/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2846

► Detected: 940,733 (+5,536) ► Died: 47,518 (+326)
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,629 different strains have been sequenced —

0.4% of all Bergamo died to COVID within a month, despite lockdowns

Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

Another whistleblower doctor goes missing in China

4,500 deaths in Bergamo, estimates based on official data

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

China covering up "second wave" of infections

China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

06:47: 173 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
06:34: 119 new cases and 4 new deaths in Israel.
05:55: 104 new cases and 3 new deaths in Thailand.


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it is nothing

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>Reminder that riots are starting to form in the US and Italy
Reminder that riots are starting to form in the US and Italy
>Reminder that riots are starting to form in the US and Italy
Reminder that riots are starting to form in the US and Italy


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TFW no lockdown in the Netherlands.
Literally for once the government doesn't suck

>Dead: 48,276
lol, still only 48,276.
How many days has it been stuck at 48,276? Four days? Five days?

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also null

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>civil unrest
Aka Retards being retards.
Let them get arrested or some shit idc


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Hey Gary.
Are you writing a movie? I like it.

Corona chan playing this song

If you reduce the nigger and spic population to zero, such measures are not necessary

Close to 20% of the NYPD is sick

If it takes 10 days to get an answer for the virus test and they’re already backlogged; won’t a lot of dead that haven’t been tested yet post mortem mean an even higher death number than what is being reported?

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I simply have to know what happens next.

Next thread?

>Corpses being on left in the streets are incinerated in Ecuador
>Video and images
>English for mutts

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>tell the listeners hospitals very gud prepared no fear goy
>within the same fucking sentence muh very gud prepared hospital has no ppe
Fuck this clown world.

Ok then, who gives a shit about the Piggies

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>we started to diverge at 1/30 from the predictions

want went so wrong?

we hitting 1 million today boys
anyone planing a party?
I'm inviting my only friend
mom's gonna bake some cookies
I've got some weed and plenty of booze
we've also planning on honoring the local tradition of shooting in the air once the counter hits one milly

Gone for 24 hours. What happened to the board infection?


My best friend's GF is having a mental breakdown because her hospital, which she has worked at for 5 years, is essentially treating her like a disposable grunt and she has been told its expected she puts her life on the line for her patients.


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Chinese propaganda and lockdowns.

Dark horse countries for a final top 5

It's like a miracle, it just went away

Spaghetti people don’t have guns like US and gang bangers lack proper training for any significant damage, I’m in the outskirts of LA maybe something will go down in the city, maybe we see a return of rooftop Koreans

blue: non-smokers
orange: ex-smokers
grey: smokers

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Put these stats in the OP so everyone knows the EU is handling this pandemic worse than the United States.

USA #2
USA #2
USA #2
USA #2

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I only have 2x kg bags of flour left and 1x kg bag of self raising flour left but I want to make a cake for the occassion. Should I? is it wasteful?

>Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Do you retards even read the articles you post?
The study was done on 11 patients all of which had comorbidity and a mean age of 57. It was not tested on healthy people in that trial. There was no control.


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based i’m probably going to touch my alcohol prep tonight

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49k until 1 million lads
imagine the size

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no party. Please keep your distance.

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Canada seems to be rising quickly too.

So she should quit, no? They are desperate as fuck for nurses right now. She should grow a pair and realize she has more leverage than she has ever had.

Where are the chink lolis at?

wtf is that lmao

Chinese figures showed the same but I can't find them. Smoking upregulates ACE2 expression. Perhaps that's also why Asians seem to be least affected.

It would be even better for us if we had more cases because 97% of fatalities are people older than 60

Just folded space from May, many dead in May

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Shes like a water bender but with cum

wtf is this suzana distancia bullshit?
please don't tell me it's the anti-maymay for corona-chan....

Make her a couple of masks then.
At this point world leaders all should be hanged for fucking this shit up this unbelievably big.
>be radio
>say everyone is sewing masks
>somehow none if it reaches the people who need them
They are all being liars.
All of them.

when should we be expecting to see the results from the hydrochloroquine trials in the US?
whats the bets on which comes first:1,000,000 cases v 50,000 dead

make something small
no need to put a kilo of flour in it, something like 200-300g will do

to our lady the virgin of wuhan

this guy's been vetted he's gucci so I don't need to worry


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Americans saying "lads" is horrible.

Can't read frog. What's the y axis?

>mean age of 57 is high

I though covid only killed 80yos?

>Current smoker 11 (6%) 5 (9%) 6 (4%) 0·21

Like, can I join in on the party, user? I got some American Spirits.

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>"Mom, why is Grandma and Grandpa not moving"

You've gotta be fucking joking

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They're right though, lockdowns are unconstitutional.

At what number of deaths normie begin to freak out and stop doing stupid shit like this ?
World war number of death? Black plague?

its Susana Distancia, arch-nemesis of corona-chan. She carries the power of social distancing.

And I think part of a campaign by the mexican government.

