But neurodiversity is a good thing. Here's why

>It's no wonder so many people view autism negatively when the bulk of the information paints this picture to the world. And it's not surprising that many people still believe these common autism myths.

I thought this would be a retarded article, but it really did convince me that people with autism, while different, have many ways to make significant - indeed unique - contributions to the world. I for one am proud of my autism. Are you?


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Other urls found in this thread:


My life was ruined because of my autistic brother. No amount of puff pieces, politically correct terms, and marketing campaigns featuring puzzle pieces and the tiny number of genius savants will soften the crazy unbearable meltdowns of autists.

I'm genuinely sorry for you I have had a similar experience but I guess the main thing to keep in mind is that ASD is literally on a spectrum and not all aspies act the same.

Then don't use blanket terms and utilise succint language maybe? There's no reason to group them together if they're not the same. It goes against the entire reason we developed this tool, so we could accurately convey information.

Woah that's deep user will u fuck my boipussi

Rocking it bro

>my son has autism

The levels of COPE in this article

The fact is though is that it literally is on a spectrum. There is mild ASD, medium ASD and bad ASD. IT's also something that transcends IQ and traditional intelligence as anyone can have any type of ASD and still have a high or low IQ. You see it in families all the time. Some guy could have Aspergers (mild ASD) and be more or less normal, or even be rather smart. People with bad ASD (literal autism you see the retards here making fun of) can also technically be high IQ but their brain is in such a way that they cannot function at any level in society at all. For example in the olden days like the 1950s if someone had bad ASD they were normally kept inside by their parents to either protect them from the outside world or the parents were a bit retarded themselves and were ashamed of their child and wanted to hide it to save their precious reputation.

Aspergers is specifically high functioning autism, developed concept by the nazis

"little professors"

The affliction of autism ie banging head on table to vent, can be "fixed" with THC and they can live a life on the higher functioning side, many are gifted in areas they wouldn't be able to explore without THC therapy.

It's extremely important that humanity has access to THC without fear of incarceration.

Can you give us a quick rundown, or at least an archive?

1. Autistic people are extremely passionate about what interests them.

An attribute that translates to hyperfocusing and obsessively researching those interests until they have a deep understanding of the subject matter. They also have a wide variety of interests.

2. They are straightforward, direct and honest.

They mean what they say and aren't afraid to tell you what they truly think.

3. Autistic people perceive the world differently and process information in unique ways.

As a result, they are independent and creative thinkers.

Be Sure To Read: 8 Things You Should Never Assume About Autism

4. They are detail-oriented and they pay attention to the finer details that others often miss.

For example, my autistic son recently pointed out that all four seasons are six letters long: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Yeah, you didn't notice that until just now, right?

5. They love routines and will happily maintain those routines with great success.

6. People with autism have a great memory and an amazing ability to recall facts.

7. Autistic people also tend to be visual thinkers.

As a result, they can visualize solutions to problems, as well as other things, better than most people can.

8. They follow their own unique set of social rules, which means they often don't bully people, judge others or get easily swayed by peer pressure.

They don't feel the pressure to fit in like most people do. I bet most people wished they had these attributes!

9. Autistic people are smart.

Many have above-average intelligence. Yes, even preverbal or non-verbal autistic people! This is where I insert my reminder about always presuming competence...

10. Autistic people aren't afraid to be themselves.

They're unique and quirky, and don't get bothered by what other people think of them. They just continue to be the unique individual they are by embracing and sharing their passions with the world.

>10 positive traits some people with autism have
>1. They call out those lying kikes for their fuckery
Keep it going, Yas Forums


Being autistic makes my life a nightmare
I would be 100000x better off without it

You aren't wrong, but the negative outweight the positive by a massive margin

Is that the stuff in cannabis? Seems like an interesting idea. I have high functioning ass burgers myself

You wouldn't be you without it


Mild autism is good. It is helpful.

Severe autism hurts everyone. They should kts.

Blackpill: Non-autistic extroverts are the soil in which all sexual and ideological degeneracy takes root.

Some of these things are good. Others would create a literal hellscape society if EVERYONE was like this.
Yas Forums is autistic in a good way.
Chris-chan esque people are autistic in the worst fucking way.
I guess Yas Forums just have better parents/genes and are guided by them?

Yes it is.

