@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/1/20
>VP Pence on FBN 4/1/20
>VP Pence on (((FakeNews))) 4/1/20
>VP Pence/AgSec Perdue visit Walmart Distribution Center in Gordonsville VA 4/1/20 (full)
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/1/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on CBSEveningNews 4/1/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on (((FakeNews))) 4/1/20
>FDACommr Hahn on FoxNews 4/1/20
>KAC on F&F 4/1/20
>KAC outside WH 4/1/20
>SG Adams on GMA 4/1/20
>SG Adams on TODAY 4/1/20
>FCCChair Pajit on F&F 4/1/20
>CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite on F&F 4/1/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on FBN 4/1/20
>CDC Preparing Nursing Homes for Corona-chan 4/1/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: dont think so.png (678x673, 61.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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They're being raided by ICE because they're not American

just a troll posting new early. ignore thread

>losing weight
>doing sports
>still working and getting money
>still chatting with multiple women (3)
>still relaxing
>still in good health
>and more!
How is comfy Corona treating the rest of you?

Attached: mfw.jpg (600x800, 74.69K)

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fight for US
foreign invaders by definition are not us
fucking faggot retard i hope he gets cobbed and murdered by an illegal

Why did he allow this to happen? Do we deserve this?

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(He doesn't exist.)

what character is shiro cosplaying here

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mfw they cancelled the pokemon TCG competitive season and i wasted all that time and money for nothing

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>They're being raided by ICE because they're not American
ICE is doing an awesome job btw
> Agent Marino gives no fucks

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Biggest casuality of this corona virus will be shale. No way they can stay alive with oil going into negative territory. Russia and Opec has prepared for this and banded together to mess the US up. Looks like you guys are alone and everyone is cooperating to fug you up, USA.

Get AIDS kike, you missed the part of here he banned all travel from Chinkland and everyone reeeee'd.


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that's not the virus that's SA and Russia doing illegal dumping on the open market while the WTO sits on their hands

Your mom lol

>thanks for baking
No problem m80 I hate managing recording resource things pls kill me

Breadchan or something, probably

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Forgot to say that Trump will be forced to make a deal and join the Opec to save his shale business. From now on the US will have to restrict its own production.

For us to understand evil and suffering, like so many more things in life.

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Nice tilde

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Wont work. It will hurt Russia and China far more

I wish to remind you that 2d loli and lots of drinking is the cure for coroma des and also it's MAGA

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In New Orleans right now, the case fatality rate for COVID-19 is between 4-5%.

I actually love the shirt.
>Pro God. Pro Gun. 1776 Protected.
Funniest part.

Why bother when the US military can just threaten to decimate Iran if they don't back the fuck off?

this. I actually don't understand people. He was literally called a racist, and even called terrible for wanting to shut down New York and other states with high infected, even after they said "Trump isn't doing anything; only the governors are"

I don't really care about politics anymore, but I find myself defending Trump a lot, despite the Jew shit.

Kingsman is so awful, main guy is seriously in the closet

This hurts Canada even more than the US.

The real fatality rate when your country conducts the damn testing properly like SK and do it broadly is less than 1 percent, probably about .7 percent. Lots of people exhibit no particular symptoms.

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I went to New Orleans to visit my dad the last weekend of February

Oh no! Not the old and fat people!!!! How will we ever go on without them?!!

Pretty sure that's Asuka.

Attached: asuka_by_lulles-datlg7y.jpg (677x1179, 108.53K)

>During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “11th Hour,” 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden called on secretaries of state to plan for having remote voting in the 2020 elections.
Lel, Biden will have a virtual convention and then townhalls with virtual crowds and will get virtual votes and may become a virtual president?

>ledditflag nigger posts retard shit
It happens more often then you might think

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Not going to happen, if this is still going on in November, turnout will be low so incumbent will win

>boomer desperately looking for any over 1% death rate to keep people inside so he wont die of beer virus

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>people who have mild asthma but are otherwise fit
If you're white, nothing will happen. Chinks, kikes and assorted sand niggers BTFO for the n-th time.

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I doubt he leaves his house other than to go for a walk outside. He’s rich and older, so he has absolutely no reason to do anything risky for a couple months

Who doesn't love Noise during emergency

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yeah it'd be nice to get some demographic info

1/3 of all US patients in ICU due to COVID-19 are under 44.

besides overblowing this beer virus crap ofc

>>under 44
Yeah Obama sucks.

