Capitalism only rewards the most deserving
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The joke here is she manages nothing, she’s just a set of holes for the boss man to abuse while she goes on exotic vacations.
Instead of looking at a snapshot in time, consider that this story isn't done playing out yet.
If she fucks up, the company that hired her will fail and their assets will end up being divided amongst their competitors.
The invisible hand of the market isn't done moving yet.
we all know...
get out shill, reminder
Ok bud
It explicitly says she works in the "back office."
Funny part is there are white knights on twitter trying to get people to stop talking about this twitter.com
>we all make mistakes when we were young
Only a four year difference. Maybe the mistake they’re referring to is she didn’t find a dick with deep pockets.
Who is watching and paying for the porn she just created? And who hired her as director of a financial firm? Who wasn't there for her and raised her improperly during childhood?
The root of the problem is the same as always: Male KEKOLDS.
that's a new one
One thing I notice in major companies is once they have the org set up to where it's making stupid amounts of money hand over fist, the mind set is no longer one of hiring the best person for a position. Why would you? You already have the formula and script for continuing to make money. Nepotism usually is 1st wave of corrupt hiring to happen. Not good per say, but good chance knowledgeable people have knowledgeable friends/family so it can work out alright. If corp keeps making money that is when you see the 2nd wave of this shit, promotions only going to suck ups. Nothing is ever there fault, they blame everyone else, they only got the job cause of some sort of irrelevant bullshit. If the company survives THIS then you have the 3rd wave of corp bloat: the special positions. These are fancy sounding job titles that sound good but really do nothing, these usually go to whores.
Unsure if she is a 2nd or 3rd wave of shit promoting... but there is no doubt she fucked someone to get there
It does, the people deserve their leaders and their wealthy.
>user, are you a hard-worker?
The scary part about her porn wasn't her doing porn. Dumb thing to do but whatever.
It's her interview that's terrifying. She has no interest in business or her studies. If she lit up and began rambling about lending and crypto when asked what she was studying, at least you could argue she was passionate. Nope. Just another stacy going to school cause she is supposed to and doesn't know what she wants to do lol.
People can change a lot in 4 years, but this isn't just "I hit the books and realized life wasn't a game". She designed shoes before doing this for fuck sake. The kind of interpersonal change that is required to go from "lol, I fucked a stranger in Cancun!" to managing multi millions is earth shattering wake up calls like a horrible accident or severe personal financial catastrophy. Most people in her mindset are lucky if they evolve into being a regular business professional and learn that their strength in networking paired with new found discipline will get them places.
But we just don't see that with her. She came out of no where. When she got hired in the company she worked an unrelated position to what she does now. This bitch wouldn't of even had a chance to prove she COULD do this job. It's like starting out as an HR admin assistant and getting promoted to CFO with a degree in Liberal Arts and a minor in HR.
>what is nepotism?
>what is marketing?
>what is exploitation of the workers?
Most deserving of a beating, if you ask me.
Capitalism promises ever growing infinite growth and the problem lies with people doing anything to reach a bigger number than what they had before.
Capitalism devolves in who has the most money rules the world and makes the laws.
I would have no problem if most people weren't retarded sociopaths.
Whats the episode number for her?
No, capitalism is exploitation of workers, there is very little meritocracy in capitalism, might as well call it jewaism.
Girls do porn is a freemason ritual site. She agreed to the video to get the job.
I'll never understand why female sexuality triggers incels so much.
Why don't you faggots get laid? Most of your bitterness towards women will go away once you get some sex. It will literally be good for your souls..
God bless this girl. I wish her well in her career.
Depends. I don't go above and beyond anymore. I used to work my ass off in a slightly related field for my degree and always got shit on or passed up for promotions cause the only thing that mattered is how much the person hiring for the job WANTED you to have the job.
>I work in a new field now
>I am 100% not qualified to do what I do.
>The only reason I got the job is because I was dating an engineers niece
I've learned you should try and be helpful, but not to your own detriment. I do little things that make me look good. I offer little extra help, try and be kind, etc. But you are not rewarded for going above and beyond. on the contrary, it's easily forgotten and becomes the new expectation and you get punished for not doing it every time.
here's a (you)
now fuck off, mutt
>faux person managing faux money
Ah yes, looks like an (((investor))) fairy tale. This what everyone that (((invests))) in bitcoin managed to create - its an evonomy of nothingness, why are you all surprised to see this?