People with epilepsy need CBD therapy, a component of cannabis

Autism needs THC therapy, the other component of cannabis

Autistic people go into the gas chamber after the jews, muslims and blacks, but before the indians. Some spics may have the opportunity to get bred out. Sorry user, but they will NOT be admitted into the ethnostate.

You are judging someone

Whoa. That black pill is fucking rock solid.

i smoke two joint in the morning i smoke two joints at night i smoke two joints in the afternoon it make me feel alright

We had a mildly autistic dude on our college dorm floor, 26yo big guy
He would regularly enter open rooms without asking, and on one occasion when the wifi was shitting the bed, he pulled someone's ps4 from the outlet thinking it would causing the problem
He basically threw a god damn tantrum when our RA told him he couldn't touch other people's property

fucking retards i want to die having this condition.

Is that Sublime?

I'd take that over my current brain - 100% sure

What's your talent in life?

Judging people is a safeguard against degeneracy. People see at something ugly these days, but if we can't judge something as bad then everything is permitted. I proudly judge disgusting autists because I am an autist who knows right from wrong.

"Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil."

The anti-social need to curbed.

the reason they are saying this is because autism is on the rise, by design.

autism can be in varying degrees and in the future all of society will be ruined and destroyed as the few people who arent autistic and high functioning autists have to care for the low functioning autists.

its the end of humanity as they need full time care.

and its all courtesy of the establishment that funds the cbc. and its caused by the poisons in the food and environment and who knows what all else.

its an attack on us and they use the propaganda so you feel good about it. look at the autism stats, its on the rise. and its not just because of increased diagnosis, i am talking low functioning obvious as fuck autism is on a drastic rise.

try to remember that the cbc is pure evil filth and it is the enemy

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I was diagnosed with autism

You just need a change of perspective, friend.
You can reprogram yourself through meditation and reading.

>Many have above-average intelligence.
I hate this meme, there's an inverse correlation between iq and asd as a whole. Aspergers was a special case but still basically averaged the same as normal people. I'm on my tablet now or I'd link a myriad of studies on this because I know some autist here is going to say "nuh uh, autistic people are smart!"

I don't know Chris-Chan or what he got up to but if he wasn't well at the time it's not very good to be contributing to his difficulties

What's the IQ of a savant who can play any piece of classical music on first hearing but can't butter his own toast?

Please don't include my brain deformity with your alphabet cancer.

I am not going to forgive someones sick actions because they have autism. Their genes in combination with their parents are the problem. You can raise a good aspie or you can encourage every degenerate thought that runs through their head. If you can't you're probably a retard.

It's not really a deformity which is perceivable visually now, or is it? Do you have MRI scans which show a deformity?

Doesn't really matter, most likely still in the 80's, savants are also kind of a joke too. They exist but so do normal people that can do crazy shit like that.

Again you have to ask why you are so voyeuristic towards this chris-chan

I have no idea what he did and I don't want to know

but maybe he has mental illness beyond autism

how am I supposed to make any contribution to society when I'm socially ostracized from society by society for not fitting in?

Who's going to solve all your problems, retard?

Gretta should have been aborted

No they don't. Name one man who is not a savant which can play any piece of classical music upon one hearing.

Savants get comped.

High-functioning autistic here. Aspergers, I guess you'd call it. AMA.

On disability gibs, never held a job, 140+ IQ, non virgin.

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I'm pretty sure you can't diagnose someone with autism with a brain-scan, so not in that way, but autism is basically having your brain process information in a different way which causes the known problems.

I gave chris-chan as an example of a retarded autist because he is pretty well known. Stop attributing some obsession to me.
>but maybe he has mental illness beyond autism
I believe he is a trannie now as well... so all the more reason to judge people. I'm not judging him because he is an autist. I think you need to learn how to read.

So how would you describe the neural architecture of an autistic versus a neurotypical?

Or is it more about stronger connections between certain places?

No society would be better off without autistic people. A few outstanding individuals doesn't make up for that fact.

All that exists is what I experience each day
and the portal of the internet exists as a different place


What the fuck are you trying to say?

