'We are not better than your wekungz ancestors'

13,200 foreign nationals were given Norwegian citizenship in 2019, almost 3,000 more than were given citizenship in 2018, according to the Norwegian Bureau of Statistics.

Nine out of ten of those who were awarded citizenship last year came from non-European countries, and almost eight of ten were from Africa or Asia, Norwegian online newspaper Nettavisen reports.

Somalis were the most common nationality to be given citizenship, with nearly 3,000 Somali nationals receiving Norwegian passports last year. Eritreans came in second with close to 1,500 people receiving citizenship, followed by foreign nationals from the Philippines, Afghanistan, Thailand, Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan, India, and Iran, respectively.

Many Norwegians are bewildered by the fact that Norway’s Migration Agency continues to hand out citizenship, especially to Somalis who continue to cost Norwegian taxpayers millions of euros as a result of their high unemployment rates.

As of January 1st of this year, immigrants comprised 18.2 percent of Norway’s population. Since 2000, the number of immigrants living in Norway has more than tripled, according to Statistics Norway.

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I think more Somalis should be imported to Scandinavia. I was against it at first, but the average scandi won't have sex, or only has overseas children in places like Thailand. We need to import Africans, we have no choice.
A lot of childless Euros are about to (you) me, but I'm still correct.

The sooner whites are eradicated the better, can't you see that no whites = harmony and peace for everyone else?

I'm Iraqi and I fuck plenty of scottish pussy, I fucked a few polish, Irish and english too but I have a taste for redheads. I fucked 23 redheads since we came here in 2015, 65 girls in total, white girls aren't racist lol

You claim benefit and spend it on wank mags.

It's up to Norway to unfuck itself.

It's okay I raped me a few paki girls while on my second tour. Get it how you live, paki.


I go to clubs and white girls like me because i am not afraid, it's true my size help because I go to gym 4 time in week - but they love most my dark hair and eyes, they tell me every time and then they like my skin because scottish lads are pale and look very sick and unhealthy.

Listen pal
Sticking a magazine cut out of Janet Street Porters face on a chicken before intercourse doesn't mean you had sex with a woman.

Look at all those women and children.

not paki, Iraqi - I have Iranian heritage yoo, I am like an aryan man but with dark features, what white girls like the most when they are being honest, they like us much more than blacks and of course more than whites.

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>We need to import Africans

because your white men and women won't breed. you need a population to replace your elderly.

that makes me feel bad about my plans on moving to norway for work
how do i avoid stealing from the natives and integrating? beside staying the fuck away from the locals and only go out to work, i heard european foreigners have more taxes there so that would make my act of stealing a job from the locals less bad.

Norway has 5 million. It's one of the smallest global minorities and it's expected to take in the global majority.

the internal affairs of norway, or europe, need not concern non-europeans

Because the government ponzi schemes will collapse without more "tax payers" and politicians wont get as many views without more dependents.
Jews also need some of their prophecies to come true (the one about the east and west gentiles blending together into one people) so they can get a step closer to ending the world

Then why are you posting?

Are somalians the ugliest blacks? I think so

>you need a population to replace your elderly.
Why? We have younger Europeans.

Here's an idea. Find a job in your own country

Ask yourself that, mutt.

How can white people look at Somalia and think "yeah, we need that here"

Fuckin jews in the us government and Lutheran social services and cucktholic charities have made a Somali colony in Minnesota and that gave us ilhan omar


Sometimes I wonder what will it take for the people to say that ok we have had enough of the shitskins and the ruling class that forces us to live with eachother

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i do, i just got a better offer.
everything is fucked due to covid so maybe that will change the plans

I read on the news yesterday that corona is spreading fast in east and west end Oslo
That's were they put all the immigrant

Well, they all share VIKING ANCESTORS

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Ihan Omar is a race traitor because shes being bleeched right now, she's a whore and should be stoned to death or you should throw her in the sea.

As an American you're in no position to tell someone else that they're cucked.
Your country have had hundreds of years to get rid of them but it's only gettign worse

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why do white girls love black men so much bros

But she's just letting all the muslim women out there know that White dick is the best dick. Allah wants this, Allah is pro-eugenics, all you dysgenic muslim men have failed him.