Stockholm hospital workers were called into a meeting last night and informed that a massive wave of sick will soon flood the hospital. Not all of them will be able to get treatment. I can't say where i got this from, but it's legit as far as i know

jesus christ
>A 68 kg (150 lbs) body which contains 65% water will require 100 MJ of thermal energy before any combustion will take place. 100 MJ is approximately equivalent to 32 m3 (105 ft3) of natural gas, or 3 liters of fuel oil (0.8 US gallons).
>An average human body takes from two to three hours to burn completely and will produce an average of 3 to 9 pounds (1.4 to 4.1 kilograms) of ash. The amount of ash depends usually on the bone structure of the person and not so much their weight [source: Ellenberg].

Shut up cuck

>half the world under lockdown
>infected increasing
>normongoloids seething
what a timeline to live through

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Make a strawpoll for 1M cases vs 50k deaths.

RIP white race

>Donating your stimulus check


>And I think part of a campaign by the mexican government.
the amount of porn that'll come out of this...
are the mexicans aware of it?

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sure drop in
dress warmly because it's quite cold outside and mom doesn't let me smoke inside


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are you implying SOMETHING

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They could infect the inmates who manufacture masks and hand sanitizers. Cops go everywhere,and CHECK YOU, while also infecting YOU.

I feel uneasy about our lockdown being lifted next next week.

I'm donating my coronabux to my local /deenz/ supplier

What a bunch of retards.

Mass incinerators are a lot more efficient. They burn 5 tons of mass per 4 hours or so. Used to burn cattle and other animals killed because diseases.

and that's why you never build an entire country around the idea of freedom

It was a nothing burger as usual.

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this won't happen in Sweden, your doctors will just give a morphine shot to the oldest and make that line walk.

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Hope all the parents die, desu. There's a time and a place for everything, and you shouldn't disobey unconstitutional orders when they're the right thing for you to do anyway.

To be fair, the publishing date is April first so its gotta be a fucking joke right

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I think anyone from the south saying "lads" is horrible nevermind yanks. Just pretend they're abroad, like me.





>imagine the size
of the penis?


Guayaquil is kill. Dead bodies everywhere.

Gorona theme: youtube.com/watch?v=EVnfhld6lXI

at the 1 Million mark people will probably stop it, except for the lunatics

Unless they are niggers or mudslimes

3 singaporean niggers in this bread

I've been hearing alot of English and antipodeans saying 'bud'. I dont approve.

They're betting on it

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Belgium, sweden

>we were supposed to have 600million dead by now
kek. This thing is somewhat serious, but this sort of shit is why it was so hard to take seriously.

lolbertarians/dont tread on me faggots are so fucking cringe. Can't believe I ever was a lolbertarian.

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I too want to see this
I mean what's to add after tits become the size of a regular person
guess a dick is the way to go

Hahaha this is on par with the indo muslim niggers claiming that their allah is bigger than the virus and that
> they prefer death over not practicing their faith

>15k muslim niggers gather to pray

remember the 6 million south americans, gringo


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Corona Endgame theme

yes sure, but they burn bodies in the open street, bet they don't even have efficent oven technology

Classic Theme back?

We tried to warn you
You didn't listen

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>dogs can get the disease
>lets kill them too

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What UV lights are good? I check eBay but I really don’t want China shit

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All according to plan fellow herd chad

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it was an april fools meme

Alrighty, lad, that's enough shitposting for you today, m80.

If cats can get it I bet dogs can get it.


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You cant burn a body in an open space without some extreme chemicals that you simple goy cant buy.

so has the death count per month increased greatly after corona virus spread around the world?

dont be upset user. being a commie or lolbert are natural steps when a young person begins to attempt to understand politics and philosophy.

Oy vey!

This is why you are a sheep. You hear about this on the MSM, on the radio, on the internet, everywhere, that this is a real pandemic, yet here I am, and everyone else in my neighborhood too, next to a hospital, with nothing new or interesting happening. No one has this virus, but hey the MSM said it was real so it must be real. Shit, for my state it says majority of people will only get a mintor cough and fever, and it's over in two weeks, but let's all be sheep and piss ourselves over this thing. Yeah. That makes sense when everything you hear must 100% be exactly what someone says it is. Couldn't possibly be anything else. No. Not at all.

Hi Gary, nice to see you

I wonder if he will ever figure it out.

CCP is getting more desperate.

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Another forced whore? Pls don't tell me it's/x/ trying something agein

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The nazis didn't use fucking Crematoriums, they used the same furnaces used to burn animals, which do the job much quicker

Hire me, illuminati

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its like when British people say "Dude"
its disgusting

Quality bants there mate I'm absolutely creasing from it.

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Pay me, illuminati

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You don't have to be a retard to be anti-tread. These people are just retards. I'm not a lolbert, though, just very anti-tread.

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A dog died in Hong Kong and then another one was infected and then I stopped hearing about it
Deeeefinitely don't want the normies that it transfers in pets.
wonder how many dog walkers will get it this way

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Fuck the illuminati

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Shut up, bong

So is this thing a real happening in terms of societal collapse? All I want from this virus is to exterminate boomers and to cause a fracture in society for the foreseeable future. Also, is it gaining strength, or fizzing out?

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well you seem to be a professional einheitzer, tell us, whats the best diy recipe for corpse incineration

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I expose truth!!!

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