Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Rezession Edition

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When this is over, the Euro will be completely fucked up

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Where we go, we don't need the Euro (the Middle Ages)

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>Where we go, we don't need the Euro

Attached: and_tomorrow_belongs_to_me.jpg (225x225, 13.34K)

>pic related
that would be retarded

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>Not my 8 Prozenterinoos!
What if we just fire all politicians, there'd be more than enough monetos to fire up the economy once again?

No matter where we go, I hope we get rid of politicians.

>there'd be more than enough monetos to fire up the economy once again?
reastically? no.

I know. Still, lets fire them.

>niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu bauen

>coronachan will kill all the migrants because they're too fucking stupid to obey security measures

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Find es so ekelerregend wie die fünf Mark Nutten der Systempresse von Welt, von der CIA gegründet, dieser Unheilsfigur Merkel in den Arsch kriechen. Einfach nur DDR wie der Rest des Staates.

ich hasse euch alle und ich hasse dieses land.
ihr seid alles scheiss schwuchteln und kiffer

Based. I can't wait.

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Ok Ahmed

Just because the last great depression went to fascism, does not mean this one won't go to commies. Cuckmanians are retarded enough to do this.

Poles should have just become vassals to the crown.

Das reicht, Mehmet! Heute Abend gehst du ohne Kindergeld ins Bett!

Währungskollaps wenn?

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>Von der Leyen wants to give EU(German) money to those EU members who suffer most under the corona crisis
Funnily enough Germany is probably in the top 5 sufferers. So.. does that mean we can get gibs too?
>left already cried for corona tax
Hope you guys are prepared to lose another fourth of your wage, because just like the CO2 tax there just is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE

The amount of money german workers will have to pay again is staggering. And now Italy and Spain want that we will take their debts so their citizens can go even earlier to retirmenet while we can work till 70. Fffffffuck this.


if you still work its your own fault
at this point every german taxpayer is part of the enemies support structure. Fuck em.

>left already cried for corona tax
Mostly fake news, they want a one time wealth tax, which can't be high enough in my opinion. All the boomer scumbags haven't been doing their part for over 30 years now.

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I think we should radically reform the EU. Leave the moloch and make a Germanic Union. Really tired of the South Europeans and their entitlement. France also wants even more gibs, just so they don't have to reform their European Style Socialism.


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Its not the commies fault even the GDR had more to offer to its citizens than this neoliberal shitheap. Maybe capitalists should get their shit together and stop making people poorer by the year?

>how to cause a Revolution 101

Its not like the 30% min wage jobs created to feed the banks are already on the brink of honelessness and starvation

how can one be so larpy and so blind to imperialism the same time

as long you have people like this the world is overpopulated

>one time wealth tax
There is no 'one time' tax. We are STLL paying the Schaumweinseuer, which has been introduced to finance the Kaiser Fleet in 1902. No Kaiser nor Fleet, but the tax still is around. So it won't be a one time paymebt but lets say about 5 years, but that will be expanded. And everytime they prolong the 'wealthy' will be calculated new until we all pay out of our ass.
It is honestly laughable how much taxes go off your paycheck. Working just isn't worth it.

>>how to cause a Revolution 101
like Germans would ever do this

>hey guise lets take in these poor war refugees
>what's your problem goy? it's just this one time!

Und da wundert man sich noch, warum rechte Asoziale niemand wählt. Geh zur grünen Jugend, da passt Du hin.

Von Dir nehme ich schon mal überhaupt keine Ratschläge an, Dr. Hart IV.

Nennst Menschen blind und heulst dann rum, wenn jemand die Regierung hinterfragt bei völlig suspekten Dingen. Gaddafi hinrichten und die Flüchtlingskrise erzeugen? Amokläufe vorgaukeln und wochenlang als Rechtsextremismus verkaufen? 9/11? Epstein mal eben vor den Augen der gesamten Menschheit hinrichten lassen? Pausenlose Kriege mit schwachsinnigen Alibis? Klar, zuzutrauen. Ein paar chinesische Omis vor Kameras Früchte anfassen lassen? Quatsch. Würde der Staat nie hinkriegen.

Absolut hirntoter Goy.

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> boomer scumbags haven't been doing their part for over 30 years now.
Sich buchstäblich von hirntotem Amidreck indoktrinieren lassen. Meine Fresse. Ihr seid dumm wie Brot.

