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You germaphobes need to die



How is he wrong?

>the shoah must go on

The (((((((show)))))))) must go on so that I can keep consuming and buying shit I don’t need so people I don’t know will be jealous of me and think I’m better than them

>oy vey, fuck your life, just make me my shekelz, goy

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these are just idiots in their basement watching jewtube thinking the whole country is sitting home right now. plenty working and plenty more at home actually raising their children for a change. fuck your (((economy)))

Our lives are more important than muh economy. Next.

Because elites have evaluated the damage to the economy caused by deaths will be higher than the momentary partial lock down.

He isn't and central Europe will finally realize that in a year or so when they suddenly find themselves under a Swedish boot for the first time in almost 300 years.

holy fuck really all the things around me that i bought came from an economy? is that like a society?

I like how theyre pretending the bullshit over leveraged companies and debt securities that are on the verge of collapse right now are "real" parts of the economy


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Replace economy with freedom and he's right


Fuck the kikes and fuck the (((economy)))

>oy vey sacrifice your old and infirm to molo-errr, the economy goyim!

In times like these you should be worried about the well being of everyone else not "muh freedoms" fucking kike

Your economy gives you life

>your economy
It's your economy too. The world isn't just automatically comfy, where food is everywhere and energy comes out of the walls. The economy is an interconnected machine. If one part slows down or stops the whole machine slows down or stops. We still have essential workers keeping the lights on and our bellies full, but the rest of the economy can only support that for so long before it comes to a standstill. The scariest part is we don't know how long this can go on before everything grinds to a hault and civilization collapses. This is unprecedented, so any economist who claims to know what the outcome of this will be is deluding themselves.

you clearly don't have a job with bills to pay then

I'm so sick of shit like this post, not everyone works for a jew you dumb fucking nigger. Grow up, most of us actually want to work.

>muh economy muh stock market
And you wonder why we have people dropping dead left and right in america right now. The only people who have been talking or making decisions are CEOs and wall street guys. All the medical experts have been quite because they are being made too.

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Because liberating those in the human trafficking trade worldwide is a good enough reason to be wrong.

No they aren't.

>people are dropping dead left and right.
No they aren't.

>"But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlingly on, until at length there commenced the sounding of midnight upon the clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus too, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumour of this new presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive of disapprobation and surprise—then, finally, of terror, of horror, and of disgust."

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Oh so I guess the whole world just shut down for no reason? Fuck off

>"In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it may well be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excited such sensation. In truth the masquerade licence of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince's indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood—and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror. "

- Edgar Allen Poe

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>Oh so I guess the whole world just shut down for no reason?

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What the fuck does that mean?

Fuck off glownigger
Everything bad in the world is by kikes or their puppets like you
Death to kikes
Death to glowniggers
And death to mutt golem slaves

The economy isn't just numbers on a screen, or money in rich CEO's pockets. It is literally everything around you. If the economy stops you die. We cannot sustain 7 billion people without maintaining economic output.


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I think coronachan is showing just how much of our economy is human centipede shiteaters eating shit.
This is why we don't have space colonies.
What a colossal waste.
Afford that oligarchy though and all the wars they love.

What ever faggot if you have a problem with the way we are handling it why don't you set up a protest? Oh wait you cant because you'll be fined and arrested! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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that's right, go back to work wagie, my NEETbux and my tendies arent going to pay for themselves.

die for me, wagie. your blood is mine

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Its part of the show you brainlet.

>durr if the modern economy stops you die

listen moron, if you venture outside occasionally you will see 40-50% of the economy is people just shuffling fake paper around (usually electronically) and buying useless shit no one needs. Do you really need a new car bought on credit? Or three mortgages, 2 of which are on the same property? Do you need to go out to eat three times a week and spent a majority of your income on booze? These transactions are dangerous and provide not one iota of "essential" services.

As evidenced by these soon-to-be released employment numbers, our modern economy is so inefficient and worthless that 30% of it can completely vanish and everyone is actually doing just fine (if not healthier). That 30%+ serves no real purpose to society other than to keep people enslaved (to banks, consumerism) and dumb

Thats because their retarded system of Currency value being tied to your economy instead of a common item *cough GOLD *cough*


>6.6 million unemployed
>most companies missing out on millions of dollars
>the ceos chose this
It's a real shame we get am extended summerfag season this year.

