a total just under 10 million dollars when you add the two weeks together.

The 6.648m isn’t a monthly total, it’s a weekly total.

The larger the amount of voting by mail that occurs, which should not be allowed or possible at all, the greater the ability of democrats to rig things.


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*10 million claims

How dumb can mankind be? No, really, I truly hope Portugal keeps the ports closed

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I don't remember this, never heard of it before. Pretty neat. Pence's plane overran the runway during the campaign

why are leftist shills pretending like we hate socialism? I voted for trump specifically because he promised socialism.

Don't go check the views they get...

So 50-50 chance they'll go with it


Attached: Megumin.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

NC? Doubt. AZ? Don’t doubt for a second.

For the week = total. Look at your own graph. Geezuz

1010% for lewds and MAGA and buttsexks

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Coof coof

I hope republicans aren't dumb enough to fall for this. If they sign this off, Trump loses by default. The chink virus is projected to phase out in June. There isn't even a reason for this, considering the election is months away after that.

Happened during the election

Breadtube isn't getting anything done in the big scheme of things. Just a bunch of Bernouts and Corbynistas who play dress-up. Why would you even bring those irrelevant nonces up?

I just said that

99.9% of scientific papers are garbage now and that's not an exaggeration. The entire weight of literature doubles every 5 years. Almost all of it worthless.

So we agree the 6.6 is the total for the week then.

Last week was 3.3 which isn’t included in that above total. Glad we sorted that out,

I was agreeing with you. YOU WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT!

cruise ships should just be banned forever

If there was very little government funding into things that are not profitable then people would be forced to do useful things.

'Morning Yanks

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yeah but for state death rate history i have to go somewhere else, and when i do that i'm going to sit down and do all of them in a row
here's why i say NY is way way worse than italy though: here's infection rate for the two direction compared. realistically new york's should be shifted to the left to account for the later outbreak, but the point is readily seen

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You CAN'T get refunds on your cruises, only rebookings. So of course they're on the rise. The alternative is losing 100% of your money to Israeli cruise ship owners.

No. We have agreed on nothing and you are wrong. It is ok though. I still like you.

Italy’s numbers on infection rate sadly are sorely underestimated. They didn’t test enough

>I was real sick for a night
>shut down the economy goyim

Oh and It's morning in America, make it an awesome day.

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Because he's a heeb who has to shill for his fellow commies.

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>chris cuomo is gonna died

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Daily reminder that New Yorkers are responsible for this. If you see a New Yorker, stab them in the fucking face and lynch their family

What a complete joke, not even ill & like so many others is simply keeping the hype going & of course the MSM have no other story to follow now that politics takes a back seat (well sort of)

I hope he gets on CNN and talks about shitting himself and crying

I was curious so I watched a few videos of sick Cuomo. He's being a drama queen he's not even sick.