Finns are an enlightened people. Our only dream is to have a beer at a cottage next to a lake...

Finns are an enlightened people. Our only dream is to have a beer at a cottage next to a lake. Why can't others be as based as we are?

Attached: c3f9c162.jpg (340x500, 40.39K)

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Sounds about right

What would be the best area of Finland to move to, I'm dead serious, I need out of this American dystopia hell hole nightmare.

Finnish lies and propaganda. You really dream about ravaging Eurasia on horseback, and are trying to lull us into a false sense of security.

Sure, but what will you do when globohomo moves 100 somalis into your town?

Tel Aviv sounds like a nice place for you to move in user ,by far my favorite finnish city

This image is actually displaying that he can't think, forward or backward, he can only conceptualize (barely) what is immediately happening around him.

Helsinki has by far most culture and services, it has some niggers but it's still very tolerable compared to other Western European capitals so long as you avoid the Eastern part

Tampere is better than Helsinki in terms of nigras even though it has more communists

Turku is quite based as far as I know

Medium sized semi rural cities such as Kuopio are great

So basically move as far north as possible?
I'm thinking somewhere like Kemijärvi but worried nobody will know english. What do you think? is this a good move?

You say that but you don't really wanna come here. Dark, depressing and cold climate for half the year and in the summer months the sun never sinks below the horizon meaning it's constantly bright even during the night, which fucks up your sleep. Also imagine having to learn the language, it's a complete mindfuck for people not familiar with our language tree, trust me. You're also in for a big culture shock since you're from the US where people like to talk a lot and pretend to be friendly and caring, when you move here you'll start thinking people are intentionally cold and bullying towards you since they're not interested in small-talk. This is a common theme we constantly hear from people moving here.

> Lake
> Not up in the mountains
You disgust me

Most Finns speak English even though it's probably less in the north

The north can be depressing because of the weather during winter and because there isn't much to do. It's not necessary to go all the way to Lapland if you want to avoid multiculti, the sanser hasn't moved much past the coast yet.

Thoughts on Oulu?
I live in Washington state where it's dark and rainy most of the year with short summers so not much of a difference in climate. was just looking to get away from America because of how cancer it's becoming and Finland is on it's way to be the next superpower since it's investing heavily in AI, Education and military. Also the railway systems, ports and location is insane, can do trade with the entire world with ease. Also lost of land still unsettled. Big things are about to happen in your country very soon get ready.

It's like 10 degrees at coldest for 2 months if you don't live in Lapland, the same applies to light levels.

Will you adapt by learning the language and following local customs? If so, you'll do fine. Will you be a typical american? Then "fuck off, they're full".

A universal truth is that if you show any sort of willingness to include yourself in the community, you'll fit in nicely.
Except in english speaking countries, where you'll be constantly mocked for how bad your second or third language skills are, even though they're absolutely on par with the locals knowledge of their mother tongue.
No european would EVER mock an american for having an accent when trying to speak a foreign language, except MAYBE brits and frenchmen.

TL;DR: Come here and speak our language brokenly: you're good. Come here and expect us to speak your languge: bugger off.

Because niggers.

I'm white so yes. I imagine I could pass for a Fin walking around since I have reddish cheeks and white skin. was using google earth and using the walk around option to view the streets looking for black people / non whites, haven't seen any in the citie of Oulu so good start. Also looks like a utopia, Everything neat and clean and almost ocd looking.

take note on how he mentioned dark and depressing.
Summers: You'll need a window blind to sleep at night.
Winters: You'll need a Phillips wake-up light to get up in the morning. AND COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF VITAMIN D.
IF you got those three things organized, and you actually LIKE snow, lakes and trees, you'll be right at home.

my dream is to Finnish the car

Attached: 2.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Replace beer with whiskey and the lake with the Pacific Ocean and I’m there.
I love my life.
I’m NEET, all my bills are paid, I have no stress, I love my life, and I love the world.

If that's true I truly admire you and am jelly if said dream can come true for you. For me it's just urban hell, trees caged in concrete, a city filled with kikes niggers and arabs, dirty animals fleeing cars, noise and light, and now it's forever - I will never see snow and green and stars again, just die of suffocation when push comes to shove in the place I hate most.

Be Fins

>don’t start wars
>don’t do agriculture
>smuggle illegal lakupiipu across the border

Haven't really been to Oulu but I guess it's alright, personally I'd move further south since it's getting a bit far north and Washington's climate will be nothing compared to that.

>It's like 10 degrees at coldest for 2 months
Where the fuck do you live? If you mean -10C then sure, but anywhere in Finland that's not in the south it's going to be way colder than fucking -10C. Even Ostrobothnia sees colder winter months than that, bordering closer to -25C. However we've been lucky with the climate recently since it's been warmer than usual so we haven't really seen those degrees for some time, but when (if) it starts normalizing again we'll be seeing way colder winter months guaranteed.