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He’s retarded, user. You can’t reach him. I’ve seen people wondering around Walmart, touching all these surfaces and then directly rubbing their face and all this stupid shit.

There are some people that just don’t care, or they imagine they are immune.

oh wow an outlier better just forget all the facts then
also, she's lucky
now she doesn't have to live in the UK anymore

Lmao how gay do you have to be to panic over this shit

A country without a functioning medical system is not a healthy country. If you can’t get medical care if you get hit by a bus, that’s not good.

Or if you catch Coronavirus while you are already critical laying in the hospital, that’s also not good. I don’t supposed you even understand what I’m saying, do you??

I told y'all
I told you
But you just would not listen

Allowing Big Tech openly favor Woke Communism will brainwash the youth into exactly that. See: Breadtube running unchallenged and all opposition being banned.

GG, GG...

>without a functioning medical system
good thing we aren't one of those countries

try again

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>posting an extreme statistical anomaly
>assuming she actually was healthy
She looks like either a drug addict or a vegan. Hard to tell because both look like they're slowly killing themselves. Also she likely had an STD.

And 1/3 of Americans are obese. Surely this is a coincidence, right? Oh wait...

> under 44.
Source? Also: under 44 and with no underlying issue?

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I feel sorry for you guys. It's been five years of Trump now and you still can't meme.

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We were pretty close to becoming that. We would have ran out of beds and doctors real fast without social distancing. But let me guess, we are all faggots for wanting to slow the disease and keep grandma inside right? Maybe we could be strong and brave like you and just infect the entire US at once. You know, destroy the entire medical system in 40 days.

Breadtube is eating itself all the time and doesn't have pull outside of upper-class Bernouts who can't even get TYT a Congress seat in deep blue California.

>no underlying issue
or smokers


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Looks at pic
>No pre-existing conditions

The only problem we had was that the media was causing a panic and every faggot with the sniffles was going to flood the emergency rooms demanding an aids test

> over 200,000 cases


> we are all faggots for wanting to slow the disease and keep grandma inside right?

Attached: junko despair is contagious.png (1496x838, 1.93M)

>We would have ran out of beds and doctors real fast without social distancing. But let me guess, we are all faggots for wanting to slow the disease and keep grandma inside right
1. assumption
2. strawman
never said it was bad but it's not just grandma being locked in the fucking house it's healthy young people. this one size fits all shit is retarded and so are you.

Any girl who wear leopard skin print on anything is an empty attention seeking whore .

Swine flu infected 60 million Americans and killed 12000


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Goes to prove it is a nothingburger
> 200k+ cases
> fewer deaths than Italy and Spain
> France almost catching up in deaths

i pray someday that all /cvg/ niggers end up back here as a webm of their suicide when the shocking realization hits them that they are all massive faggots with loose assholes.
get fucked booty blasted butt buccaneers

I never thought a general could glow harder than /ptg/. Then came /cvg/.

Congratulations, migapedes. How does it feel to now be only the second-most kikeish psyop on Yas Forums?

Regular flu killed 80k user a couple of winters ago user. This has potential to kill twice that, making it a bad season of flu but nothing really ODP tier of annihilation

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-28 , 12_15_01.png (932x922, 937.19K)

That don't prove it be a nothingburger

Attached: hmm.png (741x568, 29.42K)

Literally no one is going to the ER or the hospital unless they are seriously sick. Hospitals are either packed to the brim with chink aids, or they are ghost towns because no one wants the fucking chink aids.

Well I guess you and the shills do. You love this disease and act like it’s literally nothing. It’s obvious that you want to catch it

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JEJ; this humble thread ends up being the second most hated thread in this board

>7 seconds apart

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H1n1 had a much lower deathrate

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Oil execs are meeting with POTUS Friday. In the short term you could fill up the strategic reserve with money from the DoD with a mandate it comes from American producers, Long term, nobody has the lowest lifting cost but KSA and with demand low, brent could go all the way down to $7/barrel. Ity won't stay there but the idea is to wait out American producers so the bank comes and sells their assets in bankruptcy.

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>That pic
How much of an uneducated peasant does someone have to be to think passports and work permits are not important.

Quarantine all those at high risk, like grandma. No need to shut down the entire nation. This is lunacy.

