Croatia appreciation thread

>by far the most based country in the world
>99.50% Caucasian
>Best sport country in the world per capita
>tallest people in the world, 187 cm being the average height

If Europe consisted of 500 million Europeans, there'd be no trannies, cucks and most importantly weak Brit animals that ruined this continent.

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Tell me about Croatian diet. Do they eat more meat and milk than other nations?

But user, all of those athletes and tall people are Bosnian , specifically Herzegovinan chads

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Cuckroachia more like it. Basically Africa, but with electricity.

Hercegovnians aren't Croatian. They're somewhere between cavemen and Turks.

and bosnia is croatian land, its like saying they are from some other region like Slavonia or Istra. They are Croats

good thread

Fuck off with that retarded activity. It was engineered for poor and stupid people. No wonder 90% of our players are goddamn Bosnians.

But user everyone who is of worth in Croatia is born in Bosnia or has roots here,

I'll take a Croatian over Moorish rapebabies anyday. Only today I forked over 120 euros we never get back to those whiny Italians.

Ask your mother how she feels about them

The Croats here are all subhuman retards - did Australia just get all the shit Croatian DNA or are you all like this?

Kockogloovi are not Croats. They are barely human.

Serbs look like half breed turks to me

>The Croats here are all subhuman retards
Look at my previous posts. All BiH Croats. Australia got the worst of the worst.

regionalists like you disgust me
you are probably kajkavian, or from some other SDP voting region

His the fucking pony poster. Everything about him is disgusting

You guys still have that titty blonde mommy as president?

Australia got all the Ustaše refugees from rural parts of former Ottoman Empire. Think of rednecks but without knowing of constitutional rights and USA type libertarian freedoms. These are Communist rednecks, statists and bootlickers.

I have few relatives down there and some of them haven't learned proper English in 30 years because all they do is construction site works 16 hours a day and Sunday masses, don't even leave their shantytowns.

no they elected some communist

No she promised people 7k euro salaries,and working from home did not hold her promise and got voted out

>weak brit animals


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All this posting about croarian race "superiority" only remarks the deep inferiority feelings that your people have toward the rest of europe.

Please keep think about it before posting more shit on my Yas Forums.

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Eh. What a shame.

>ottoman empire
Are you fucking retarded ?

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Muslims are Croatian flowers.

You are the beggar of Europe. I would be ashamed to be Italian.

Before you go into a rant about Northern Europeans: don't bite the hand that feeds

He's right, anything they can get you to form an identity around they will use against you.


By the way you chose the most gipsy-looking croatian guy for the opening pic you must be real dumb

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Check his ID

Depends on the area, WA Croats created one of the greatest farming communities in the country, SE QLD Croats are all hard working ex Ustaše types that have largely integrated very well with English speakers. There's a few Cro clubs I know that are a lot more bogan and no one speaks English there but no one visits those it's all closed circle except for the Soccer tournaments.

My Dida has this painting in his house but he's become really Libertarian since living here these past 60 years, respect his crew a lot.

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Are you so high on handouts and Corona that you don't understand the EU is split in a prosperous Northern part and that dead weight in the South?

I have a fear of spiders, how much of a problem is that in straya ?

My grandfather had the same image but only because it pissed off Serbs. Had zero idea who Pavelić was other than stubborn idea that he was some great leader of Independent Croatia. The fact he was a Hercegovnian turncoat rat who ran away with the gold just like his pals 40 years later is completely oblivious to these people. Not to mention they tried to pass off as democrats and antifascists later on which is so ridiculously embarassing seeing how they wanted to suck up into USA asshole while USA didn't give a fuck about them. Same thing goes today. Parade with fascist insignia but bend down the moment somebody complains about evil nazism. Weakless, spineless cowards who would sell their own mothers. What is even more ironic, all Ustaše cretins support big government and Socialism. Only thing they don't want is hammer and sickle imprint on boot sole but a chessboard cuz they're fine with bootlicking as long as it's Croatian boot.

I've seen a video of a Tarantula hissing at a small dog on the other side of a screen door.

Just. Fucking. Don't.

