Why does the ethnostate cause so much butthurt to cuckservatives and lolbergs

Why does the ethnostate cause so much butthurt to cuckservatives and lolbergs

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Because of you actually socialize you'll find that the way people think is more important than how they look
I know black people that are infinitely more trad than leftist white demorat partisans.

>...black people who are infinitely more TRAD than LEFTIST white DEMORAT partisans

You need dislodge all of this political theatre shit and buzzwords out of your head, you have been on the site since 2016 how do you still involve yourself within the (((establishment)))

Repeating liberal-conservative catchphrases is not a substitute for thought.

Nice substance
really focusing on the point of my statement

'People' don't exist as individuals in the context of an entire nation. At that level, only the overall characteristics of population groups matter, because that is what determines the nature of the country.

People thinking like you is more important than what they look like
What a crazy concept
Why does that statement cause so much butthurt to 17 year olds?

If that's the case then your ethnostate is really tucked because among whites it isn't popular in a large scale anywhere
Find me one white government that constitutionaly denies citizenship to a brown person

Our race has many issues yes, but they'll only be resolved if we devote the necessary resources towards our own people

I know. Which is why everyone who thinks remotely like me demands racial homogeneity at all costs.

The vast majority of minorities vote Democrat. So your argument fails on its premise. Second, how would you insure only people you agree with enter your nation?

50% of whites vote democrat so your argument fails on its premise

Come home

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>Second, how would you insure only people you agree with enter your nation?

by letting in anyone who isn't white

You really believe the neo-liberal hierarchies above us are representative of what whites and white people want?

Great to know whites have greater political diversity than non whites


Thought comes from genetics/race, not the other way around. If this were not true, all the animals would be precisely as intelligent as us whites, and it would be like some strange doctor Doolittle fantasy.

In other words, you're either a retarded nigger or a lying kike

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"Denying citizenship" is ridiculous overreach. Something as simple as restoring free-assembly and eliminating affirmative action policies in the government itself would do a lot.

No place in the civilized world!

Except China, Iran, Liberia, Isreal, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia...

But... again... you did say civilized.

>Except China, Iran, Liberia, Isreal, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia.

>le conservative and le libz
Give it 10yrs and you will be preaching what da libz are currently preaching

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Because they are cucks.
why the fuck do you even ask britbong?
Fuck them.

Yes, observe the wonderful examples of splitting a nation, a race by political lines ( east/west Germany, north/south Korea, north/south Vietnam)
Racial solidarity first, then sus out the ideology
All multiethnic nations collapse due to their seperate ethic interests at some point

Free speech means I can advocate for either the removal or the genocide of all nonwhites, which I already do.
Affirmative action is irrelevant below a certain amount of employees, just split your business repeatedly or else only ever offer jobs that niggers cannot perform.

Your entire argument boils down to "muh biology doesn't exist", which is fake and gay.

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>50% of whites vote democrat
Good thing we don't live in a direct democracy.

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According to voting yes
That is the greatest weakness about white people
Any tribal line of thinking has been bred out from most of the population
While at the same time democrats and leftists have weaponized it by discouraging assimilation and forcing multiculturalism to create wedges for them to use as their base
Civic duty is more important because it can span across multiple races if you break them from their cultural ties

I’m so tired...

they need BBCs for their wives

>People thinking like you is more important than what they look like
Absolute retard in a lot of ways

Anti ZOG
>Le Black Country
Non arguement
Kiked backed
>Bahrain and Saudi
Kills fags and is a monarchy even if they are buddies with the Israelis

How do we accomplish that in the current times? You'd need mass upheaval and thoroughly reduce the black & Hispanic vote, as well as the white leftist vote.

Funny enough though, as our people edge further and further into being a minority in our own country, our race is politically inching further and further right.

>I’m so tired...
I understand.
We all do, they are the our enemy just as the leftys are. Dont hope for them until misery is fucking bad. Like Zombieapo bad.

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The world might shock you when you leave your moms basement

Well I don’t. I know niggers who only want to steal and get government checks and kill whitey. Is my anecdotal evidence less powerful because it didn’t cone to your conclusions, or do special circumstances not fucking matter as opposed to averages and racial cohesiveness?

they would rather die out than risk conflict. their decadence has made them weak, and indoctrination by jewish media didn't help

Because whites don't deserve a country of their, and they're fine with it.
YOU are seen as the crazy lunatic for even suggesting such a reasonable solution (which shouldn't even be discussed, but IMPLIED).

The point here is, do you really want to fight for the well-being of a people that hates you for it?
I'm still ethnocentrist, but I don't disillusion myself.