How many of those corporate people do you know IRL, they are all trash that brings ZERO value to society. Their jobs they dont create capital, they simply "manage" some vague invented fiat value.
>mutt law
Fucking retard I just wanted the episode # so I can watch her get creamed.
Some salty boys going to be in here moaning about a woman leveraging her assets to get ahead in the world.
Theres that word again.
Yeah welcome to women sucking dick for money.
Nigga you even read what I wrote? I said it didn't matter that she did porn what's scary is how little she gives a shit about her field and how much she is responsible for and her only qualification is how well she sucks and fucks. At that point why not just start recruiting porn stars?.... oh wait.
>Good bait though. You got me
Just have sex.
Lol, I did alot and still dont like women, no fucking way she earned that.
>simp posting
Maybe she's actually wonderful at her job, AND is great in bed. Stay salty. You think she gives a fuck that you're mad?
This, after your few jobs you stop caring and do the bare minimum.
When I see twenty somethings try really hard at jobs hoping to get promoted I feel had for them.
They could find another job that pays more on the spot.
>It becomes the new expectation
Exactly the problem with Amazon. If you start scanning a little faster, they ignore it. Slow back down and get a visit from a supervisor.
Sometimes the loneliness gets so intense you're tempted to slow down just to have some human interaction
Business transactions aren't about virtues, but about services rendered.
>I'm a nigger and so is everyone else
She's an useful idiot. When SHTF, for how probably the whole company is incorporated, she'll be held liable for the fuck ups.
Last two years I've gotten a better and better paying job after working for a bit and switching.
Imagain being a dumb roastie and spending your life at one job where you hit your hourly ceiling.
>When SHTF, for how probably the whole company is incorporated, she'll be held liable for the fuck ups.
>she'll be held liable for the fuck ups.
this is amerimutt economy we are talking about. we live in a (amerimutt) society.
The real question is why you would want to work at such a company in the first place. These kind of nepotist ran companies are only as strong as their weakest link, one falls and they all get fucked. The only thing positive about an HR department that is constantly reminding people to be hyper-socialized is that shit like this doesn't happen and some higher ups don't get the opportunity to hire women they sleep with.
It's just science and statistics.
You sound more mad, homo.
Seconds far more likely than the first
In my experience, its all about being the most sociable and manipulative. That's why sociopathic males and women (vagina power) are the most succesfull.
Nah, enjoy over working yourself for chump change.
You know you can use your job experience to get a better paying job.
Nothing forcing you to stick with a low paying job your whole life like some retarded boomer.
Shit son nice projection.
>federal grand jury indicted Holmes and former Theranos chief operating officer Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani on nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for distributing blood tests with falsified results to consumers
>a trial is set to begin in August 202
>Everyone at the company gets paid the same more or less.
>Work yourself ragged every day while buddy sits on the toilet on his phone getting paid as much as you.
it is hilarious and fitting that porn she did do was literally casting couch porn.
there are gods, and they are laughing.
>>federal grand jury indicted Holmes and former Theranos chief operating officer Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani on nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for distributing blood tests with falsified results to consumers
>>a trial is set to begin in August 202
I would be very surprised if she ends up in jail
pick one. if you're proud of this then it should stay up on twitter and even be amplified
>nigger cope
So she'll get fired from her job when her boss tires of her shit? And what? Still gets to put it on her CV and leverage that to get another good job.
She knows how the world works.
>be a nigger
Companies hire attractive girls just to do negotiations with people. That is probably what her job actually is. I know several fairly hot but dumb girls that went to work for companies in the aerospace industry, their entire job is just to flirt with people, throw them off their game while they are making large deals with the company.
I fuck my gf all the time and I still hate these pathetic do-nothing cunts. Like 99.999% of them mate
capitalism is sociopathism
it's a system that enables sociopaths to torture normal people
I laughed when I saw that pic. I'm reading Casanova's journal, a gentleman who traveled up and down Europe in the 18th century and met a lot of influential people of the time. He and his cadres staked a lot of pride in building their lovers into something they're not -- they would almost go bankrupt in giving their holes gifts and position -- and it still holds true.
>normie cope
>posting this dumb whore every day
Get over it you faggots, plenty of more important things to sperg over
From Forbes to Pornhub
now that's a unexpected career turn XD