Why is rape a serious crime in our day and age? I mean, pardon my biology, but does the lack of consent cause extreme vaginal pain or something? Not really, only if the guy was a freak with a 20 inch cock. So we move to the only other reason i can think of: muh morals n sheit.
>oh no she did not consent and that hurt her fee fees
I mean yeah, if we were in 1900 and people actually gave a shit about sodomites, virginity and all other sexual morals. But now days faggots are allowed to roam the streets in packs, dressed obscenely for children to see. Refugees get to rape their women as well as ours yet no one cares. It is my personal belief that modern women are sluts who use muh rape for gibs. They are one dimensional snakes who do not give a fuck about anyone.
Why is rape a serious crime in our day and age? I mean, pardon my biology...
Basically yeah, every woman I've met who cried about rape basically boiled down to not getting paid for it, they enjoyed it but got mad that the guy didn't pay for their existence. I just tell them they should be happy someone was attracted to them enough to do it, then proceed to take advantage of the repeat statistic
because she might get pegnant?
you dribbling idiot
This is an excellent point. In the modern world of sexual awakening i think we need to address the scientific fact that gender is a spectrum and women like to be raped. The entire idea of rape is misogynistic in nature. It implies that women are helpless which we know isn't true.
i hate women but even i think rape is going too far. i dont like the her body her choice argument for abortion since there is another body inside her that has a right to life. but when it comes to rape, it is her body and theft is the root of evil so it is wrong to use her body without her permission. it wrong to use anyones body without their permission. meanwhile we are human, not robots, so just because you think there is no logical reason to get so upset doesn't mean that there aren't biological and emotional reasons that can cause real lasting trauma. women are heavily invested in reproduction so it makes sense that they would evolve to get very upset at rape it removes from them the choice of who to reproduce with. even if she is on birth control those old instincts are still hardwired triggering seriously bad feelings that can last a long time.
Must be hard to type with that much melanin
super gay bro.
You just sound jelly no one is causing your rectum some serious attention.
You've missed his point, I think.
If there's nothing "sacred" about sex then why penis in vagina without a consent should be judged any different than fist on a chin without a consent?
Abortion. Modern females that do not mind abortion should not mind rape.
Do you think that a solid blow to the head would be worse than rape?
>Urrr u nogger lol REAL whity no violent or rape lmfao. Whity neva rape or violent in history xDDDD
You are the reason whites are being replaced.
If someone close to you was raped you wouldn't be making such a retarded thread
That's what they claim at first until pic related gets made
Rape is a human social construct.
The vast majority of mammal life on Earth reproduce by the male overpowering the female.
No i would, you fucking retard. Why would i give a shit if someone i am are not close to got raped, killed, or something else? I am not talking about people i am close to, i am talking about modern immoral whores.
so would you mind if a giant nigger raped you in your anus?
Have sex, incel
I am not a woman, the anus is for shitting only.
Are you ok with sodomy?
but objectively it is just inserting an object into your body
You first, fritz.
would you mind if he broke your jaw and you had to eat through straw for 3 months?
have sex
If i was a faggot then yes, i would not mind if a big dumb negro used my shitter. Do you understand that i am only talking about whores? I just think that if a whore is fine with degeneracy of all kinds it should not matter if she is "raped".
Dox yourself and i will.
>i am are not close to
Stupid fucking Zealander.
i already explained my reasoning. humans arent robots so approaching this situation with vulcan logic isn't sensible.
Is not my fault. Me poor parents, police oppres colong and keep down. Just needing of educate. I can into space or docter if equal no oppress
OP is a retarded faggot
Please answer. If you were some immoral whore, would you rather i burnt your fingers off or inserted my thingy into yo no no square?
lmao breddy gud leaf
think you hurt it's feelings
This. If you're for abortion but feel that rape should be punished harder than petty theft, you've got a problem.
Oh, and for the record, I think that when petty theft is provable, it ought to be punished by chopping of people's hands, so...
your explanation is lacking because it relies on an incorrect assumption that getting beaten up can't casue long lasting trauma and/or permanent physical damage.
how would i know, i'm not a woman. their brains are wired different. gender is a biological construct. humans are not robots. we are at the mercy of emotional whims deeply rooted in instinct. i assume most women would rather get raped then have their fingers burned off but i dont know. and i also don't see the point you are making.
not really, OP points out a glaring contradiction between liberal approach to sex and rape
i didn't even answer your stupid autistic question about whether getting punched is worse then getting raped because its fucking mental. what are you even asking.
rape is bad
that is all im saying and i explained why i think its bad and your argument was something about getting punched in the face. completely fucking retarded
you can stop the beating far before any lasting damage but and most are
i havent heard about rape being stopped before cooming, and even before cooming if female raped isnt a whore it damages her permanently
Of all the annoying and brainless incell shit side threads on POL, this is truly the worst.