>No they don't. Name one man who is not a savant which can play any piece of classical music upon one hearing.
I can't think of that specific skill off the top of my head but can't think of an autist that can off the top of my head either. I remember some stories (I think they made a movie about it?) of something like that but it was never brought up in any psych course I ever took. Meanwhile I was friends with a guy that could solve complex math problems in his head faster than the math club could using calculators and a guy that could look at something for half a second and instantly tell you how many of various shapes there were exactly and neither of them were autistic.

However I work as a robotics engineer. I love working with machines but I can't stand normies. Try getting a job in production user.

Honestly all the spectrumy people I've met were more interesting people than 90% of normies. This lad I used to work with was great, very autistic about movies but had good taste. His social antics just made me laugh, he would apologize every time he opened his mouth.

I make more than you faggot.

I'm saying propaganda is extremely sophisticated.

>No society would be better off without autistic people


Ever wonder why psychiatry was successful in exchanging the terms and now they are in crisis just like the rest of the world? Keep wombing around to find out more.

My uncle can play anything on a piano first try as long as he knows the melody in his head. He's a normie as fuck military chaplain with 3 adult kids and no musical training.

There's meant to be a comma before the no

They could have helped him. Just turn his phone off innit.

After ffs jesus christ

>10 years from now a specific quota of the populace has to be mentally impaired

Im done

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Why do you lie?

No, its because women are having children later

, no society would be better off without autistic people.

Ah I see, it's the end of a sentence refuting a stupid claim.

If someone is in that much pain, they should be put down

No shit, Sherlock. You really are retarded aren’t you

That makes me uncomfortable, and i'm one of them.

They are literal dregs m8

Bump for vanity. AMA.

>Or is it more about stronger connections between certain places?
I think that's a fair way of putting it. It's a lot easier for us to notice certain things, and harder for us to notice others. The example from that article of the autistic kid noticing that all four seasons have six letters in their names was a good example. Math patterns and statistical analysis have always come easily to me, but facial expressions and vocal tone are a bitch to get right. I can't tell a sarcastic tone from a serious tone, and only ever get sarcasm through the context of the words and not how the words are said.

Studying coding online, with hopes of one day working from home as a software engineer. Amen on the normie hating, brother. Intelligent neurotypicals are okay, though, if they're down to talk about complex geopolitics and theoretical physics and shit.

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Why would I make such a milquetoast lie? Yeah he's no stage talent, he's hardly playing bach first try, but the point is he's 100% a normie retard but has some decent musical talent that none of his siblings have.

Your that potato nigger that gets ass blasted buy different opinions.

Why the fuck are you proud of haveing brain damage?
I literally cannot feel positive emotion and am pathalogically alienated from normies.

And your such a downers child you see that as something to be proud off.

So how would you describe the neural architecture of an autistic versus a neurotypical?
less interconnected. Think of a symphony without a conductor.
>stronger connections between certain places?
This is part of why people with autism are very good at specific things.

thanks CBC for normalizing a terrible debilitating disease
no questions about how the disease became so prevalent or who is to blame, just some fluff human interest stories

You just like pot, just admit you like pot.

Autists are not brain damaged like others are. Autists have the ability to understand things. Normies can only copy.

So with higher visual capacity why are faces such a problem

Nope, if you're a normie then yeah. It's the only way human mankind is advancing with technology.

>spacing. I don’t know ChrisChan
Lurk for 2 years before posting again or go back!

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Why would you want to be normal? Whats even considered normal today? I don't know how old you are, but you learn to appreciate it when you get older.

Pot is my medicine

Welcome to Yas Forums newfriend

The whole article is just a co ksucking routine of some middle age roast who got her old eggs knocked up and has to frame her kid in a way she finds them acceptable.

Look... stop trying hide behind awful attempts at vague subtle insulting arguments and say what you mean instead.

What propaganda is being made to make people dislike autists? All I see in media is how autists are special and cool. But anytime I interact with one I have a negative experience 80% of the time. I'm austistic and so is my girlfriend but we can at least blend into normal civil society and have productive conversations.
Most autistic people, I think, get an over-inflated ego due to all the positive press and media about autism and so as a result of the autistic hyper focus on one subject develop severe narcissism and become unbearable people.
We need less tolerance in the world.

You're being memed you gullible cunt.

Based and checked.
Last bit anyway.

I hate autists, I'm lumped in with you fags just for being solitary, and your all afflicted with comorbities far worse than your retard condition. Fuck you guys.