This, Norway knows all about the struggle.

Does the guy in your pic have a no-no square?

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Oulu has some cultural enrichment and drug problems by the nature of simply being a rather "big" city in the north. That being said even our big cities are a complete joke if you compare their size and population to almost any other first world country, so they can't be that bad.

yea noticed some sketchy looking shit while looking on the street viewer. What place do you suggest?

honestly seeing all of the commie apartment blocks really turns me off. Reminds me of russia

There are negros in Oulu, I live there.
If you don't have university education Oulu is also a place for that. There aren't too many blackies though, even when roaming the city during summer weekends.
And always remember
>negroes can't cook meatballs

>will you adapt
>will you be a typical American
You know the answer

leech! LEECH!!

When I was in Norway, everyone wanted to speak English to me.
I’m an American.
Also, my mind is blown at the competency of some of your Norwegian English speakers.
Finally, unless you are living in these countries forever, learning Norwegian or Finnish is probably a waste of time.

If you want decent services any university town is good, tho landing a job in any of those can be a struggle. The capital area is honestly the easiest place to immigrate into, and even if its complete cancer from our point of view, it's probably almost heaven for anyone escaping from the hell that is the outside world.

Cannot imagine being a lakelet. My family property has pretty big one just for ourselvels. Fresh fish anytime I want and lots of mallards during autumn

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Finland is all about the infamous commie blocks, our logical way of thinking favours efficiency and convenience before cultural beauty, which manifests itself in any way from the way we talk and our behaviour to the design of our buildings. It sounds hilarious but it's true and it's something I can't stand because it just ends up contributing more to the depressing atmosphere of our country.

I have stolen your happiness

Stay in your country, we don't need nor want you here.

I thought a beer was three days’ wages in Finland? No wonder you can only dream about it.

It sounds like fucking heaven.

You didn't say that to millions of somali, pakistani, afghans, syrians and africans

Funny enough that this statement comes from a kraut. Go back to mama merkel.

The sad thing is that this would be a luxury in today's world in most countries.

>Except in english speaking countries, where you'll be constantly mocked for how bad your second or third language skills are, even though they're absolutely on par with the locals knowledge of their mother tongue.
>No european would EVER mock an american for having an accent when trying to speak a foreign language, except MAYBE brits and frenchmen.
lmao someone couldn't handle a bit of banter

iirc, lots of finnish nurses are currently in sweden. can't fathom why, probably involves migrants in some way.

Last year I was in Helsinki in September and nearly got attacked filming a somali chimping out at the main train station. In germany this wouldnt happen

It's for financial reasons most likely. Or they have families that live here.

The Finnish workforce is very liked by our northern neighbours, I guess it's a combination of our good education and work spirit. More of them work temporarily in Norway than Sweden though, because the pay is better. This is also common for our engineers, we have a shit ton of engineers with top notch education and the Swedes and Norwegians know this.

Your big cities railway stations are fucking packed with homeless junkies and shitskins, dont act like you have it any better

Do you have any videos of this to share then?

Yes, please give me 5 min, until Im at my pc

This is my no no space

Fuck off, we’re closed.

Don't fall for the English meme, I came here trusting in my sister and got fucked like a Swedish girl by a Somali, only move to another country if you speak the MAIN language at an intermediate level at least.


I yelled at him, to stay the fuck back. He was drunk and listened at first and then he followed me until I reached the train. Was about to catch my flight so had no time for a fight with police involved.

Attached: VID_20190913_230535 (1).webm (720x1280, 1.16M)

You are right we have more of the scum.

I don't know why, but here in Germany I never had problems with them.

Maybe also because police is highly present near them.

Lmao the typical Somali in partying mode as soon as they get a taste of alcohol. Is that all you got though? A short 4 second video is a bit disappointing I was expecting more. What did the cops do?

Typical German pussy, didn't knock this cunt unconscious. Coward rat.


It means he's living the dream, being in the present moment.

My wife is Karelian, can confirm, best fucking women on earth are Finnish.

>It means he's living the dream, being in the present moment.

No, it means he is on par with animals or dogs with his thinking abilities

He may be happy, but he cannot be properly called even a real human being. He can only feel the joys similar animals feel, not true enjoyment

How do I get a half-Sami Finnish girl bro?

Does she make you delicious karjalanpiirakat in the morning?

This is half Sami

Yeah I experienced that a bit there, just some shitskins acting suspicious af, following you, in Munchen at least.
Honestly when walking through our main railwaystation I'll never stop for a smoke or anything because there's always some druggie cunt trying to start some shit