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>your economy is your lifeblood
Even more reason to destroy it. Fuck zog America

If you don’t have freedom, you may as well not have a life.

NYC deserves to get fucked up by this virus. Their hospitals are fucking 3rd world tier. That goes for Italy, China and Spain too.

That Jew thought process is why we are in this mess. We could have shut the airlines down in January and a few other things and contained this shit.

MUHH ECONOMY !! Hey nigger i can live under a bridge for years, unlike you that cAtch coronavirus and dieo

>not everyone works for a jew

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i'd love to be sitting around like a lazy faggot, collecting mr scheklesteins scraps, but unfortunately i'm not a useless loser.
i'd love an adult spring break, but party's over, you can't have the summer off, you wouldn't do shit anyway but stay inside so why wreck the economy so you can play vidya games and eat tendies after waking up at noon?
the show must go on, stop this leftist shut down bullshit.

based poester

and who's going to be wearing that swedish boot? because it sure as fuck won't be swedes

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>your economy is your lifeblood
This is your brain on jew

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what important work do you do in this fantasy Mr. Mutt?

>It sure as fuck won't be 70+ year old or otherwise sick Swedes.

Fixed that for you. And if another 10k or 20k healthy people die then so be it.

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>get back to work you wave slave faggot, my stocks are getting low and I want another mac mansion, don't worry about the rich getting bailed out the show must go on.

Yeah, I'll get back to work if he goes to help doctors with the covid crisis, if he's brave enough to help his fellow citizens I'll go flip more burgers just for him.

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It'll be the 20 year old "swede" fresh from pakistan or somalia, and they'll stomp sweden first.

Let's say some useless paper pusher at a dildo manufacturing company loses his job. Now he's unable to pay his rent. Now his landlord is unable to pay the mortgage on the property. Multiply this by millions, now the banks collapse. Love or hate the banks, they are the fuel injector for the economic machine. Now a farmer's line of credit dries up and he's unable make his accounts payable before harvest. His equipment gets repossessed and his vendors stop sending him supplies. Multiply this by millions and you starve.


TDS at work. If Orange Man Drumfp was anti-lockdown, he would be REEEEEEEing for a lockdown.

Because by "destroy" he doesn't mean totally destroy, he means severely beat to a pulp and ruin compared to a normal economy.

And he is wrong. There are two things you can do:
You mutilate the economy sooner than later and cut non essentials and enter into a subsistence economy to lower the r0 enough so you dont go over surge capacity and ride it out.
You pretend everything is ok, go over surge capacity, you get a 20% fatalty rate and the ones that don't die go out of commission for up to a month, indiscriminately disrupting the economy to the point it cripples its essential aspects like food, fuel and vital supplies to keep a subsistence economy running.
In that scenario there's starvation and anarchy, at which point the government loses legitimacy and control and it can't do fuckall anymore.

To patially shut down the economy is to save the economy. Because, shocking, normal people are not market worshipping robots, they are led by their emotions, and if they're starving or missing the essentials they're not gonna just sit down and say: bummer, I guess I'll die. Especially not considering the amount of guns per capita in the US.

These absolute CONSOOM brainlets want to frame it as it's shut down all the economy vs. a few collateral deaths. It's actually Tighten your belt and have a shit time vs. Nigger mad max dystopia, which sounds fun, but you probably wouldn't want to live in.

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>value something other than your own life more than your own life
Jewish and western mindset summed up

If these jewish niggers cared about the economy, every citizen would get $3000 NEETbux a month as a birthright.

Ah yes the Somalis that litterly half of the people that are sying to Corona now in Stockholm lol

>Because elites have evaluated the damage to the economy caused by deaths will be higher than the momentary partial lock down.
Close, but wrong in a very important way. The elites have determined that the lockdown will cause less damage to the elites than uncontrolled spread, not to the economy or society as a whole.

If you're a 60+ year old millionaire/billionaire, the prospect of a virus that kills mostly people in your age group is terrifying, and staying home in your big comfy mansion for a few months is no big deal.

If you're a restaurant worker in your 20s or 30s with very little savings, the virus is a minimal threat, but spending several months off work is simply not an option when that means going without the basic necessities of life like food and housing.


fuck this piece of shit. You really want to risk your life for these people?

The ones that make up over half your population now. The real swedes, you know.

