And there you have it..
Jennifer Lawrence wants YOU to Vote from Home
so is this their plan to try to rig it?
There’s literally nothing wrong with wanting to be able to vote from your home and I think you can do that even where I live.
Weinstein vagina whore
Winesteen fucked her
She can vote from her butthole
Obviously. And when they still lose they’ll say trump rigged it.
>expecting diverse americans to request a mail in bailout
what's schumer got to do with that?
post Jennifers butthole
She wants Trump remove and in jail for creating virus
Well, if Jennifer Lawrence says so then I guess that's what I'll do.
this and only this based and redpilled
>don't say it's rigged just because you lost
oh boi... i wonder how this will turn out
What the fuck happened to her face
Finally, I can vote in American elections without bribing
No. I'll be going to the polls, and I'll be coofing the whole time I vote.
Hello? Am I speaking with the BASED DEPARTMENT?!
Everytime it gets easier you lose civic duty
post picture of the guy who thinks about JL asshole whenever she talks
It's a new clone, they do it all the time.
I had the exact same question...
Make a distributed ledger system made solely for consensus and security for voting all that other blockchain shit.
That way it can never get manipulated by anyone.
>inb4 they want to do it over social media owned controlled by deep state assets
>I want everyone to go round up indian and homeless votes via ballot harvesting
no more daily injections of weinstein sperm
I don't know enough about computer security to know if this is a good or a bad idea. But I do know that this bimbo knows even less than I do.
I’ve literally seen her anus.
Therefore her opinion is meaningless.
Weinstein Butthole Woman
How come nobody posted her nudes yet ITT
you're slipping Yas Forums
She is so ugly. Mole covered freak.
It's a dude
>but I've seen her pussy!
Let’s get this pushed to and this thread is now a fappening starring Jennifer Lawrence thread
imagine everything is streamlined to vote from home comfily..can you imagine the amount of zoomers voting???
Why do Western women speak among men??
Cowards! You know she was your dream girl.
You’d be sad if your dad said that about you, user
She looks awful. Why do white women still trust Jew plastic surgeons?
I bet her anus is still that lovely color of blush and wet river sand.
I've seen her butthole
Inbred retard
>A celebrity gives their opinion
Why do they think anyone gives a shit. They make movies. I make electricity. Fuck off, slut.
>Hollywood cum dumpster dictating to America on how to vote.
Absolute state.
she getting old
My dad hasn’t seen my anus for many years. He has gained respect for me.
The wall approach'eth
She looks even uglier next to perfect Emma
nobody gonna post her butthole and pussy?
she had her moments
Jannies are fags
when celebrities talk i literally ignore everything they say
Jennifer Lawrence won Oscar's for her Harvey Weinstein Miramax movie roles
She's slowly transitioning into Amy Schumer.
Yeah i am ready to follow this talmudic kike bitch advice. Count me in... NOT.
This wtf?!??????
america got another 6.6 million unemployed righ now., Thats near 10 million already outta work.
where are her cum covered pics?
I too came here to mention her butthole
She's got a potato face just like that Crissy Tiegan hoe
I'll support Bernie if Jennifer gives me a blow job and let's me fuck the shit out of her all night long.