Cause white men are weak they can't satisfy women. Trust me most women enjoy being beating up and treated like a property, it turns them on especially white women.

A brown men will never let his women have a boyfriend, but whites are like " OMG had a nice day with my wife and her boyfriend"

Understandable logic, however, all of europe watched our great nigger experiment blow up in our face and then said "well let's try it guys"

Fuck yeah, we’re already here chilling and shit

Spread your strong based genes.
Don’t pull it out

Actually all those migrants in Europe came into Europe under American colonization post 1945.

You are mixing up the stats here though.
Citizenship will usually not include Europeans due to schengen. (Why would they need a citizenship?) The largest immigrant group by far is Lithuanians, about 100k. Almost 2% of the total population.

As for the 18,2% figure, it does include Europeans. It also includes children of immigrants born in Norway, even though they are technically Norwegian. Noticed that a lot of countries seem to only report foreign born as immigrants, not second generation.

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this is it. it's not some grand conspiracy against the white race. Honestly i wish it were because it might motivate more people. we built massive social programs based on infinite population growth. europe even more so. rather than cancel the programs, they just artificially create population growth

norway is one of the only countries in europe with no real nationalist party. they have american boomer style conservatives instead.

this. the cucking started in america and spread to europe after wwii.

Norway has a long tradition with piracy.
Somalia is relativly new, but leading in modern piracy. They just team up, seems plausible to me

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FDR started it and LBJ ended it, meaning LBJ ruined any hope of us having a white nation

>spread to europe after wwii
Direct result of jewish imperialism

Why not just accept a post babyboom shrinkage? Because youd lose money?


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Understandable, but backwards
In our situation, we already had all the blacks and native Americans here, and the Mexicans mostly came across the border illegally and now we have to deal with them.
Norway’s elected government has been purposefully importing Somalians in particular and it is just bizarre.

>elected government
there is no democracy at work here

They, like us, are building plantations.
>get everyone dependent on benefits
>subsidize the industries you control to support the nigs
>build your castle with machine gun turrets away from nigs


>The figures were highlighted by Progressive Party members Sylvi Listhaug and Jon Helgheim, who revealed that young immigrant men from Somalia commit violent crime at a rate of 419 per 1,000 compared to 34 per 1,000 for native Norwegians.

you are literally giving the worlds best passport (norwegian) to worlds worst peoples (somalis and eritreans) theres no cope around that.


Cowardly Whites do nothing.

Why aren't White meeting up and networking similar to other groups? The eternal embarrassment.

they will be all doctors and engineers.

Whites are finished. White males are weak and pathetic and far too cowardly to protect their women and countries.

>Average Height - 165 cm
Kebabcels are pathetic.
Someone link to the Okupid study
Middle Eastern women ranked white men the highest even more than Asian women.
And then there’s Phillippine Servaty, a literal white Belgian incel that went to fuck 80 MENA whores

Sandniggers are incel-tier. They’re barely above Pajeets. A study showed that 94% and 95% of White women excluded Middle Easterners and Indians.

The only time Paki or Iraqi is getting any action is when they’re raping.

We've seen it for decades


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I remember so vividly how Euros would laugh at Americans for their bad crime statistics and other such things due to niggers.

Now they've imported their own niggers. They've specifically imported the problem they made fun of Americans for for YEARS

What the fuck is this time line?

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you keep telling yourself that, goat fucker.

based norway, live-stream the suicide

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If you remove the muscles, and turn his BMI down to about 12, you got a Somali.

Fuck off chang i know you're a chink hiding behind turkey flag

>92% non-white
>USA 43% non-white

Honestly losing hope anything will ever fucking happen. They just keep piling in but shitskins are leeches who try to keep the gibs train going. De Klerk worst minister of my life.

Where have I seen this guy before?

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he looks more like an ethiopian

More mexicans cross the US border before noon every day than this number.

Kek this. They are all scrawny bastards.