Don't you just love it when propagandists get exposed on national television?
Don't you just love it when propagandists get exposed on national television?
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Yes CNN we do!
What? She didn't challenge anything he said.
>shit fuck shit they're calling out my side fuck FUCK what do I do how can I fix this oh wait oh fuck yes I've got it
>"No, YOU are the propagandist!"
>fuck yes I nailed it I'm so smart and clever there's no way to come back from that one MAGAKAG!!!
ah yes
>faux news
hoe does it feel to still think being a leftist and anti fox is edgy like your stuck in 2005?
>Fox News
Trumpfags don't care. They only believe Trump and no one else because, they believe Scientists and the media are evil, lying jews. Which is ironic given Trump's policies and constant lying.
Fox News at least is unafraid of showing their intentions. CNN lies 3 to 4 times before you get the truth
Challenge him on what? He told the truth. That's not allowed on Fox.
You have to be a fucking idiotic white nigger to believe anything any MSM says
>At least Fox is honest about being state propaganda
How brave.
CDC funding was never cut, it was increased:
He never "dismantled the Pandemic Response Team," it was restructured:
>raging doctor hooked-nose says we should have all been tested last year.
Populations who gets tested will have a 20% + infection rate because the whole thing is a Communist falseflag
Can someone break down what happened?
I dont watch the US mainstream media due to pic related.
>He told the truth.
He told your truth, shill
The guy lied tho. the WHO was telling everyone there was no person-to-person contagion on JAN 14 so it's their fault.
Fox is leftist you stupid cuckservative.
You know fox and cnn are the same bullshit right?
December 31st the WHO was saying there was no human-to-human transmission. Trump was acting in accordance to the experts.
How long did the WHO take to declare this a pandemic? In fact the WHO (Which is currently ran by a Communist party plant) has been defending China since day fucking one and is complicit in the slow release of accurate information about the disease.
Personally I used to be against Trump. However now I'm hoping for Trump to win next election so he kills more Amerimutts
The less Amerimutts the better the world
probably just out of time for guest.
So Trump shot a guy?
Is that your version of events?
The only gayer than this post is the cum coming out your mouth!
Dont you have videos to go fake up CBS?
I don't get it
STFU Hilldawg!
It symbolizes Trump killing white people by putting their lives behind the lives of niggers and kikes
Checked and based!
Hey guys, it’s all the same. Being pro abortion or anti abortion are both jew owned stances meant to give you the illusion of choice. I are smart.
I agree with him and I'm a trumptard. I think it was the responsibility of a LOT more people than the President to combat this, which libtards and nevertrumpers wont acknowledge. If you look at SK, they immediately donned the masks and gloves and shutdown. Here in the States, we shut down travel and didnt expect anything from the populace who is literally 1000x more responsible for the spread of the virus, not one orange man in Washington. All that being said, fuck chinks, fuck gooks, and fuck lefties.
Oh look a chink everybody!
WHO claimed no person to person in mid january
I was asking what actually happened not some faggot artists symbolic bullshit.
That’s the funny thing. To the younger folks the “everything’s racist” millennial is the lame old people. Just like the “rock music is the devil” we’re the lame old people before them. Millennials are the corny old people just like their boomer parents and they just don’t realize it yet.
Still a nothingburger
>last year we knew about this
Dec 31 2019
Lol those faggots
Fox regularly has people on that disagree with what would appear to be "Fox-leaning" positions. They hosted or offered to host the townhalls for every Democrat candidate. They play Cuomo every day in almost its entirity. Anchors and hosts at Fox routinely verbally spar with one another over disgreements on political positions. I'm sorry, but I just don't see anywhere close to same level of coverage on other networks. Especially CNN and MSNBC.
i love it when people don't recognize anyone still bashing the fox news strawman at this point is either a tv meme spoonfed moron or propagandist themselves. kys anytime.
Get out boomer.
1) the doctor lied about the timeline
2) The Fox News didnt do anything to dispute him or cut him off
They asked a question, he answered and have his opinion, that was it.
What exactly do you think propaganda is you fucking leaf?
None of it will ever matter. They let you argue over abortion like it is the end all issue for years while they plan out events that won't come to fruition until after their kids are in control. The news will never matter. Arguing over abortion will never matter. The only thing that matters is being able to take care of you and your family until the powers that rule this world for now are ready for you to die.
Didn't WHO literally say in mid-January that there are no confirmed cases of human to human transmission?
in liberal lala land, propaganda is anything not on CNN
Y-yeah mane I get all my news from Yas Forums
WHO pretty much said it was a nothing burger until FEB
this is what happens when chink shills run everything
All media world round is now propaganda.
You consider that lady as the other side? She’s literally tranny Spencer Smith
Fox is quick to comment on any new conspiracy theory, then their news desk treats it like its news because one of their commentators repeated it. And Fox is GOPTV. I just want the unvarnished facts.
Happens all the time here
>left wing party promises 10% funding increase to department
>right wing party gets in and increases funding 5%
>left wing media "funding slashed by 50%"
try rachel maddow, she isnt afraid to call out these fuckers.
I dont get it,just looks like a regular guest
You "Xfags btfo" fags are retarded
>Trump was acting in accordance to the experts.
Trump lied, delayed and denied for a month, tried to contain only when it was already too late.
Q predicted this.
>the doctor lied about the timeline
What was the lie?
Hey retard, maybe trump gets negative press because he is shitty.
He spouted bs and anti trump people are trying to spin this to favor them. The WHO was claiming it wasn't person to person in mid January.