Japan vice PM says WHO should be called CHO
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Based nips.
>Amerimutt bootlicker is butthurt because WHO is not an Amerimutt puppet
wtf are you retarded
USA contributes more to WHO than China, how can China own WHO? You only hate WHO because they are experts and don't play into your conspiracy theories.
Also - Taiwan is not recognised by UN as the state, its not even recognized as independent state by USA, UK or Canada, yet you expect WHO to play politics recognizing Taiwan at this time? Are you legitimatelly retarded?
Fuck off chang
Sounds like chink propaganda vlad
Sounds like something easy to check for yourself.
Lets open wikipedia page and golly! what do we see?
>The WHO is financed by contributions from member states and outside donors. As of 2012, the largest annual assessed contributions from member states came from the United States ($110 million), Japan ($58 million), Germany ($37 million), United Kingdom ($31 million) and France ($31 million).
Why would WHO be owned by China and bow to China if the majority of their funds comes from USA? I said it again - they are experts who don't give a fuck about politics, but you constantly want to drag them in. They care only about numbers, statistics and science, they sent team on the ground to Wuhan and inspected it there. I trust WHO more than some political pundit who wants to get a job in the government or favors from politicians. Political pundits are not experts on viruses anyway, even though they all pretend to be couch virology experts.
because the head chair was installed by china?
because the head chair is a commie nigger known to hide and tinker with number for example the cholera epidemic in his commie shithole
you're just a dumb nigger, now get a new proxy chang and fuck off you dumb slut
>Tedros was elected as the next Director-General for the World Health Organization with an overwhelming 133 votes out of 185.His election was historic, as he became the first African to lead the WHO, as well as the first Director-General elected in a vote open to all Member States.
Wow. I respect him even more now. You were saying? Something about "conspiracy ahhh everywhere ahhh"?
he's not wrong
He’s Chinese, so yes
Based nips dabbing on the chink nigger
>the WHO in January:
>China is doing an amazing job responding to this outbreak they are little doing the best job imaginable
>the wu flu does not spread person to person
>lol we're totally not covering for the Chinese WE'RE THE EXPERTS LOL
give this name a Nobel prize
Wong by name and wrong by nature
that name though
fag munchers here don't care about Taiwan, they're idiots who just want to use it as an excuse to hate china. They are so blinded by their impotent rage that if you told them to drink bleach as a show of solidarity against chinamen they would do it.
I do not recognize the WHO's authority. But they are quality entertainers.
129,286,530 last year 12% of their funding for the year, raising year on year
8.8 billion investment for a new African center
The US gave 22% last year. But has been reducing year on year, Trump cut the budget by 45% from the previous year.
Who Do you think the WHO likes more, Who has more to lose if a bug left a lab?
Contribution in fair light is not same as hiden corruption , learn the difference bled.
kys chink
No one needs an excuse to hate soulless bugmen who post under American flags attacking the country which hosts them while shitting things up for the people who live here
>Russians unironically shilling for China
stop using the burger flag, Chang. show us your real colors
We are shilling against you, glownigger
And we will keep it up as theres nothing you can do about that
Moshe moshe, based departmento?
Nooo shut it down
goyim is learning the truth
>They are so blinded by their impotent rage that if you told them to drink bleach as a show of solidarity against chinamen they would do it.
Well we certainly wouldn't eat a bat.
CCP shills are terrified.
The absolute chad, he's going to be the only world leader alive after this
fall off a cliff Ching Chinkovich Chinkovsky
Does that mean he becomes defacto planetary leader?
No you're just shitting up the board because you think literally anyone likes chinks. Protip: either 90% of Yas Forums are glowniggers or 90% of Yas Forums hates chinks. I'm willing to bet there's a lot better chance you're unironically on the FSB payroll than anyone here is on the CIA payroll, you deflecting slavoid chinkdicksucker.
Cobra commander !
Why does Japan have so many BASED politicians
Flood our streests with fentanyl, flood the world with diseases. Sell us toys with lead paint. Kill their own citizens at will.
>they good people
Fuck off rice nigger
OK, vladimir, listen close.
china has TREMENDOUS power over all UN operations because they sit on the security council and have a veto.
unlike the US (and to a lesser extent, russia) china is not afraid to use their veto as a weapon to block anything, no matter how irrelevant to the subject at hand with the threat of endless vetos and stonewalling until they get what they want.
if china doesnt want any UN employee to refer to taiwan as a "country", they will ensure that their will is carried out by vetoing ANYTHING that comes across the security council desk until their desired policy is imposed.
every UN organization, sub-group, charity etc is held prisoner by china because they give zero fucks about "world opinion". anyone who stands against them will be labeled "racist" by the chinese press, which will be gleefully parroted by the rest of (((the media))), until the offender is driven out of whatever position he holds.
