>universal healthcare
>dies by the tens of thousands
>socialist dropping like flies

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Based Americhad finally countering the narrative with facts and logic

(((divide and conquer)))

>later stage of epidemic
>more testing conducted
>higher population

omg lmao

Europe: 700kk people
Blubberland: 350kk people

Why is Europe at a later stage of the epidemic btw?

EU has less than 500,000 you nonce

Italian cases blew up before American cases blew up


Needs 4 more zeros

The continent has 744kk

it says European Union retard

Ur mum has 744k dicks in her

Why is that?

>Closes borders and tells chinks to fuck off
>less than 1% death rate
>Opens borders and cuddles with bat flu riddled chinks
> 7% cleansing rate
Yuropoors are fucking weak poofters when it comes to mingling with coronachan

>30,000 Corona deaths in Europe
>420,000 Flu deaths during the same period and under same quarantine precautions

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When will this shit be over let the old people die

I only hope that in all white countries it disproportionately targets nigs

Ye that's because even her 20 year old corpse looks better than your still living mother.

I have the genes of a God. Deal with it.

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I didn't include the whole EU in the statistics, I didn't want to make you guys look too bad.

See pic related.

Attached: EUWW.png (1370x971, 66.83K)

It's a good question. Their first confirmed case was Jan 31st ours was Jan 20th.

Social norms and that dumbass hug an Asian campaign. That's all I can fathom.

The USA will be slower to spread because we have personal vehicles. NYC was late to the party but it popped off in a big way becuase everyone rides the goddamn subway.

Mostly hispanics.

Western Euros are practically immune.

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Africa is handling the outbreak better than white countries. makes you think yeah?

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>10000 of them are shitalians
>10000 of them are spaincucks
>4000 of them are frogs
no problem with this

Statistics haven't made it there yet.

Death rate in England is DROPPING

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420, nice.

its 445.8 Million. idk where you got 410 from

Of course, but there are still plenty of other cities that didn't shut down and haven't gotten buttfucked.

It's been a hell of an experience. I live in the PNW and people will post one status update chiding other people for not respecting the governor's orders while blaming Trump for everything happening in NYC.

>I didn't include the whole EU in the statistics, I didn't want to make you guys look too bad.

also this, its only thirdworld countries that are getting fucked by the virus.

these fucking hacks are why NYC is getting purged. They had the warning but decided that it was better to be "Brave and Strong"


So this is the power of socialized medicine, huh?

>only include the highest infected ones making it look worse

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I'll tell you why; because the US was far more effective at containing the initial spread from China but you got caught by the second wave spreading from incompetent euroniggers.

Trump openly said, when he announced the euro travel ban, that the new case clusters were being traced back to European travel.

Out of all of them this pisses me off the most.
>T.have had to throw out 1 day old crates of food

But Socialized medicine though?????



Yes, wait for it, Amerifat. You'll drop faster than your fat ass riding a skateboard. You'll be lucky, if only a million Amerifats kick the bucket.

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We’ve learned 1 thing from this if nothing else:
No system of man can stop a viral pandemic

Fucking retard

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There’s an ocean between us and Europe. We’ve always been divided and we’ve never been conquered(unlike Eurocucks)

Cry moar covoid.

Yeah that sounds about right. At the same time people have been saying it doubles every 3 days. It's been almost 75 days since January 20th. 2^25 is 33 million, and that's assuming that it was just the one case in January (certainly not).

When Trump said over by Easter he meant it. At the exponential growth rate they advertised we are at 33 million today and over 300 in another 12 days. Either the projections are wrong or the disease isn't that deadly.

Truth be told I believe that the numbers have slowed in China. This shit rips through a population lightning quick. Alibaba stock is up and has been for the past 10 days. People on the ground over there can clearly confirm that shit is coming back online and it has run its course.

They're also stealing ventilators, masks, etc from one another.
>dat EU brotherhood.

There aren’t any people older than 40 in Africa

Why was the european union hit so hard compared to other countries on the list?

I was saying “close all borders” by February
Flights just going every fucking where

it's all just so fucking tiresome

They say viruses don't care about your nationality, but they sure do seem to love globalism.

You could always LEAVE you know.
I'm sure they'd let your countries out pronto.
>t country with a history of suspiciously good timing

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This economic shutdown is going to end up costing us far more than we saved buying shit peddled from Chinese sweatshops, mark my words.

how? Comparing the entire EU to the US is just as stupid as comparing the US to Estonia.
PER Population is the only somewhat good comparison.

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The thing you don’t understand is that the people going hungry just multiply as soon as you feed them. So you give one crate of food and within a few years they’ll need 2 crates of food. Give them 2 crates and the next decade they’ll need 10 crates. Whenever they have enough food they just breed until they don’t have enough anymore. And when you just give them food it exacerbates the issue because they don’t develop sustainable methods of feeding themselves via agriculture or trade.

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Nevertheless I've seen dozens of Eurofag threads where they show our stats and write
Turnabout is fair play.

It's a difference of 1.5x. It's an easy conversion.

don't you have a nephew to fuck,
besides EU is a capitalist run hell hole, which is way health care is underfunded

The point is that the EU is not an entire country.

just a reminder, any and all deaths are being counted as COVID deaths even if you didn't have it yourself

Kek u will have 30 k in a week you retard

Free deathcare

Why don't private American citizens go to foreign countries and try to overthrow them?

>Truth be told I believe that the numbers have slowed in China. This shit rips through a population lightning quick. Alibaba stock is up and has been for the past 10 days. People on the ground over there can clearly confirm that shit is coming back online and it has run its course.
You have to understand that China could lose half it’s population and continue production no problem. Their economy isn’t based on consumption like ours so maintaining production is all that matters. Losing 10, 20, or 200 million chinks is not a problem for China because they’ll still have over a billion ant like chinks ready to take their place on the assembly line. Mass casualties are probably helpful for them because of the demographics affected by this disease(old and infirm).
In western countries however the people are the product. We are consumers and when we are sick and dead we can’t consume. That’s why they are frantically pumping trillions of dollars into the economy.

And the EU will have over 150,000

Hello, based deparment?

And the US is 50 states.

i realize you are too stupid and uneducated to understand simple math but take my word for it that you will beat our death count by A LOT while having 1/2 of the population of EU. you will call me a retard or yuropoor or whatever now but that doesn't matter, the nature doesn't care and it's about to rape you very hard. good luck :)