CCP Chink Agents Spreading Virus around the World

This is War.

Attached: chink touch everything.webm (360x450, 2.86M)

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Stop spreading your gook flu you fucking crazy bat eating bitch

And people just stand there.

Aussie is ready for battle

Attached: ccp chinese national spreding virus.webm (576x720, 2.63M)

he looks so sad and pathetic acting so futile. he could be spending his time learning to speak mandarin and preparing for the future

Another possibility (if this is real) is the bitch is an uppity chink trying provoke a hostile response so that she can claim racism.

Why doesn‘t he whip the chinks?

Life prison of deportation for that dirty piece of shit

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The boomers gonna fight 'The Communists'.

Do it for Ronnie and Maggie.


Dude there are so many videos like this. What more proof do we need.

We've been at war, our ruling class just profit from the CCP.


absolutely based. he should be hitting the chinks though
can you chinks even see your penises? are they just little innies?

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Fuck gooks

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how sad..... the majority of Aussies are like this,
Big Mouth bogan yobs, all talk and then go and vote like /sheeple/ every single election!

damn that's one thicc chink. Would fuck.

Well said

Why is best buy open?

Covering her face, like we could tell them apart anyway

ohhh ya right fuck off it faggot chink this guy is based af. He's got that spirit America lost years ago.

fucking die gook chink faggot. Death to all things yellow.


desu its like australia is already no longer a sovereign country
more like a colony of china down here
hard to find ppl who don't speak chinglish in uni

heard they even flew the chinese flag over aus flag somewhere in mel
gov constantly shilling for china
ridiculous crime rates in chinese communuties
chinks buing up all the real estates
and all the teachers in uni cares about is rasicism and sexism crap

sometimes i think we are too far gone as a country

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Am watching these and working out. Great motivation for the coming purge of yellow people - loads of rich yellow cunts in my city.

Baseball bats are just a few aisles down in sporting goods. You know what to do OP!

More people need to realize we are in a war right now with bug-niggers attacking us on our own soil. Glass the chinks. Rice war now

I'm shocked she's doing his around black people and not getting laid out right then and there.
Niggers are scare of this shit, absolutely frightened, and as we all know niggers react violently to this shit.

>literally all asians hate chinese
>now white people are finding out why

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Lol "illegal to mail their own property." You mean buying all the supplies in your "home" country, leaving it unequipped, then sending all those supplies out of the country for foreigners you have more allegiance too. Yea i guess I'm racist towards the chinese then. I'd just call it self defense.

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China is an enemy and they should be destroyed. Nuke them. But first deport all chinese nationals back to china. Then nuke china. Many times.

HOw many more videos do we need of these chink fucks doing this.

It makes me sick, the mainstream should be up in arms against these chink fucks but no one even cares about what is going on.

Yet yall won't say shit about the white people out doing the same shit. I see white's out ignoring stay at home orders and claiming the virus is a hoax online and everyone should get back to work. How is that any better than the woman in the video? Both groups are causing the virus to spread more easily. Any excuse for your racism.

White people are not running around TRYING to get more people sick you dishonest chink fuck.

Is China getting the ADL to write their tweets for them these days?

>t. chink, nigger, or faggot

shut the FUCK up chang

I would knock her out in the parking lot drag her to my car so I can get my box cutter and slit her throat if I saw this shit.

That level of violence is what should be used....

thats 2 different people.

fuck off back to plebbit mate, we're spreading anti-chink propaganda itt.

>how is maliciously spreading the virus to try to kill people any different from not believing the virus is real.

Look like an autistic tick, can't tell if chink or downie

she looks sick. if you have OCD it's time to stay home if you want to sperg out.

>chinese lady spreads virus on laptops: 100 more infected
>person on internet convinces people it's just a fake thing: 1000 more infected from people not taking it seriously

Yeah you're right it's not the same thing.

Imported 2 BILLION masks
25 million hazmat suits
~375k ventilators/respirators (the article doesnt break them down)
They havent even sent 1% of that amount back. And they have demanded prices far higher then they bought it all for. THis is flat out absurd and the EU and US need to enforce their price gouging laws on Chinese companies, also all the developers who hoarded and shipped medical equipment overseas can be legally arrested and charged under the same laws. Its time to mass arrest Chinese people and seize Chinese company assets.

Based shitposter Aussie IRL.

Attached: based aussie.jpg (680x675, 42.45K)

people who believe the virus is fake have good intentions, people who believe the virus is real and are trying to infect others have bad intentions. They're completely different even if they have the same outcome. Personally I would arrest group 1 until it's over (if they flout the lockdown), while I'd put the 2nd group on trial for murder.

Another thing to mention is there have been videos of whites doing the same thing, so it's not only asians who have done this and most asians like most whites/everyone aren't doing evil shit like this. Plus we don't know for sure what's going on. Like says, maybe the first video is innocent. The banana one definitely isn't though.

The cope and seeth in this thread is unreal. Have fun dying in your unprepared countries, gweilo. We'll come to enslave the survivors in 6 months time.

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Lol I don't care.

>go to enslave people
>get your women instead banged by BWCs
Pathetic turbomanlet Changs you will never be able to enslave us when you're below our balls.

Hundreds of years ago.

>Nuke them.
Lol, you're retarded.

The tents outside hospitals are used to triage patients, they aren't actually being treated in them dummy.

Why do Americans say the most retarded shit.

theyre too many here.

False equivalency.

I'll be honest, she has a very fuckable ass.

While I agree all Chinks should go, that was clearly a down syndrome retard who didn't know better. All downies do stupid shit like this.

Now if China is poisoning their downies and getting them to do this thats a different story

Looks like we need internment camps and mass deportation.
Sounds familiar, but I don't care.
The Chink is poisoning the well, just like the Jew.

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why is he so short

Chinks are being the biggest niggers right now

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Perhaps something good will come from all of this. Maybe America (and largely the west) will begin viewing China as the threat they truly are again. This seems to be waking up a lot of people about China in general from what I've seen.


What a pathetic faggot with his gay little whip.

Didn't one of your emergency hospitals collapse on the patients, killing 10 of them?