even now, the chinks are convincing billiuons in china, and millions more in the outside world that the wu flu is an american bio-weapon designed to attack china.
only retards would believe this, but there are apparently a shitload of retards out there.
in international relations, china has incredible influence, and they are willing to use it for anything, no matter how petty, stupid or even counter-productive, because in the chink mind "losing face" is worse than death.
knowing that he got endorsed by African Union countries as only the sole African candidate and that those countries are influenced by China (including his home country -Ethiopia )+ some western countries already sell them self's to china +virtual signaling niggerloving liberals in those western countries
i know, but it seems coordinated recently. As if every CIA shill who is on home quarantine is shitposting the same set of talking points on /pol and twitter.
you forgot:
> Poison baby formula for export only
this one is rough, brace yourself
a chink "company" (remember, all chinese businesses are wholly owned subsidiaries of the chinese peoples liberation army and the chink politburo) was making baby formula with "melamine" a toxic chemical that fools lab tests and fakes higher protein content. this shit is POISON, but the chinks didnt mind, this shit was "export only" they soldf this shit for nearly a year before some slightlkky more corrupt chink siphoned some of it off and sold it inside china, and a few chink rats died. they shot him for that, but the rest of the scheme was just fine, because this shit was for "gwielos" (foreign devils). seriously, they did this DELIBERATELY because it was only going to foreign markets. nobody else in the scheme was punished, only the clown who let some of it be sold inside china.
> Poison pet food:
melamine again.
> Poison toothpaste
ethylene glycol, radiator anti-freeze was put in toothpaste and sold all over the developing world (but not in china)
> Toxic Drywall
millions of tons of gypsum board (drywall, the stuff that your interior walls are made of) were sold around the world which contained not gypsum, but a variety of other chalky substances many of which are highly flammable, and many others exude toxic gasses as they age, and some contained high levels of asbestos, lead, etc.
they did this for nearly a decade, so your house might contain walls that will burst into flames, poison you in your sleep or give you lung cancer.
the list is nearly endless
buy shit from china, dont be surprised that it is SHIT.
ching chong kys
Ill keep shitting up glownigger threads which attempt to artificially shape consensus
Its very funny to ruin glownigger works, their pay depend on will i entertain myself with ruining their efforts or not
And i sure as hell will
>putting mutts in charge of things
>expecting competence
you jappos are the only yellow men who will survive the coming storm.
keep on being awesome my diminutive asian friend.
>unlike the US (and to a lesser extent, russia) china is not afraid to use their veto as a weapon to block anything, no matter how irrelevant to the subject at hand with the threat of endless vetos and stonewalling until they get what they want.
Now this is some projection if i ever saw one
Nigger your country blocks anything and everything UN does which contains the word "israel" in it, and has been doing it since creation of UN
You arent fooling anyone with those accusations
Heres the actual numbers btw, none vetoes as much as we do
I think they might just a little bit pissed they had to postpone the olympics.
>china has incredible influence
AHAHAHAHAHA. what bullshit. all the chinese have is money, SUSPICIOUS money, that nobody touches unless they are desperate.
soft power? japan and korea crush them in their own backyard.
power projection? cant even project in their near abroad - vietnam, philippines, southeast asia.
it is disappointing but true. they have money, and a lot of people... and that's it.
then their government implodes. the end.
Oh no, the chinese will hate Japan now!
they are westoids and retards. Should have holocausted them when we had the chance, now it's gonna be expensive
The problem with WHO and any UN organization is how much China has control of the African nations. Tedros got elected because China secure the votes my bribing the africans. It will be difficult to hold them accountable, as they will just cry racism and leftists will shame anyone that criticize the UN.
yes. we defend israel against the animnals of the "moslem world" and their sympathizers.
but when russia puts forth some proposal, we dont automatically veto it just because you voted to sanction israel 6 years ago.
thats the difference you idiot.
we veto shit we dont like.
thats why the veto exists dumbass.
we do NOT simply veto anything that is supported by anyone who ever voted against israel or other US interests.
china uses political, media, and economic power as a weapon to bludgeon into submission anyone who even thinks of calling taiwan a country
thats why the UN cant call taiwan a country.
Protip: the fucking pallies have the same standing in the UN general council as THE FUCKING VATICAN now, thanks to russia.
go fuck yourself.
That's only the money on record retard.
It's the WHO-Han virus
Taiwanese are honourable weebs, even the leader will speak japanese every opportunity.
>cant even project in their near abroad........
after Trump denied trade agreement with those countries for china it become more easily there
and China power projecting to Africa,South America and in Europa too like in Balkans
>soft power?
Africa is big example and in EU Portugal vetoed against screening non -EU countries investments including China's
Dilate, chicom tranny. It's the CHINESE WUHANESE coronavirus.