Fun fact: Slavshits are inherently worthless. The only thing some of them have going for them is "muh german blood"

>Calls his grandpa a Hercegovnian turncoat rat
Kys you fucking zomer bitch

Fucking hissing ?

Not gonna lie, I do too and it's pretty fucked. Where I am the only worry is those hand sized Huntsman's scuttling across the wall/ceiling every time it rains. That's why I have a cat not just a dog, he hunts em down and I have a lot of chemicals to keep the cunts out. Otherwise no worries.

Yeah that's fair. The family story's always been the same, no work because they had no connections in the Unions or Communist party, a lot of persecution and no opportunity so they fled to find peace and work. No one here in that community likes the government, they just want to be left alone and they're not one to obey authority unless forced. Otherwise it's jebem ti mater and go about your business.

Fuck man, i would live in constant fear their, I've seen huntsmen bites and what they can do, funnel webs are the ones that really frighten me

my grand grand father was based af he followed a Chetnik Priest who went crusading in Raska and in Eastern Bosnia killing all non Serbs,he was such an Orthodox radical that Draza him self ordered his execution
but my grand grandfather survived by larping as a monk near Uzice just so he could off avoided getting executed by the communist regime

I have an image of the Vojvoda which my grand grandfather served on how bunch of Serbian kids are vandalizing Croatian homes in some town in Vojvodina

>>by far the most based country in the world
No, the rural folks are retards and the urbanites are midwits. I'm the only based person who lives here.
.50% Caucasian
Still not enough.
>>Best sport country in the world per capita
Sports are cringe. Granted it's not as meaningless as in Western Europe or Burgerland where it's "My black men are stronger/faster than yours!", but it's still an instance of artificial, manufactured patriotism that in fact only exists to sell Navijački jogurt
>>tallest people in the world, 187 cm being the average height
Then how come our women still don't want to fuck us?

>tallest people in the world, 187 cm being the average height

fuck outta here with this fake shit. Nords are the tallest in the world you balknigger

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I cannot distinguish between Croats and Serbs. You look the same.

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ukraine of the balkans

tall, strong, masculine and handsome?

was that suppose to be an insult?

croat does something good
>based croat
croat does something bad
>he's not a croat but a herzegovinian
why are they like this?

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Its the same with blacks in France (and other European countries)

they do something bad
>african criminals
they win world cup 2018
>based black frenchmen

Inferiority complex, Hercechads run the country

>flattering yourself
you are the same as them

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like all slavs, they are subhumans


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>you are the same as them
In what way?
Besides being tall, strong, masculine and handsome


nice memeflag manlet boy

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You forgot to post this

in appearance, language, though croatian is a bit faggy
are pic related Serbs? Why are they so violent?

Fucking bosnia man, they ain't even normal europeans.

Yes my small Turkish friend

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>are pic related Serbs
its Croatian payed mercenaries/hooligans on a serbian stadium. Some serbian group payed their services to overthrow the other one, but they lost

mah our official language is similar due to intelectuals in yugoslavian movements in 19th and 20th century who wanted to make a standard language for all south slavs.
Besides official language. Regional linguastic differences are big.

There is not much in common with us, besides language.

and our good looks

In the image are Croats who beaten by Serbs in a match between 2 Serbian clubs which one of the Serbian clubs hired Croatian hooligan from Split to disrupt the fans from the other club and as you can see they failed

Croatian hooligans have bad luck in Serbia
1.Croatian hooligan leader met up with Grobari fan leaders where they raped him in a cemetery
2.30 Croatian hooligans returning from Bulgaria and on the way they attacked Serbian workers working at gas station which ended up all of them getting arrested and sent to Serbian prisons where all of the got gamg raped by Serbian criminals

those are all that i know of


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10/10 in his village

>tallest people in the world, 187 cm being the average height

not entirly true, but still suprisingly tall. Wouldn't have guessed.

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>they raped him in a cemetery
Its a meme
think about it. unless those guys were faggots who fuck guys. Come on, how can you get an erection

the second one is also not true

>they raped him in a cemetery

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