"(examining the apartments of highly infectious Corona patients) we found no living virus on any surface. Not on mobile phones, not on faucets, not on door handles."
German virologists find no traces of Corona virus on surfaces
Ja ne is klar
you don't need to wash your hands any more.
Wash your hands anyway there's so much other shit on them
Can I start to shower again? Just washing hands makes me feel mo good.
Imagine believing this
>Bacteria and viruses spread on surfaces
>But not this one
So go pick a door knob kek
this newspaper belongs to a Jewish investment firm
>In August 2019, KKR acquired Arnott's, the Australian snack unit of Campbell Soup Company, for $2.2 Billion.[154] Later that month, KKR became the biggest shareholder of German media group Axel Springer, paying $3.2 billion for a 43.54% stake.[155]
>trusting american scientists
There are at least 4 different strains in the wild.
They only found the RNA not a living virus
Ya and it travels 27 feet in the air.
These experts are fuckin clueless and just making shit up as they go.
you can't actually be this stupid to believe that.
Instead of listening to the word of a kike how about you look at the evidence around you. Do you really believe that the virus spread as much as it did without being able to live on a single fucking surface?
This is close and the most logical answer. Chinks spread multiple bioweapons.
Wow some desperate shilling in this thread.
Keep going hans, they cant detect it, because it doesnt exist.
>a Jewish investment firm
Es wird durch die LUFT ÜBERTRAGEN!
shut it down
guyim must now know that this is all a hoax
>Instead of listening to the word of a kike how about you look at the evidence around you
I'm sorry about offending your hysteria, Mr. Virologist.
virus arent alive period
would be a fucking miracle to find a living virus
>just the RNA not a living virus
shiggydiggyshigeru miyamoto
Corona hoax
a German spreading kike propaganda that goes against basic logic with a straight face
Yep, checks out.
yes, go back watching CNN instead, lol.
Damn now I feel like Ops article was simply a braintwisting April fools joke.
Germans are lying if that isn't it obvious to you by now you need to go back to your halfway house
you mean the ones that said it was a nothing burger...like you are?
yikes hans
Fuck that. It's a habit I'm going to keep.
>Trusting memeflag posts
>Bacteria and viruses spread on surfaces
is this true? i thought most of it spread through coof and sneeze
No virus is ever alive that's what makes it a virus ffs. Bild is such a disgrace.
None of this is real. Dumbass faggot. Literally no one has this.
After the world Jewish economic federation declared war on Germany first, Hitler pulled them from poverty and nearly conquered the entire world from leeches who employ usury (why muslims hate Jews, too) to bleed others of their hard work and achievements. Isn't that fucking badass?!!
Interesting !
ITT: dumb fucks trusting mainstream journalism
Viruses aren't technically alive.
Fomite transmission was never very likely at all.
It's incredibly difficult for the 'rona to colonize your lung unless you breath it in.
Virions are the reproductive particles of a cell that has been transformed into a new single celled organism
what does ne mean in German usage? Google translate was not helpful.
have we solved the problem then?
I hate reading Deutsch. Anyway, this is a bunch of bologna. They said they didn't find a living virus on surfaces. This is typical Lügenpresse. Viruses don't act like living organisms. The same thing was done on Diamond princess. They found coronavirus RNA traces which you could claim is not a "living" virus.
>pets cooperated nicely
Germans never fail to make me chuckle
Words like this are the hallmark of propaganda. They instantly negate any implied validity or requirement of proof. It is the old Publisher's Clearinghouse scam "You may have already won!"
They buy their test kits from China by any chance?
Why would you stop showering?
this is so retarded because they say it's droplets from coughing and sneezing. and according to them, that doesn't stay in the air that long at all. and if you sneeze/cough when it's hot as balls, the heat kills it.
I got l that info from that scientist guy on CNN that was getting mad at Trump.
Our media, the CDC and WHO are changing their fucking shit 24/7. it pisses me off because it's fear mongering BULLSHIT
Up until recently there were two strains hardly distinguishable from each other. It’s been at least 5 weeks since I read that. And I read that like everyone else read their info so I can’t swear to it like non of you can swear to the things you read just point to them. I can’t even point to this but it was fairly widespread. The thing was though like I said this was time ago and the disease had only existed a few weeks and it was changing already at that point.
basically just no
B-but I though it lived on surfaces for 8 years! That why we need to stay inside and never leave!
That's not it. Corona has a membrane, this allows it to stay on surfaces for longer duration. Then it falls apart and leaves traces of RNA. That is what they meant with "living" virus. How long it takes is still undefined.
In the article they talk about how they want to roll back on measures cause no outbreak ever happened at a barbershop.
The virus won’t go near a dirty Jew. Not surprised.
Most common cause, person covers mouth while sneezing or coughing then touches door handle
More like the biolab leaked everything it was storing.
But you know better because schizophrenia.
>you don't need to wash your hands any more.
I know because science is literally a meme.
You heard the news boys, the virus is a hoax, just get back to work, you've got a mortgage to pay
Real scientific stuff
First of all a virus is not "living"
Secondly, how did they perform this study?
Afaik, their only option to check if there is actual intact viral particles there would be to take a sample of the surface (as in cut out a piece of the phone or whatever), coat it with gold through plasma scattering in a vacuum and put it into an electron scanning microscope.
Did they do that?
Then they didn't do what they say they did.
And even if they did the whole electron microscopy, how many square centimeters did they inspect with this very time consuming and expensive method?
On surfaces generally, or ones that Chinamen have licked?
What if we are being sold a big propaganda lie?
Coronaviruses were discovered in the 60s you fucking pleb, you literally have them in you all year round
The heads of WHO are supposedly partisan to the chinese. WHO says wash hands, dont bother with masks outside. Koreans wears masks outside. Koreans keep the virus under control. Makes you wonder. (Yeah i know about their mass testings)