LMAO the parties that lord over us, especially the two party stranglehold over our country, is most definitely not representative of our true political panorama.

But we are trying to revive the tribal line. You cannot survive without it, otherwise you're begging to be assimilated into other cultures/races/etc

>among whites it isn't popular in a large scale
It depends on how you phrase the question.

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Why does that thought cause such righteous emotional grandstanding in midwits

Also, you'll never break the tribal lines of the non-whites. In fact, the governing institutions you love so much advocate for their tribes over our own recognition of our tribe

because you started and spread liberalism, anglo, that's why.
both cuckservatives and lolbertarians have liberal roots at their core. We didn't have in continental europe such bullshit as these cuck politics until fairly recently, building up slowly after ww2 on the back of american influence, just like fabianism dismantled your state and turned into the worst zogified thing ever.
Look at political scene in all of europe. All is american-kultur politics with same fart principles that were quite alien to europe just few decades ago.

Also heres the other thing
Good luck creating an ethnostate that isnt just 30 doughy poltards and storm fags
You guys cant even get girlfriends and are convincee capable people will do the work for ypu and establish some kind of ethnostate never happening

because pic related is feasible
they are afraid

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Oh sweaty, have sex incel

No; I mean freedom of association. No more lawsuits or federal prosecutions related to 'discrimination' on the basis of race for private conduct.

blacks are literally not human and (((you))) get fucked by them

Changing the goalposts does not equal "do you support an ethnostate" there is no rephrasing that question. You cant kike your way out of this one, if you are unashamed with what you believe in then ask people honestly and see how they respond.

I never once said or implied i love government institutions
Civic nationalism is an appeal to creating a strong nation and the betterment of its people not its government
You clearly are too retarded to even possess basic reading let alone political comprehension.

to a simple mind it is a eureka moment to meet this idea, because at first glance to them, it seems to allow them 1.to be right, 2. to be in the opposition/contrarian, 3. while not having to accept the bad label (racist). it means they can accept the general conceptual and moral framework of mainstream society, and especially media, and still play the role they want to play at practically no stakes. this lifts an enormous mental burden. most of us are familiar with the kind of mental stress that is constantly there from feeling that you are in fundamental opposition to the society around you, and viewed by them as an enemy. it is basic herd instict to avoid such a state because it would usually end in ones death or exile.

Why do you presume the government's "anti-racism" indoctrination, training, and social enforcement would render accurate results?

>the way people think is more important than how they look
i agree
the problem is: there is a strong correlation between how people look and how they think
people like you pretend there isn't, for reasons that are essentially religious
that's your prerogative, but when you force everyone else to go along with your delusions, things start to fall apart

It could be traced to Napoleon and his liberal union actually

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A half measure at best. Better than what we have now, but not thorough enough to prevent our bloodline from getting BLACKED.

If genetics weren't the most important thing on earth, humans wouldn't exist, we would all be some unified blobular species that spontaneously generated and immediately started voting democrat; instead survival of the fittest is the law, and the reason idiocracy is a thing is because of simpering liberalism.
Liberalism will always be overtaken by nationalist group solidarity based on genetic similarity, because it is evolutionarily effective.

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Well I don't do polls for a living so I don't have much control over how the question was asked. It's just interesting that jews hate the idea of America's White European heritage more than even blacks. And when you consider the political and cultural influence that this hateful little tribe has, the idea of removing their negative influence becomes vital if we want America's White European heritage to be persevered.

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>civic “nationalism”

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You also failed English class, as you then failed to understand the last tid bit that was related to your civic nationalism:
Every multi-ethnic country falls apart, in part to each ethnic group having different interests.
The tribal line is most natural. White Americans are the only ones who have been systematically torn away from our tribal line, and while other races grab up our home, we are left despondent.
Expect for those of us who advocate for our race

Between the jewish commie faggots, the qoomers, and the lolberts, this sites really getting shilled

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Thanks for such a rare pepe


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As a libertarian I know that an ethnostate is the only way society could function under my belief system. There are many different schools of thought in the ideology.


Honestly? I'm not a racist. The flair I use it's simply the one I associate with most, since I plan to leave my cucked nations and I can't claim any other allegiance.

Even so, an ethnostate is becoming kind of necessary in the west. They played you in a net of racial tension you can't get out from by simply talking, and they pretty much your media and education. It's been obvious there's not anymore a fight for equality, that's been already done, it's now a fight for control. Things are dire for whites and natives in general as long as they let themselves hold accountable for things they had no power over. The push for an ethnostate is simply the next logical step.

Midwits think short term and not generationally or with long term trends. Decades of voting data means less than them knowing one minority that is based.