Who are Romanians?

They look like sandniggers and speak gibberish instead of an Romance language so other Romance speakers can barely understand them

>a iubi, a lovi, a primi, obicei, razboi, sticla, oglinda, ceasca, ceas, bogat, zapada, drag, prieten, prost, vinovat, vreme, gresi, morcov, a plati, a citi, sfarsit, a dovedi - Romanian words of Slavic origin

Who are they? Turks? Gypsies? South Slavs?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Better than (((Russians)))

>surrounded by subhumans slavs
>under roach occupation for hundreds of years
>GuYs ThEy DoNt SoUnD RomAN aT aLl

t. Romanigger

Judge for yourself.

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from what I know romanian grammar is largely more latin than other neolatin languages

fucking hell romanians are ghastly

their girls are the cutest
I want a cute romanian gf!!

Well at least they aren’t slavic hobgoblins.

All of the words you mentioned are of bulgarian origin. Genetically Romanians are the same as Bulgarians and we have influenced them a lot throughout the centuries.

never heard of you

gypsy education

Wow cute!

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nope, you are not important nor significant at all

Half of your language is comprised of bulgarian words, you part Italian part gypsy part slav mutt

Albenians. Mostly slavs though, genetically speaking.
t. slav rapebaby.

Agreed, Russian are subhumans Slaves. Well, Slavs in General have been slaves, they are a slave race

Only reason your shithole exists is so a Slavic union cannot be formed geographically. Your mutt romani tribe has been used as a stepping stone for a united Eastern Europe.

im not part anything, why do you take it so personal user

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>pic doctored by bozgors
Nice try, kike

>calls Bulgarians and Romanians the same genetically

Slavnigger logic

unironically the romanians are racist cunts on the same level with aussies. some of them are great lads some are just gipsoid scum. they do have amazingly strong moonshine.

t. landlord with many romanian tenants

A wasted nation that did nothing of importance throughtout it's whole existence (with few exceptions). More waste in occupying a geographically gorgeous region. The austro hungarians should have conquered all of it, eradicated the gypsyes and it would have been a great place today.

both Romania and Bulgaria have been influenced by the same, larger, more powerful countries, hence the similarities

It's under construction, Ahmed.

Every week there has to be this thread made by some butthurt bozgor with vpn. Get corona, slaves.

I want to fuck she, sex sex sex!

bozgor detected. Cope.

Simply put, we are a Balkanic ethnic group with Latin culture and Slavic influences.

We just want to be left alone in our country.

Don't you have some churkas and mongoloids to worry about, Igor ?

Didnt hungarians have more gypsies tho?

Very far off from where I actually live, fellow romanian.

>fellow Romanian

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gypsy king

reminder that every kike shill will use "fellow" in their posts

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austrians got spooked at the idea of all slavs being connected so they maximally empowered the hill dweller romance speakers to latinize the slavs instead of the other way around which happened elsewhere

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Austro Huns actually imported and accomodated them just like the EU does now.

There were slav people in Romania( the antes and the sclaveni) when you were still fucking horses in Kazakhstan, turkic bulgarshit

Gypsy subhumans

Looks like me, lmao. Do you happen to be from Timisoara or have family there?

idk my father was mentally ill and i dont know anything about him or his family and my moms side is from moldova
but i believe i have some nordic or ruski genes

We don't care what you think about us, we just want to be left alone.

>The austro hungarians should have conquered all of it, eradicated the gypsyes

>>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the terms "new peasant" and "new Hungarian" to be used instead.
>>She placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages,ordered gypsy children to be taken away from Gypsies, so that they could be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families.
>> Joseph II prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783.

Romanians are mixture of every shit who ever walked and raped through those lands.

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You can bloame Jews for ruining Austro-Hungary

>the Gypsies are doctors and mechanical engineers, we need them to build our war machines and cure the soldiers

who actually bothers to make this meme?

This is your long lost genetic relative

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such a funny picture

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>romanians look like sandniggers

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Do Romanian women look like this

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Been gathering some females from the streets of Romania

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And oh these words happen to be not Russian,ukranian or Serb, but Bulgarian specifically.

Know your place, gypsy

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That’s pretty pathetic

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Most of them look like that. Those from the mountain regions have blonde hair and green eyes

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No. They're just like Mexican women but they're less like garden gnome goblins and more like regular people.

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what the fuck lol

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Fuck off abo, you wouldn’t know shit anyways

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the closest I've found

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Nice, I’ve always wanted to visit Romania. I hope I can once this shit passes

shut the fuck up schlomo

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Make sure you visit this town user:

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they are slavic words actually

>they maximally empowered the romance speakers
>by forbidding the romance speakers from occupying positions in the local administration, forcing them to be low class peasants, forbidding them from building romance schools and by telling them that if they want rights, they should start learning german and changing their name to something Hungarian

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you can go back to hungary retard

Looks magestic af brah

eat shit and die subhuman slav, go be a slave to communism somewhere else, maybe China can use you as their dog

btfo bozgor gypsy, go back to hungary

dont you have romanian whores in your town?