How does it make u feel that this black man is smarter than u and probably more than anyone u know?

how does it make u feel that this black man is smarter than u and probably more than anyone u know?

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As an American it’s my duty to inform everyone that black men have larger penises. Also known as the BBC

How does it feel knowing Christ will end your filthy ilk to hell when he comes back for murdering him?

still a rapist and can't escape his nigger instinct

Nice memeflag faggot. I'd rather watch VHS quality of Carl Sagan's Cosmos any fuckin day than black science man. Arrogant nigger needs to be bitchslapped on national TV.

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>how does it make u feel that this black man is smarter than u and probably more than anyone u know?
does he believe in god?

Imagine being black and not having a BBC. That stereotype must burn them

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pol is a board of atheism you fucking faggot godboy.

of course not, he's not a retard.

>VHS quality of Carl Sagan's Cosmos

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We feel smart enough to realise the bell curve has outliers, especially ones who are less than 50% african

funny that Sagan actually mentored NDT.

go fucking kill yourself fag. seriously. dumb ppl like you need to hang by the neck

Prolly not though

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see how i making the Christianity falling apart in one post

He quit science to become a popstar.

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My opinion, he has more self-respect than Bill Nye, but marginally. t. Amateur Marine Biologist who's Father is a Physicist, AMA.

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Sagan is a suspect kid diddler though

>Sagan actually mentored
Then this is proof you can't teach a nigger because black science man is a fucking retard who made his fame by um actuallying people on Twitter and parroting "I fucking love science" articles.

unironically tho, yes, NDT is almost certainly smarter than 99% of the white pride faggots on this board.

How do they feel? Bitter and angry as always, no different from any other day, extending into the rest of their useless lives.

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Is biology a good degree to get?


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He is a pretty cool dude

he's actually based and good tho desu

misplaced hatred desu

your mother prolly took some bbc at some point in her life.

did her good i bet x

then he just happensto be top of the bell curve so thats why hes pushed so hard. hes an exeptional black man, but he will almost certainly be inferior to the top of the bell curve of whites. hes just a convenient diversity hire for political agenda. i bet theres at least a million white scientists with knowledge equal to him. couldnt say the same for nigs. this is my point of view for today. il research more about if my point of view is correct when i look into it. so take this as what i think the results are. now il go prove them
Yas Forums is a christian board, ratface

I dont really care. Sage

>Yas Forums is a christian board, ratface

fuck off with your imaginary friend you fucking child.

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they look like they are having fun. my parents friends used to play with us in the summer like this. we pretended to be cowboys with water pistols and have water fights. i dont mind nigs. i know some really nice intelligent ones. but considering how many bad ones there are, always be cautious

Depends where you are. In America, Canada and Ireland, yes. In the UK, no since Fishing is heavily commercialised and there's hardly anything left in the North Sea. I would expect it to be a niche thing in Turkey.

And race influences intelligence because...

its true you little hooknosed bastard. thats why you have vpn. because all the people who post dumb shit or argue against facts spouting bullshit, usually have memeflags from israel. vpns too hard for some of you dumb shits. show your flag on the next post or stfu at concede defeat. theres no other options for the lurkers to see. which ever option you choose proves me correct

He's smart in the subject he knows but he's not smart enough to stay in that subject. I will concede he's probably more knowledgeable in more fields than I am, but I'm pretty confident that if I studied those fields with a similar passion I would be as intelligent. There's nothing unique about him other than being more vocal on twitter as this persona he's fit himself into and having enough TV fame to have an established audience.
I don't think less of him because he's black, but I do think less of him because he's a generic media puppet.

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just making my point that it doesn't

I'll admit he's a better astrophysicist than I am, but I guarantee I'm the superior hydrogeologist. I may not get a T.V special but I know I've done more good for humanity than he has, modern space exploration is a joke without the engineering to support it.

Expansion means bigger Joe

I think less of him because he constantly back pedals on edgy positions when he catches flak for them.

>unironically tho, yes, NDT is almost certainly smarter than 99% of the white pride faggots on this board.
not smarter than me
t. mensa

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God I fuckimg hate this sensationalized 'intellectual'. Watched his podcast with Joe. Man completely misinterpreted Tesla's ideas while underplaying the importance of his research and the controversy surrounding it. Should be ashamed to call himself a representative of any scientific community.

Because of evolutionary biology. Don't tell me you're a science denying faggot.

im actually watching now

He's probably about as smart as I am and I definitely know people who are a lot smarter than he is. I've met genuine mathematical and scientific geniuses (one of whom was actually a black man).

Not really: NDT meet Sagan ONCE as a child, and he uses that for the connection. Look it up.

Could you imagine if we had a DC power grid?

That's what MSM people do, they say something borderline controversial (which they've made controversial slowly themselves) and then backpedal away from it to create an eddy of drama. If it spins out into a fullblown whirlpool then they've just generated a free news cycle with guaranteed viewers. Remember it's not the entertainment art, it's the entertainment industry. It's a system of mass production.

Please tell me he actually said that.

Forgot to say: Sagan was chief scientist in NASA and main responsible for planet exploration missions.
NDT works in a planetarium lol
Like apples to black coconuts

kek. this is what i was talking about here

Aw look a communist anarchy retard. How much almond milk and Onions is in your diet comrade? Go coom to your fucking balding trannies and stupid power fantasies.

Can't wait to see you get curbstomped or brutalized because your friend punched a police horse.

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Is that English Chang? Go piss on an elevator you fucking insect

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the real quote is
"Are There More Stars In The Universe Than Grains Of Sand On Earth"
made by the other guy "Carl Sagan"
Yas Forums is great by missing the context

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If him and me had the exact same chances and opportunities then I would be at least of equal intelligence. As we havent it doesnt make me feel sad, it makes me grateful for my natural high intelligence as schooling was something i didnt engage with but came out well clever anyway, innit bruv.

if hes so smart how come hes still a nigger

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more jelly of his fountain pen collection

>posts movie clip

You're fucking adorable. He's an arrogant nigger that constantly shouts how smart he is. Lemme guess you frequent Faceberg groups about the ebil patriarchy and ifuckinglovescience and Rick and Morty bullshit.

Hope your favorite trannies star in black porn and the bitch staying in your collective gets a train ran on her every night.

That's why she dyes her hair and has piercings, to forget the pain of her daily existence.

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still works at university
he quit writing meaningless bullshit papers to be a popstar, name a fucking relevant paper thats affected human life from his field published in the last 20 years


>ignore completely the wiki link
its just for a low IQ tards like u to easily relate and understand the thing.