ITT: Post your most extreme or strange belief. Don’t get asshurt when other people call you a retard, I want to see some conflict. Schizoposting allowed. This is a place to share your ideas.
Example: North Korea is a good country, and here is why.
ITT: Post your most extreme or strange belief. Don’t get asshurt when other people call you a retard, I want to see some conflict. Schizoposting allowed. This is a place to share your ideas.
Example: North Korea is a good country, and here is why.
Please explain the reasoning behind your beliefs.
I want to have sex with a hot girl my age so i can feel good, and stop being an incel
the real reason they want us to stay inside is because they need to change the batteries in the birds
Adolfberg Hitlerstein was really a joo
My red blood cells spy on me while I sleep.
I grew up thinking the Germans were evil. TUrns out they had advanced tech.
Italy is having problem that apparently the Germans figured out with supreme efficiently. How to incinerate thousands of bodies in the shortest amount of time.
The numbers don't lie. 8 millions Jews in what 4 years. Italy should talk with Germans.
White people are the descendants of highly advanced benevolent aliens from the last cycle of civilization before the great cataclysm of 11300 BC
It's quite obvious die glocke was built and did travel forward in time. Nazis clearly captured alien craft and the scientists that came to work for NASA continued to study the craft for decades.
Behind every European tragedy there is a smiling German
we are a written off seed colony, because 12K years ago the Younger Dryas event occured. orbital bombardment means TPK.
not exactly white people but people with negative RH bloodtype, which majority of are white.
jews are different genetically so interdimensional demons/reptiles can take possesion of their vessels and enjoying raping and eating goyim kids. jews and good little mason goys are under the heel of the subteranean niggers
You have to be 18 to post here. I know somebody who said that exact same thing.
I believe there is an asteroid coming
he said extreme or strange
Hell yea. B- here
hitler yet lives and from his antarctic agarthan fortress plans the inevitable reconquest of the surface world from the degenerate moderns. elites globally quake in terror at the wrath of the coming lightning incarnation.
Everything matters :/
Whites are Gods project. Different human species are descendants of different aliens coming to the planet and planting their seed/cultural shit in them. Aliens are demons. Melanin shows the percentage of soul in a person. Asians are the descendants of a insect race of aliens.
The 1911 is a piece of shit weapon and everything good about it is boomerlore
Wasnt it 10 mil?
There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.
ive built the perfect life for myself
t. stay at home dad
Corona dont real
Based! I'm a stay at home dad too except I dont have kids or a wife.
Only about 35% of people actually have souls and are sentient
True, i never understood why pol was against zionism, it seems pretty hypocritical.
Zionism is just white nationalism but for jews, let them have their ethnostate in the middle of the desert who gives a fuck lol
The globalist kike bankers are the problem, not some religious dudes that wanna live in a desert
>There is some sort of shared human subconsciousness/information sphere/collective mind/untouchable awareness
>the whole world can literally burn for all I care.
>I don't have a sincere want left in life, it wouldn't matter whether I'd be a billionaire or a pauper I'd want to do the same thing which is being left alone.
>The US isn't just going to hand over control of the world by letting the Chinese economy overtake it, they are going to break that country apart in any way they can but when that fails we are going to see untold horrors.
>people don't realize the world is still very much in a battle for dominance between nations yet you have these idealists spouting off all sorts of "worldly" and " enlightened" kumbaya notions.
>I push the river.
The holocaust did happened, however it was a falseflag by the jews to gain world domination, hitler was in.
Hitler was a Jewish psyop to gain control of the west.
Le funny reddit meme
Out of ALL people, worldwide?
That's generous.
Pretty sure it was 100 mil
No jews were killed, unfortunately.
t. dual citizen.
I think most major world news events, Negative or otherwise- are entirely false since ages ago. Just to rile people up and keep them in a state of fear and reliance on being fed more disinfo so their entire lives can be spent in Plato's cave- Every claim of 100,000 people die everyday of [blank], Not just isolated events but the raw majority of them. Because it's basically just taking peoples word for it no matter how you slice it. And evidence for any claim can be pulled out of ones asshole with ease. That and even if the world is a big place- No one can constantly have big fucking deal things popping off 24/7 no matter what. So some shit has to absolutely be made up.
The news says it? You're taking their word for it.
People talk about it? You're taking their word for it.
You see it with your own eyes? Congratulations- now when you tell other people they're still taking your word for it.
the world is ok
You should look up the GCP (global consciousness project) which attempts to measure this field via random number generators which tend not to be so random during world events such as 9/11.