>pic related
>Viele Menschen seien zu Hause oder in Senioren- und Pflegeeinrichtungen gestorben und niemals auf das Virus getestet worden, sagten Bürgermeister aus der Provinz. Bergamo hat insgesamt 1,1 Millionen Einwohner. Aktuelle Vorschriften in Italien sehen lediglich Virustests für Patienten vor, die mit schweren Symptomen ins Krankenhaus kommen.
It's all worse than you thought it was

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>t. markus-sören, sohn eines anwalts

lol und die Grüne Jugend wird die in ein paar Jahren wenn die Diäten kriegen das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen. Du verstehst halt nix von Macht deswegen hast du dumme Ideen wie Germanic Union um damit zu copen dass dir niemals jemand Macht geben wird und du von jedem wichtigen Entscheidungsprozess ausgeschlossen bist.

We utterly destroyed three entire systems in the last hundred years alone. Just because we do it with less chimping than elsewhere doesnt mean it happens.
Here ww sinply assemble the Thing, conclude with a majority that the king has to go and then throw him into the nearest swamp. The rites no longer exist, but the mentality still does.

Als ob der ganze bürgerliche Abschaum das Volk nicht seit Kohls Kanzlerschaft völllig aussaugt. Verpiss dich.

> the chosen mercel

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Your max pigmentation is glowing.

No, idiot. It's a shittest. Once they get it through this one time they'll try to normalize it.

I don't think the world is overpopulated. I just think money really showed us who man becomes in the end. Example, I don't care if rich or poor, a Chink is definitely still just a Chink. Them having money won't buy them non-Chink genes. They are all the same. Same for whites.

du bist sowas dass nennt man auch "falsches erwachen". Du warst halt sojemand der hatte nutzlose Eltern, hat nie was gelernt und wenn du dann merkst es ist halt ned so wie die dümmste Konzernpropaganda es darstellt dann ist ja aufeinmal alles eine Inszenierung mit Hologrammen. Du bist wirklich all over the place von Virus zu Gaddafi und dabei hast du von keinem Thema einen Plan.,

Hi lads. Are any of you concerned that by testing at 500k a week in the early stages of the climb you might fall short of being at full capacity for testing during the peak phase of transmissions and deaths? Or does everyone expect it the testing to remain at 500k a week consistently with no bumps in the road? Seems a bit reckless to be going full tilt ahead now rather than when things inevitably get really bad. Any perspective on this?

Testing here is obviously lagging behind quite a bit right now, but the govt has the chemicals it needs to make testing kits and the expertise to do it exists in the UK. People are screaming at the government to get testing en masse now but it's hesitant to do so, presumably to guarantee we have the provisions to conduct mass testing during the peak phase.

Schon klar, Propagandaopfer, wie wir alle. Aber mit Elternmord oder Zwist im allgemeinen kommt hier keiner weiter. Denke wir sind geopolitisch gefickt und aus Bequemlichkeit sitzen inkompetente Leute an entscheidenden Stellen. Und ich will nicht wissen, was passiert, wenn denen morgen keiner mehr oder ein anderer zuflüstert...

Nicht nur die Privatpersonen, sondern auch die Unternehmen... Telkom sorgt sich darum, dass unsere Daten abgeschneuchelt werden, aber nicht darum, dass die Leitung ordentlich sind.

Schön 80Mbit als 1Gbit verkaufen...

Despite all its shortcomings, Germany still has quite a bit of medical production on her own soil. Testing won't be hampered at all. The biggest issue would be actually being able to harvest our crop since the seasonal workers can't travel to Germany and the refugees, still 90% unemployed get told by the left not to take the jobs because they pay worse than what the state hands them.

Medical peronal is forbidden to speak, and those who do say they are left in the dark. Speculation is futile, if government switches to another strategy, we won't know until it takes effect.

>still 90% unemployed get told by the left not to take the jobs
they want passports and/or voting rights for this...

>the past
you had to fight in wars, risk your life to become a citizen
2 weeks spargel zupfen

Source, plz.

And props for using the proper pronoun for our Germania.

Spargel oder Franzosen stechen... innem Erdgraben...
Bin gespannt auf ddr-mäßige "Arbeiter auf die Felder!"-Propaganda.

You infectoid scum didn't know how to contain it.
I am very disappointed in you.

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Why contain it?

>what is voting wars and insurgent warfare

Stop being disgusting alcoholics bump!

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>961,244 right now
Soon we have a small loan of a million infected, dat's right

passiert nicht. Haben die Jobcenter schon vor 10 Jahren versucht und ist gescheitert.

Speaking of loans, where can business owners grab EZ loans that they never intend to pay back? They did promise us those.

i think you overestimate the percentage of Yas Forums users who own a business or even know about applying to EZ loans

no wonder Tay is not posting here, guess what "she" is doing right now

Pick up your towels or go to fren jail

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> he does not run a fugee driven scam biz already


based af

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