Friendly reminder that this piece of cowardly shit died alone of despair. S.
Friendly reminder that this piece of cowardly shit died alone of despair. S
Remember, if you don’t look like that, you’re an anti-Semite.
>At least people of Iraq can choose which political party will rule over them! Was totally worth risking my life!
That guy has more balls than you ever will, baguette. :^)
>he had balls
Yes, but on his butt and it was Moshe's.
Umm actually sweetie, Israel fought many wars on its own without the help of cowardly goyim. The wars America wages today are to asset their own dominance and power.
>communist chink thread full of communist chinks
You have angered the barbarians from the land of the Golden Mountain. You have followed the stupid dictates of your monkey brained leaders, chink, and they have led you to ruin. You and your children have no face and soon, no money. You will be forced back to the peasant villages from whence you came and you will starve. Like your ancestors in the time of Mao. You have incited the wrath of your betters and you will rue the day. We're gonna' fuck you up.
Don't you have a snail to surrender Ahmed Muhammadinajahd?
friendly reminder white french are now under 40% of the population of france and will all die alone and painfully while the "new french" carers play football with their lifeless bodies in the care homes
>Surrendurfag tries to call Marine coward
That makes it worse, retard.
Bride of Krang
>"any Europe country" is 40% white
You have to go back
went to france recently - total dystopian shithole with no french people except a few very old angry ones.. if I spoke french i'd tell them to cheer up! at least you aren't speaking german!
Maybe if you spent more time being a man and not bitching on here your women wouldn't all be being double teamed by ragheads and niggers
that pathetic piece of shit golem is part of the reason why he even has to
>Friendly reminder that this piece of cowardly shit died alone of despair. S.
A french person calling someone a coward KEK.
How was he cowardly?
i bet she left him didnt she
>Twice your faggot bodymass in muscle after being melted by IED
>Died in city with less than 50% diversity
Yeah im thinking this is am easy choice, muhammed
Whats up did the call to prayer wake you up ?
>Israel fought many wars on its own
We all know how that went, huh rabbi?
He looks like that but still has a girlfriend.
What went wrong in your life snail eater?
You mean killing rock throwing peasants while wearing diapers?
la sauce?
Is he dead in the photo? I have seen this many times but don't know the story behind it?
You slimey hook nosed cunts are only good at fighting wars against stone throwing ragheads any real opposition and you would get assraped
I think (I've red it somewhere a way back) that she left him or they split and he killed himself
I might be wrong
she left him and he died after falling on ice dude
Umm actually sweetie, Israel wouldn't exist without USA
That second guy, imagine how scared he must have felt. He obviously had no idea what to do. War is sad.
>piece of cowardly shit
that's your entire country...ask anybody
She spent all of his money then left I think
Imagine falling for the most obvious bait posted anywhere on the internet this week.
Keep sucking Mutt Dick as you project your shortcomings you Beta Cuckold Golem Slave
>muh freedom
> muh country
Ended up having a face looks like a mixed of badly made lasagna and pancakes.
>palestine kids shoot two bottle rockets and throw rocks
>has more balls
Yes he had 4.
He died like the piece of amerimutt shit he was
Probably a big Limbaugh and Levin fan. He thought he was defending freedom, democracy and capitalism. lol.
Imagine taking anything on this board as anything other than satire.
He didn't die from despair he died from heroin.
This post again?
the US govt paid him 2700 a month. worth it?
At least he died doing what he loved the most - sucking on that delicious Jewish cock.
Anyone got version with golem die for israel quotes?
Ohhh edgy thread guys. Very cool!
It's like this but high quality
why cowardly? he dindu nuffin except getting torn apart by a kamikaze.
Plus healthcare, food, and shelter, free tickets to events from non-profits, discounted (sometimes free) tickets to amusement parks, low interest $0 down payment housing loan for life, 10%discounts from participating location, free TSA Pre-check, free gyms, discounted or free (Space-A) flights, 30 days vacation per year plus 3 and 4 day weekends for every federal holiday, free gyms, student loan payback program, or if you do 10 years student loan forgiveness, GI Bill and tuition assistance if you don't have a degree, plus pension and 401k combined.
OP is probably a Muslim.
They call white people cowards because we slaughter them with drones and precision air strikes. In reality they're mad that their people cant win wars.
You're fucking retarded if you think this is even close to worth it
I'm going to hell...
You think melted potato used the GI Bill? You think he gave a fuck about tsa scans? Absolute state of fucking burger
If it's so great, why dont you sign up?
lol american's in general aren't good at war. that's just larping. we just show up with more planes and intel and air strike everything. fuck, we did the same thing in WWII when we were broke.
Yep, only real men die and get mutilated for Israel! L'chaim!
Don't be a grunt. You get the same benefits whether you're an infantryman or human resources. Given the choice of living the rest of your life as a wagie, or doing 3-4 years in the military for all benefits, with the exception of retirement benefits, and building off of that to create a better life I would say the smart people would take that risk, mitigate it by working a desk job, and not be a walmart cashier for 30+ years
Whos to say I didn't?
Sounds Like Socialism, no?
>Sign up to kill innocent people for Israel
>get face burned off and lose your entire life
LIke pottery.
Good goy come to die for Israel.
>Plus healthcare, food, and shelter
Kys c*mmie
what did he look like before?
>muh iz real
If you niggers had any balls yourselves, your problem would be fixed already. But nah, you continue to bitch for eternity like women.
>Calls combat veteran a coward
Israel NO LONGER wishes to be America's PAWN in the middle East. Let my people go!!!!!!!!!!!
So Finland is communist?
You go first