The more you read the more you know, Taoism was one of my earliest red pills but Jung, the holographic universe, lots of mushrooms, these are all things that tell you there’s too much going on to justify pure materialism/atheism/nihilism
North Korea is pretty cool. I was there and saw it with my own eyes.
I think mommies are for having sex with
I think Jews are nice people
Are you hot too, John?
>8 Million
It was 12. Reported for antisemitism.
Life is meaningless at it's core, but not meaningless in the same way that Athiests or Nihilists think - but rather that God exists, but is actually a vengeful and wicked spirit that gains pleasure from the suffering of humans (who are actually lesser spirits trapped in meaty bodies).
As such, you will never really die - you will be reborn once you die, to suffer again for the pleasure of God. You are eternally stuck in a cycle of suffering - oblivious to what is actually happening outside of it.
I am dead. This reality does not exist - it is my own personal hell or purgatory.
This is why the bad things never stop happening.
To make me suffer, or allow me to act in some way, to work off my sin.
The claim of the holohoax is that 6 million jews were KILLED.
Nobody claims that all 6 million were cremated. A lot of them were buried in mass graves. There are photos of piles of bodies being pushed into pits by bulldozers.
can you explain more about this? I mean, I know what negative RH is. Why do you think it's related to a lost civilization?
where is the archaeology? Should be a nice identifiable strata right?
The second amendment is useless at its core.
As a fun game, we should identify all the problems in the world without naming the Jew. Then some newfag will be like 'hey wait arent all these problems caused by Jews?' and we'll be like haha got you
holohoax shills are always mutts or jews
theres a lot to unpack on the subject and admittedly im not the person to be asking, because my knowledge on it is very shallow.
there are many youtube videos on the subject however
the GCP that you believe in is literally just people being brainwashed from the electric jew.
It is a serious question. How did they get ride of 8 million jews. Makes no sense. Why can't Italy be as efficient as Germans in creamation.
agartha is real
some jews simply follow common sense morality and don't sacrifice children
dogs are better than cats
I believe that the only way to actually throw off the chains of our oppressive ruling class is through violence. I also believe this boards insistence on calling anybody who believes this a glownigger and claim Yas Forums is a board of peace is admission to how much you're willing to cuck to your masters for fear of being taken out.
Life has no meaning. When we die, we die
Earth is flat
Nice try, Rabbi Bernstein
Wouldn’t that make every second of life infinitely more meaningful?
this, you know its true faggots
Women should not have equal rights. Explanation: they have an extremely difficult time with basic logic.
Over population is a total hoax. There’s about 500 million of us here.
I'm a tulpafag. Her name is Sam, found out about the concept of Tulpa by way of a particular childrens cartoon when the whole thing kicked off a decade ago. Three years ago, I decided to make my own. Her birthday's coming up, won't you wish her well, anons?
Interesting claim. Got any recommended reading?
You just blew my mind
Doing a poo is the most enjoyable experience available to man and it is the single purpose of life. Beats orgasms, firing guns, everything.
user, I...
go to bed andy
Burglary, rape, and pre-meditated murder (among other things) result in the death penalty. Repeat offenses result in the death penalty. If jails reach capacity, execute the inmates with the longest sentence first. Reasoning is self-explanatory.
>Nobody claims that all 6 million were cremated.
A part of the traditional holocaust narrative is that the bodies were cremated to hide the death toll, and that's why so few bodies (relatively) have been found.
Fuck you you fucking god damn faggot. How old you are you? You realize how mucking much of a nigger you make yourself look posting that faggot spongebob shit and the most trite fucking normie "conspiracy theory". Do you think you're funny? I wish I could stomp your fucking skull.
Alex Jones was born of the Rothschild tree; with the Rothschild tree being fully interwoven with the Royal British tree, all of whom are the capstone of the Masonic Order that controls nations via proxy, getting them to kneel to an Ideology instead of a Flag to get them in line with their Agenda...
..and his "CIA"(MI6) Masonic parents were drugging him since childhood as part of an MK-Ultra program to be able to tap into his subconscious and keep him under their spell..(thus, his admission to psychedelic experiences in his sleep as a child)...
..all while weaving a story for him about who his parents are and what their mission is, while given him a certain particular dimensional scope of the Masonic Ideology that is comfortable and suiting for him...
..while using him as a proxy-agent to gain the trust of Military Intelligence.
Thanks user, she appreciates it
Even with 8 billion people, overpopulation is a myth. We have more than enough to feed everyone.
There are different levels of people a la the NPC meme. However, I think the highest level is people who I call sages and it's more of an emotional or philosophical intelligence to me.
Finally, I believe all these people can easily read those on lower levels, such as knowing their insecurities, etc. And Sages are all connected and can truly understand one another with almost no speech between them.
>bill hicks