I'm actually autistic myself and wish I was aborted.

Have my medal, sir.

I don't think that our visual capacity is higher, it's just focused upon different things. Faces are a problem because there's a complex relationship between different facial muscles - the lip formation for a gentle smile and a cruel sneer could look quite similar, but be differentiated by what the eyebrows are doing, for example. I might look at a sneering person, see their upward-turned lips, and think that they're smiling at me.

>The anti-social need to curbed.
King James Version: Genesis Chapter 2
9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Supposedly there exists a "tree of knowledge of good and evil". Wonder if that could humble autistic jackasses.
Deluding them into voluntary castration solves the worst autism. Is it necessary to go as far with people of conviction who still are functional?
>over-inflated ego
Sounds like a parenting issue.

I too have a bit of the autism
Aside from the retard levels of focus it is a horrible affliction that is self culling
Disjointed scattered way of thinking
Social fear and ineptitude
Living life in your own head so you never feel incloned to actually socialize thus makong your autism worse
Have weird physical characteristics that screams to normies "stay away bad genes"
Never will get laid
Never will have kids
If I did theyd have to go through the same thing
I would rather be a normal metnally functioning person and lose my legs below the knee than have autism

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Sperg fantasy's of shit that's never going to happen.

You're worse than us bro. Take some helium and help nature out.

First of all, you don't understand my statement.

Second of all, you don't understand yourself.

Third of all, you don't understand why you are on earth.

Fourth of all, you don't understand God.

>Why the fuck are you proud of haveing brain damage? I literally cannot feel positive emotion and am pathalogically alienated from normies.
You're new here aren't you? Don't worry you will eventually figure it out.

I'll answer some of them to see how they did.
>Autistic people are extremely passionate about what interests them.
Yes, but that's a euphemism for being obsessed with a narrow field of topics. (anime and manga in my case)
>2. They are straightforward, direct and honest.
Nope i've learned form experience that doing this will turn people hostile really fast.
>6. People with autism have a great memory and an amazing ability to recall facts.
I have the memory of a goldfish
> 8. They follow their own unique set of social rules, which means they often don't bully people, judge others or get easily swayed by peer pressure.
Nope, it's even worse because i know i'm being judged without having the instinct to know what i'm doing wrong.
>9. Autistic people are smart.
Not really.

I'm pretty sure I'm on the autism spectrum and I agree. Shaming does work, and this rampant anti bullying stance that people have allows stupid people to do stupid things without having to withstand social pressure against it.

Wow i should have left auto correct on

>they fucking love sonic the hedgehog and science still doesn't understand why

Faces are not the problem. The problem are normies pretending they also have emotions and wondering why their grotesque face contortions are not recognized as such.

Marcus Aurelius faggot meditations of some sperg who cannot see his own defects.

>Mild autism is good. It is helpful.
I'd say that it's helpful when a small chunk of the population has it. Historically, we've always been the monks and celibate holy men who spent all their time studying ancient texts. But societies still needed Chad and Stacy to till the soil and father the next generation.

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What are these "weird physical characteristics"? Stop caring what other people think about you and achieve your goal that no normie will be able to. Then laugh

Oh? Is that how you see others?

Most autists are Dawkins atheists so I doubt they would consider any wisdom in those texts.

How is that not considered severe mental retardation that should be separated from functioning non-retards. He had through 18 to prove he could learn something as simple as not invading and touching someone else’s privacy.

Diagnosed with
>Generalized Anxiety Disorder
>Social Anxiety Disorder
>Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Neurodiversity fucking sucks. I hope CRISPR will put an end to people like me.

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You have brain damage, which is compensated for buy larger vlusters of neurons developing in different areas.

It probably is a parenting issue.

If we are antisocial by design, then why do you fags crave social attention?
Are you sure your autistic and not retarded?

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Just a liiiiittle bit of autism

Sorry, man. It's a shame that human euthanasia isn't legal.

Why do you want to contribute past the fleeting feeling of glee your ego will get from being selfless.

Didn't you read that autists are impervious to peer pressure? That would work for normies, nor autists. You cannot make an autist believe something without a reasonable reason. Insisting very much or being very serious about something only works with normies.

I just notice fellow spergs have weird faces

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Higher cluster of nurons in some areas, very little in others.

Remember nature gives for what she takes away.
