I'm going to die

The death data says winnie the flu is killing manlets in droves 88% under 5'10. Also BMI >30. It's like God's plague to exterminate the unfuckable.

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Aren’t most men under 5’10”? I don’t think height is a meaningful predictor of mortality.

shorter men actually live longer, this dudes an idiot lol.

5’8” barrel chested here
Manlets rise up (as high as we can anyway)

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Why care about height? I'm 1.75 and I don't give a shit.

5' 11" here with a 5 1/2" weeny and small hands. Lifes good though, can't imagine being ANY smaller however so I understand little man complex.

How much is 1.84 mt in burger scale?

Being shorter is easier on your heart, and you burn less calories for heat.

>Little man virus

6 foot i think

you cracked the code user. grats. might want to put this one on your resume.

I'm 5'9" and never had any problems with girls. I've dated girls who are 6'+. It's kind of annoying and I'm more attracted to girls 5'2"-5'4"
But just go for shorter girls. One of my friends is 5'4" and his girlfriend is 5'.

nice link faggot

6 foot exact.

All of you tall niggas will get Cotton Hill'ed on the Day of the Saw.

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Spics BTFO

Looks & height are overrated on here
I'm really good looking, 6'3, but still an incel because of my personality

It's women, it's killing women. Dumb fucking roastie.

5'6, lengthlets in thread will be getting a visit from me soon

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1.84 montain is bery tall in burgerland

Is that good? I don’t feel tall, im from the norfh btw

id say 5 meter is quite tall

I enjoy just being alive.

If China wasn't lying about their case and death rate. It would be 99.5%.

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All the dead chinks were manlets, not a high enough sample size in the 6+ domain.

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I’m 6’4 and never had a problem with women, hell Its even had better luck since lockdown because all of them are horny as fuck. I’ve already banged a couple tinder thots since we had to “shelter in place”

Little did they know I’m positive for Covid. How do you say it? Patrolled?

That's fine. I'm 6'8" so I'll still be taller than you faggots.

more time to suffer

When shit hits the fan, women will be looking for ANY man to increase her chances of survival. She will fuck anything that protects her(doesn't take much because women are WEAK AF). The weakest men are still 99% stronger than all women.

Think about it.

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Why has this phrase been popularized? Limited English-speaking people find it easy to say? It’s so retarded, and has always bothered me.

wow I have a much larger penis than you and am shorter whats up with that bro?

6 ft is average in the flyovers because the water has more nutrients than the heavily polluted mega city water that people in europe or new york are used to drinking. Also fuck you new yorkers, all your breads like bagel and pizza dough you obssess over tastes like shit because your water is shitty.

Good riddance.

>Think about it.
It won't come to that
And even if it did, you will be fucked too and won't be in any position to increase any woman's "chance of survival".

Men get shorter as they age. It’s why the stats are like that. Relax.

> Lanklets will never know what being comfy in an airplane feels like
> Lanklets will never know what looking jacked after 3 months of workouts feels like
> Lanklets will never know how tiny arms can make benching 2x your bodyweight easy as shit
> Lanklets will never know how easy it is to deadlift 2-3x your bodyweight

Legitimately like being 5'7" desu.

5'9 with a thicc IQ and a successful career. Girls are easy, just ignore the ones you like, they come to you.

That's a looong list of cope right there

Lets hear you explain why its good to have a government run by feminists who import feral niggers to rape your blonde women?

6'7", 24 BMI here, sorry manlet bros, life is cruel to you in so many ways.

I'm in America. We're armed to the teeth unlike your cucked country.

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>Aren’t most men under 5’10”?
Not in 'merica
Me and my graduating class were all in the 6ft-6ft6 range. Fuck, most people I see are six feet tall here.
In reality, the average is skewed heavily by asians and spics

>under 5'10
>BMI >30
You forgot your age and your credit score.


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How bad is being 5'9? Be brutal

And race

Enjoy getting shot for a crumb of meat flap then I guess.

that's like 21 Rogans


Use this and then try to make a statement

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>It's like God's plague to exterminate the unfuckable.

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I wish. Dying from corona would be one of the most honorable way to go for me. Just kill me already

Yes, it's also mostly killing shrunk down old dudes

I'd rather be dead than live a day as a manlet

174cm/5’8” ubermensch reporting.
Lanklets, send me ur addresses lets do this the old way

I’m 5’6, ripped, 25 yo with asthma and tested positive for corona back in November and my immune system wiped it out in 5 weeks.

I had a temperature of 39.9 C which doctors ruled out as a chest infection, but no antibiotics were getting rid of it. I received 5 rounds and nothing helped.

I was spitting up an endless amount of water/fluid without a cough, which hoever did start out as a dry cough.

I had this before corona became “global” which has also opened my eyes to the reality of the world governments wanting to blame China for starting it. Again, not true.

Doctors were baffled at what I had, as I was one of the first and I became a test dummy for a few glow niggers. I was also called back up recently to be tested because they want to understand how my immune system beat it.

What I find funny is the world governments are telling the public it was discovered in December. It was discovered way before this and well known it would spread.

I was given the all clear and ordered to work out. I was still going to the gym and lifting before lock down happened and ONLY felt good when I was lifting.

So this is shit. Now a lot of my are old and they are well and fine. It’s really only killing manlets who are already unhealthy which is the 99%.

If your immune system is shit, you can fix that by working out. You will force your CNS to kick in before the virus spreads. Nothing will cure this because its constantly mutating.

Mark my words.

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Show your face faggot

I'm 5'5" and it's not bad at all. Most people don't have the guts to say shit to my face. Someone once tried to insult me by calling me Frodo and I just thanked them.

Can I spray you with perfume before you suck my cock?

>Manlets will never win a 1v1 duel where I take his bitch as my reward for being superior.

How tall was Hugh Hefner?

Based brother.
Lanklets being fags as usual. Vertical cancer is known to have shown higher chance of gayness. No wonder homosexuality is rampant in Nordic countries.

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Height is a risk factor for a number of diseases.

But also niggers with guns, checkmate.

I think you're missing some categories for unfuckable.
>Still a virgin in adulthood

You can't spell KEK without U K .

Fuck off, you're irrelevant.