I hope OP and his family all die of Ebola.
Some oregano
And more sage
OP is still a fag
getting punched in the face is bad as well
I just do not see why rape is taken so seriously when all other forms of degeneracy is allowed.
>rape is bad
So is getting beaten up. And if that's all you're saying than you're not even close to refuting the point that OP's making
implying he is white...
No one said it is not bad, fuckwit, what we are trying to say is that it is not as serious as physical harming someone.
>all other forms of degeneracy
like namefaggotry
I am immune you nigger
it is much more serious if female raped is a virgin or had only one man, it makes her unusable for the future
>if female raped isnt a whore it damages her permanently
what makes a whore and should there be separate, less harsh, laws to judge people who rape them?
yes there should
If she is a virgin then rape would harm her mentally bevause she obviously has some fucking morals. Whores do not see sex as sacred so why do they care about rape?
i think whores should be free game punishable only by fine, the equivalent of some alco and dinner
Seriously shut up, rape is a seriously violation of someone’s body and it can traumatize your for life and cause permanent psychological damage...
So give a girl 20 bucks after you rape her and allgood?
You’re disgusting.
you're not allowed to punch people for no reason. you will go to jail.
if you beat someone up you will probably go to jail.
so i guess your argument is that rapist should only get as much punishment as people who randomly beat up other people. that rape and assault should get the same punishment or even that rape should get a lesser punishment.
well if anything increase the punishment for random physical assaults instead of decreasing punishment for rape then.
well, we aren't women. and like i said, rape does lasting trauma to a woman psychologically for deeply instinctual and evolutionary reasons. women for hundreds of thousands of years didnt have birth control and would often get pregnant if raped. a punch in the face you can recover from in a week, a rape can result in a 2 decade long commitment to raising and feeding a growing human. the idea that someone with bad genes might force you to raise their child is obviously going to cause instinctual trauma at a deep level. we are animals.
we are not robots, we are not robots, we are not robots. so take your fucking autistic logic and go build a robot and stop trying to apply that logic to humans who are emotional creatures.
punch someone hard enough, do enough damage, and you go to jail for a very long time on manslaughter charges.
thank you, but complimenting me doesnt make an argument
You're retarded. There are women who falsely claim rape but that doesn't mean incidents of legit rape aren't horrible and shouldn't be punished. Someone going inside you against your will does not feel good. Rape is horrible, women crying over getting drunk and fucking a frat guy they regret is not the same as someone being dragged into a street corner.
You should take hormones, grow tits, cut off your cock and get raped by a pack of feral niggers - you know, for research.
Whores are immoral, they stick things inside they poon all time. Unless serious physical harm occured then i doubt they would care.
Shut up and read what said, rape causes serious psychological damage to women that can literally last for life...
Looks like Vice News is making another incel documentary.
>men don't treat women as princesses anymore like they did in all previous centuries
imagine being this fucking retarded
Yes because it fucking hurts.
We live in a society
yes to ones that arent whores
how about you read the whole postchain before randomly insulting people
I completely agree with females about being jumped on a street corner or kidnapped, to then being violently penetrated is horrible and should be considered a crime.
My problem is not with that being considered rape, wich it should be.
The problem is when you lower the standards for victims so much to the point in wich you have "eye-to-eye rapist" or "unaware fonddlers" and shit like that. Because if you are not a 6.6 ft chad with a huge penis and a chiseled body, will you go out and try to be too physical with women on this environments? I think not. This is why women at the end of the day, they lose, because there's more incles and betas than chads, who are awkward and shy, so unless women make it VERY FUCKING 100% POSITIVE CLEAR they want to be touched, eventually most men will not even approach.
It can still cause extreme psychological damage you know...
So is it true that the lack of consent causes serious physical pain? Please explain the biology behind this.
Have you ever tried going in a girl dry?
they get wet tho, its proven
You think he's got one wet?
Please stop, it can cause extreme psychological damage to a woman even if she’s slept around...
Use google.
what the fuck do you want, a brain scan of a woman getting raped in an mri machine? yeah hold up, harvard ran that study lemme find the link
Why are Poles always so rapey?
We need artificial wombs an robowaifus to solve the rape problem. While we wait for them, we can use sex dolls and surrogacy.
I do not understand. I understand a virgin or a traditional woman or something like that, but why would some slut who has no morals when it comes to sex care?
i did and found no proofs
yes thats what i want
I’m a woman so I can answer this retarded bait post for you. Yes it hurts your vagina for something to be forced in it if you’re not wet. Also anal rape happens to women. What if some guy raped your ass how would you feel? If someone ransacked your house and took all your belongings, would you feel violated? Imagine if it was your body.
Does blood count?
Nah but seriously, so the lack of consent causes physical pain?
stop using vulcan logic on human emotion you autist
although frankly sure, raping a hooker should be a lesser offense. its still bad