>destroy the medical system
Couldn't happen if only the high risk stay in quarantine either.

it's obvious you're a retarded straw man machine

Where does pic related fall into the timeline?
What about the impeachment vote that dominated the headlines?
Oh and that state of the union speech, where he mentions the virus but Pelosi rips it up? Where does that fall in your timeline?

Context matters, you flaming Fagatron of deceit.

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Do you think 9/11 was a nothingburger because it only killed 3,000 people?

The old are mostly whites sweaty

these retards only act like the virus situation is the end of the world because they NEED it to be that way
they don't give a damn about the chink sick, they just want a new angle to get at Trump and it's fucking obvious.

A thousand Americans may die today from coroma and that's awesome and hilarious.



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This post was super gay and retarded to read but luckily my based white skin protects me from that as well

>amerimutters are dropping like flies! But they are so young, and thus so healthy!

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Have you applied for citizenship yet?

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What's a "Breadtube"? I seriously have no idea.

Thanks to Obama’s response.

Gays and trannies don't need anything else.
The left don't want equality, they want special treatment; Being the same as normal white people isn't enough.

Yeah man big nothingburger like the Iraq nothingburger or the great nothingburgercession or the USSNothingburger collapsing

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It kinda does. Look at that column for reference and, if you make NYC their own thing things change even more dramatically with NYC becoming Italy tier and the rest of the US becoming Sweden tier

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It’s clear you want to catch this virus and have sex with it. “It’s just the flu bro!”

Did you realize that this has a mortality rate 10x higher than the flu? I guess I could explain how multiplication works, but I don’t want to anger you.

This is truth

Do you think we should shut down the entire country every flu season?

A winning comparison would probably be comparison to the Hong Kong flu des, at least in America.

We're just gonna print a bunch of money so we don't have to work, no problem breh

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It's weaker than flu, but flu has a vaccine to keep the numbers respectable (if 80k deaths is acceptable). All the problems are ppl who are either old and/or have preexisting health conditions & BMI is a large (big) factor. So actually the problem is the not cutting of the fat. As those health conditions are already a killer & ppl are simply put on pills to try to stem the tide, maybe the whole way they are approaching this is completely incorrect?

> Do you think 9/11 was a nothingburger because it only killed 3,000 people?
That is a stupid analogy. Would one think JFK getting killed was a nothingburger only because it only killed one person?
Context matters

Meh, specially after the era of HFT robot trading took over, the markets do not track anything in the real world. I believe it is possible to cause flash spikes or flash crashes by simply spamming twitter with some kewords or getting someone influential (cough TRUMP cough) to retweet something with some keywords.

>answering a question with a question

Top kike behavior. You could at least make an attempt to answer. If you are capable

If the flu’s daily death count was remotely close to covid, then absolutely yes.

If you recall, Trump told us that without these restrictions in place, 2.2 million would die. Do you not trust Trump?

You forgot cancelling the flights from China you fucking shill. What was the other side doing oh yeah trying to impeach. Go home winnie

Redpill me on Cubans, are they just VPNfags or are there actual castros on here?

No one gives a fuck about your gay shill bullshit, we're talking about Cubans now

Attached: CUBAN GANG.png (1886x103, 10.7K)

He’s a chinese shill. No way did that faggot vote for Trump

I wasn’t the one you were asking. How many kikes died in the holocaust and what do you hate most about kikes?

oh no not .2 percent
you don't give a shit about any of that anyways
you're a faggot that should have been smothered in the crib

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The oil news is very good and indicative of coming deal possible and demand picking up in Asia.

we just need to start wearing masks, even a tshirt wrapped around the mouth and nose would be better then what the CDC is telling us

Nah, as I said, the US is too difrerent from anything for anything to be compared nationwide.

NY is in deep trouble (Italy tier trouble) and so is New Orleans and some west coast cities may follow suit, maybe Chicago and Miami.
The US as a whole? Much like the EU as a whole, you can't really claim anything is affecting it wholesale
> except, of course, stupidity of the governments that are telling people to stop working and go home

Wanna see something interesting?
Same population as Portugal, approx half the confirmed infected, a little over in number of deaths. They simply carried on and chalked those deaths on the "people with underlying conditions dying of the result of their conditions"

The disease is a big nothingburger, the government reactions wasn't. And, even more interestingly, the huge news and definitely not a nothingburger is actually oil under 20 dollars.