>freedom to not have healthcare
>freedom to die by the thousands
>freedom to not be able to prevent deaths
>freedom to not have healthcare
>freedom to die by the thousands
>freedom to not be able to prevent deaths
S to spit on a nation of cowards' graves
Not enough
>more than double the infections of italy
>less than half the deaths of italy
>less than half the recoveries
We are just at the beginning user
i respect those faggots that know how to behave like a human being.
I despide faggots who think sexuality is something to be proud of and that EVERYONE needs to know he sucks cock.
I don't care what the fuck you do in bed just behave like a normal person.
You are not wrong, but do understand that most Americans hate this BS as much as you do. ((they)) have to much control over the system to allow us to change it as healthcare is more than half of our entire economy. "freedom" is an illusion in American at this point.
That's the other thread hue hue hue
Fuck you faggot, enjoy dieing in your shit hole Russian satellite country with no health care at all. How's your concrete hovel and your whore sister that the entire town has fucked?
>Mutt calling based Slavs "faggots"
I've seen everything now.
Hilarious that people believe China's numbers... Lolol
It's all fake news.
Any retard with half a brain can see it's a coordinated power grab on a scale we haven't seen before.
China keeps the hong kongers inside and continues doing whatever they're doing with the muslims. France keeps the yellow vests, who were ready to guillotine Macron, inside, as do all the other European nations with their angry citizens who were protesting forced diversity. The US is trying to pass a bunch of laws including the killing of encryption, the banning of semi-auto rifles, among other things.
This is nothing more than a hoax.
Fuck you too. Enjoy getting raped by Muslims. Fuck everyone who hates us and wishes death on us. GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
He is a Muslim retard
You fucking cunts said the same about Italy, "It's just the beginning man". Yea, and now? It's stil nothing.
Just five? Not four or six?
you literally have a 20+% nigger rate in almost every state
you might hear alot of complaining about niggers from europe, but Europe is actually very white especially slavic areas
pot calling the kettle black lol
Good. Soon as the boomer scum is gone, we will retake the country. GO WU FLU!!!!
Well you still need 149.8 million more corona infections to get to the same 150 mn swine flu infections you had in 2009
Mostly nonwhites
>56% white
>la creaturo dos judeos
>dog bless
Yes. It's le mutt.
Where can I get one of those Harvey Weinstein shirts?
From the videos I've seen of Paris, it's completely inundated with 3rd world niggers. Our niggers are terrible, but they're probably not quite as bad as straight out of Africa niggers. You're not wrong though, but fuck the hate on us. If you don't like our government, fine, but don't wish death on us like that Slovenian homo. We don't wish you guys any ill will in Europe. We feel really badly for Italy and Spain especially.
>muh healthcare
Compared to euros that death rate, and per capita rate, is pretty good.
I'm 100% white. But we're all mutts, even me. Fortunately, I'm a white mutt.
eh, fine, you get a pass.
>posts DNA test to "prove" he's white
The memes write themselves
lmao whites dying and im loving it
Hope the Chinese send aid , but only to the Chinks surviving in US (aka babylon).
you're chinese, mutt
Yes, I said Paris. As in Paris, France. I doubt the country side is filled with as many niggers over there.
>5112 is 2.373876216658% of 215344.
Higher than flu but still pretty much a nothingburger considering most are boomers and/or have other comorbidities (diabeetus, fat etc)
Why are the jews getting infected more than others in New York?
>Paris, France
Because they refuse to isolate
Why your frog nation took out of new cases and new death record off of the coronavirus world chart? You hiding something Pierre?
Thats rich coming from a frog fucker
>he cried while drowning in black cocks
>5112/215344=.0237= 2.4 percent fatality rate
It's almost like the flu
Why is that, do they think moloch will protect them or something
>Imagine being white and dying too a flu
lol pigskins ONLY
Sauce? Plausible, they live in extremely close quarters to one another. Densest population on earth.
>People dying. AHHHHHHH.
People die all day every day, stupid cunts. Friendly reminder that Florida has roughly 550 deaths per DAY in an average year, and is full of old people that were supposed to be all wiped out by this. Pic related is from the same model the doomer task force is using btw. Hell, we'll prob end up with a net positive once its over from the lack of car crashes & other accidents.
It's a big fat fucking nothing. But shelter in place & destroy your economies, goys.
Dont clap Kim, many of your comfort girl diaspora will die...that means less dollerinos being sent to worst korea.
Imma poz your neg hole
>be American
>have money
>buy healthcare desu ka?
>No! Buy iPhone!
>Buy spinners!
>Buy Air Jordans!
>Buy Starbucks!
>Buy Gucci!
>Buy Lululemon!
>Get sick
>No buy healthcare
>Oh noooooo! Fuck u America u did this two me!
USA #2 USA #2
EU has 5x DEATHS of the US and twice as many infected.
If your white
say goodnight.
except the flu has a fatality rate of 0.02, so yeah, it's like the flu but ten times deadlier.
it only just started..
Dont be so cock Billy-Bob. One month and your nation will be drowning in dead fat fucks, and there be basketball americans looting entire cities.
You live in a third world shithole.
Not even bad.
I expect it to get way worse on the next two weeks
It's a big fat fucking nothing. But shelter in place & destroy your economies, goys
Seeing all these stupid dumb goyim scum falling for their controlled media propaganda almost reaffirms their and my belief that goyim are indeed stupid animals.
Wrong. You're actually a corpse. You will die of coronavirus in one month.
Lmao so many countries are not even doing proper testing.
Its much higher than 2.4% As shown in multiple countries taking it seriously. Countries like Germany and Korea are outliers.
Your country is going to be a fucking disaster zone. Expect to see dead bodies on the street.