I wouldn't mind being under their boot desu
He's right though. A 30% unemployment rate will fuck over young workers the most. And kill small business and let Amazon and Walmart take over even more.
All to save some Boomers.
because Elites know that they have enough money to be fine when the economy tanks, but most of them are old and don't want to risk getting corona

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>only the 70 year olds die to this, just a flu bro
>all the Somalis are dying lol!
you can't even keep the coping consistent enough for 2 posts, it's going to really suck when you realize what's happening to you.

I don't know, man. Most companies have a jew at the top.

These aspies talking like a single person governs a collective response. YOU dont ruin YOUR economy he says. He thinks an economy is a thing a person besides him possesses

Spoken like a true kike.

It's just a flu amiright.

>Implying the trash will leave the suburbs alive.

There's an election in two years and we are set to install a conservative-nationalist anti-immigration government. It will happen even sooner if the current government gets thrown out over it's initial mishandling of the outbreak.

Know your place mutt, the world is about to experience yet another century shaped by Swedish superiority.

That wasn't me you fucking subhuman, go sit in the corner together with the mutt.

6.6 million new layoffs now you absolute retard. Never try to have an opinion again.

>current government gets thrown out over it's initial mishandling of the outbreak.
so you admit that you are beyond fucked then? good

And then everyone clapped, right?
Face it, your country has been dead on its feet for two decades. The last vestiges of your native population are disappearing by the day, and your government only speeds the process. It's too late for you, Sven. I am sorry to say it, too, because your people were pretty based in their time.

Guy never worked a day in his life

This. Also bring back manufacturing and make all our supplies here. More job security and safer in times of crisis

Im getting tired of you Chinese agents trying to shut down the West's Economy while China lies about their millions plus infected and 100k dead

First of fuck you for being and ignorant retard.
Second everybody is going to slowly get back to work as we contract the diseas and recover
Third you don't need everybody fucking sick at once just because the son of a Jewish banker needs infinite growth so he can keep banging Russian sluts in he's private yatch.
Fourth fuck you again, I don't care about your stock options my family is more important
Fifth I don't need to eat mac shit every day I can be humble and eat beans and fucking rice for the rest of the year
Sixth they need to adjust rent and mortgage to the crisis even if they have to take a hair cut, this fucking oligarch ass holes have never fucking suffer a day in their lives, one fucking year of them eating regular food instead of lobster and Kobe beef every fucking day it's not going to kill them.

And I can go on and on why Tyson doesn't need to raise a trillion chickens just because John fat fucking faggot needs to eat a KFC every day but you get the point.
Time to cut back and bunker down and the fucking fat cats on wall street need to bail us out now because otherwise we're going you burn every fucking airline, food chain and fucking stock exchange organization there is.

In few words, the rich can suck a big fat nigger dick

Kinda this. A less leveraged economy has more plague resistance. "Capitalists" were making a ton of bets that stability would be unimpeded.

Want to team up again Sven? Germs could do with a new 30y war

>I am a narcissist

Brainwashing goyim into free market cult is work enough

Hey different Swede here maybe you would notice that if your weren't such a low IQ sub human but oh well anyways it was reported not long that in stockholm at least half of the death that happend was all Somalis so.. corona doing heck of a good job

>faggots think stock market is the economy

If someone drops a nuclear bomb on 10 cities then the economy will collapse no matter what you do, the show will end at that

No, under the circumstances we are doing everything right, we just shouldn't have been here to begin with. We should have closed the borders in late January, we didn't and now we make the best of it instead of of having the largest collective nervous breakdown ever seen like the reset of you.

He's not wrong. What's the point of saving these people if they're just going to die by mad max world?

>the fucking fat cats on wall street need to bail us out now
You can give people all the money you want. It won't magically solve the massive unemployment problem idiots like you have actively cheered for because you have no concept of reality.

Don't fully agree, but at least it's based.

Among the workers eliminated by sending them away on a spaceship were telephone sanitizers. (Which would turn out the be their downfall, as the remainder of their race would die from a telephone-based plague.

We can always steal food faggot what the fuck they're going you do, throw us in jail and feed us and house us for free

Yeah that rich boomer who refuses to die will be fine but our moms, dads and other family members won't, there are things money can't buy

Disgusting. Get off my board you newfag jewjew cum slurping migatard.