Former Vodafone boss blows whistle on 5g coronavirus

Corona-virus is radiation poisoning. Major roll-outs of 5G in the last year have been, wait for it, Wuhan, Italy, and Spain. Americucks may not be supremely aware of it, but Italy and Spain have been struck hardest by radiation poisoning in Europe.

Watch the video for one of the biggest red pills you'll swallow this decade:

This interview keeps getting taken down, so just do a google search for the title of this thread to find it if it's down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here's another vid related, doesn't touch on 5G, but it does cover the fear-mongering.

They're also using these school/etc shut downs to install 5G in closed places like schools.

That means iodine is just as effective as zinc and Vitamin C in killing the beast

This thread won't get any replies and fedchan has only the /cvg/ which gets spammed by idiots and any other threads are deleted. There's a fucking AMA with a 1 post ID OP with 50+ replies. Fuck Yas Forums niggers.

The hardest hit regions don't even have 5g. You're retarded, right?

You don't even know what you're talking about, nigger. Please kill yourself since niggers like you only beg for big government.

South Korea has had 5G for over a year everywhere and they were barely hit by anything, please fuck off with your disinfo bullshit

TL:DR fuck off

Major cruise ships affected had 5G.
Russia, which has almost no 5G in public areas, has almost no cases.
Corona-virus is nothing but the symptoms of radiation poisoning. Just listen to the interview, it's very factually dense.

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Bumping for interest and discourse.

>vodafone Ceo knows about biology

Based lugols it is then

This is pro-China propaganda. Saged.

literally no cruise ships have 5G you fucking faggot disinfo shill

Checks out. It's the 5g! now go outside and touch everything. Let some people cough on you. Nothing to fear, right retard?

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i am going to blow whistle on your mom drinking while pregnant

Corona Princess had 5G retard
>The Diamond Princess Had 5G on Board: 5G is the ONLY Established Connection to CoronaVirus

>German flag
>believes MSM programming
I bet you don't even think you have an immigration issue, retard.

I only just found out about 8kun being online this morning. This place is a fucking shill infested cesspit.

Show my a 5G coverage map and compare it to a coronavirus outbreak map and I'll believe you

8kun is fedchan tho, you can't even make a thread on CV outside their containment thread. Its mods are literal glow niggers.


I have to say, I was sceptical about this, but it makes a lot of sense.

What is very suspicious is how the news articles "debunking" this all use obvious strawmen:
>No, 5g doesn't cause corona virus
>It also spread in areas without 5g so 5g doesn't cause corona virus
Not a single attempt has been made to debunk the actual claim:
That 5g is making some people sick and some are dying, and the spread of the corona virus is being used as a coverup.

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Oh shit.
The city the most hard hit in South Africa with over 70% of the infected is also the city that started rolling out 5g the most in South Africa last year

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>source: some retard gibbering for 20 minutes
5G needs fiber optic landlines to work. cruise ship satellite internet is slow as fuck
Also if cruise ships somehow could get 5G they'd all be bragging about having it but literally none of them do because it's impossible

>logical fallacy
>thinking you actually disproved anything
Okay glownigger, please kill yourself

>all the engineers and technicians working on installing it are too stupid to recognize what it does
>alternatively they're all in on it...while working on it
>anarkiddie who 100% is an ameritard
5G threads are absolute bottom of the barrel, at least make a Gates vaccine, chipping or abolition of cash thread.

Watch this one at 1.5 speed.

To be honest what's the point of even having 5g on a cruise ship?
This sounds retarded.

lmfao yeah sorry that uhh "reality" blows up your theory. 5G cannot work in the middle of the ocean you fucking retard. i can tell you're a poorfag and have never been on one because the wifi cant even support 3G speeds

if cruise ships had 5G all the companies would be bragging and swinging their dicks about it. instead they brag about charging you $100 per 1 GB of shitty slow wifi

This isn't really a conspiracy thread. I believe people just do stupid things or are very naive sometimes. Even large groups of people with Master's degrees and Phd's. Shocking, not so much.
I live in Europe, btw. I didn't want to taint the information by using my flag. /pol hates Ancap more, eh, I guess I didn't bring that into my consideration when posting.
Oh, and the interview also talks about vaccines and Gates, chipping and the abolition of cash, fuckface. Again, drop the conspiracy theory hat and approach this with a "even supposedly smart people sometimes do stupid things"-hat and you'll find that it makes sense.

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How do you retards think they get internet on a cruise ship and why do you refuse to look into facts and FACE THEM NIGGER?
They literally had adverts about their cruise's network. Please kill yourself, nigger.

okay then, this should be easy: show me a REAL proof of cruise ships and 5G beyond some low IQ stooge gibbering on youtube. an ad, a press release. anything.
they use slow ass satellite internet then normal wifi routers you fucking retard, holy shit. do you think they drag a cable behind them to stay hooked up to the internet???

That is interesting, I wonder why the death rate increased in 2019?

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Its both

I work next to the building where Ericsson develops their 5G base stations.
I'd be long dead if it were as dangerous as you schizos say.

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Timespanked for your viewing pleasure.

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Guys, my city, Derby is one of the most hard-hit - no 5g though. Explain that.

pic unrelated

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It mostly affects fatties and smokers anyway. And the genetically weak. I'm mostly concerned about forced vaccinations in the future, for myself and for my future offspring.

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Yeah don't forget that they will force an ID on you as well.
That shit genuinely terrifies me and should scare the shit out of anyone.

Lol. Do you even know the range of 5g?
>The shorter wavelength means 5G can carry a lot of data much faster than 4G, but it also means a much shorter range. 4G wavelengths have a range of about 10 miles. 5G wavelengths have a range of about 1,000 feet, not even 2% of 4G's range.
It's like only 1km. Do you know a ship itself can be 1km long? Wouldn't even be able to transport a connect to the other side of the ship lol

I suppose it would be faster than having to remember our medical history/searching for it on a computer

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No one is saying the corona virus isn't real. It's still a virus like a cold or flu, and you can still die from it if you are old or have other complications.
The claim is that it's milder than we think and most of the serious cases and deaths are in fact due to 5G.

That being said, there don't seem to be many people dying in Derby? Do you have up to date stats?

Yeah, a ship can be 1km long. Also, do you know the average person uses about 3 toilet rolls a day?
On a more serious note, you can install a ton of 5G towers in a population dense area. You don't even see the ones on top of most buildings unless if you're looking for them. Furthermore I can only assume that the financial incentive for nation-wide 5G coverage is pretty lucrative, even in these early stages.

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So places like Nigeria have 5G now?

Explain New Orleans. It’s basically a third world city. It’s economy is like that of a Caribbean island, based almost entirely around tourism. 5G Service would be rolled out in much larger cities well before a city that can’t even keep itself from flooding (not talking about Katrina but the more recent drainage pump fires).

However it is a coronavirus hotspot, when you look at per capita numbers, 25% higher than NYC. The population is just much smaller. It’s probably because it’s not some schizo 5G conspiracy theory nonsense but a communicable disease. Mardi Gras was February 25th, and New Orleans first confirmed case was March 9th.

Pic is coronavirus cases per 10,000 people.

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Electromagnetic waves don't spawn bacteria you brainlet.

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Screaming in schizophrenic:

See Its still a real virus, no one is saying it's caused by 5G. We are saying that a lot more people seem to be "dying from coronavirus” in 5G areas.

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>programmed responses
Based NPC retards, go read snopes and kikepedia

Well alot of people have been calling out people for not doing enough tests.
Even at 5g announcements they had some PR guy(thing it was a WHO rep) saying that the importance 5g has to our economy and such outway the wait for having 5g properly vetted.

Ah, the old "explain everything into minute detail right now or your what you're saying is definitely false" argument. Fuck off, it could be that New Orleans is full of fat, sick people already. Citing unknown information isn't debunking anything at this point when major statistical information is pointing towards obvious truths.

Pick one, retard. One is alive and can definitely harm you (bacteria), the other is literally the byproduct of your cells taking a dump.

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Lugols is good. 3-5 drops diluted in water a day.
Actually noticeable effects. If I take it before bed I have trouble sleeping because it makes me feel alert.
I also like the sea kelp tablets.

quads of truth checked
this. just rub some on your skin

>i humbly ask for a single bit of actual proof of something that should be super easy to show and companies would love to advertise
>buttblasted 'ur an NPC!!' response
LMFAO the cope is real, so much for your logical fallacies you brainlet of a useful idiot

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maybe be the 5Dfags were right and everyone that is dying from this isn't capable of ascending. 5G is just getting the blame.

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What is the difference between 5g and 4g? What about 5g and wifi?

I'll concede that i'm an idiot from not knowing the difference between a virus and a bacteria, but they still need to spawn from somewhere, and EM waves do not carry biological elements.


So governments install 5g towers everywhere to kill people and claim it is from a virus? How does this benefit anybody? 5g towers that kill people would be something that people should realize pretty quickly, then they fight back against it and hold the people responsible who put them up. That seems like the most retarded conspiracy ever. There would be much better ways to kill people.

complete nonsense and bullshit!!!!

give him proof you retard.

explain Switzerland

You mean densely populated places filled with mindless consumers? Gee, who da thunk...

What about South Korea?

My god. Somebody cap this.

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