>Frees nation of Jewish influence
>Institutes might is right philosophy
>Lets loose the will to power, invades a bunch of countries in order to extol the nation's spirit
>Makes the entire world seethe because of how based he is
How could a fascist hate this guy?
Frees nation of Jewish influence
Other urls found in this thread:
>steel can't have more than 1 words for it
Peak xoxol IQ. Jugha is steel in old Georgian but it is also a personal name which is the root of hsi surname, perhaps a name of a blacksmith.
>Free nation of Jewish influence
>Nearly your entire party is ethnically Jewish
Nice source, faggot.
>Frees nation of Jewish influence
>By adopting and implementing a nation with Jewish influence
This. One of his wives was a Jew too.
>Frees nation of Jewish influence
That's why he had to go.
>>Frees nation of Jewish influence
didn't happen. it was a smokescreen to flood the usa with russian jews loyal to communism
Because he filled institutions with hoards of pathetic drones who only knew how to do what they were told and lacked any capacity to operate without guidance from someone else. At least when the German commanders disobeyed orders they weren't shot even if they got results.
>How could a fascist hate this guy?
you missed the part where he is a common object of admiration for neo-fascists? Him and Hugo Chavez both.
Stalin Forever
>Teaches a Georgian his own language
Fuck you xoxols are such retards.
>frees nation of jewish influence.
>institutes judeo-bolshevism.
>entire inner party jewish.
>CCCP jews everyone.
frees nation of jewish influence...wait wut>?
Get lost, nigger.
It's true. Before his purges republics like Ukraine and Belorussia was about half Jewish.
seethe more Jew's bitch. You are biggest cucks in the entire post-USSR. Half of our prostitutes here are Ukrainians you subhumans, and they proudly put their ethnicity in their escort profiles too.
>Frees nation of jewish influence
>Antisemitism is punished by death
Keep talking
Hold still
Joseph Stalin emerged as leader of the Soviet Union following a power struggle with Leon Trotsky after the death of Lenin. Stalin has been accused of resorting to antisemitism in some of his arguments against Trotsky, who was of Jewish heritage. Those who knew Stalin, such as Khrushchev, suggest that Stalin had long harbored negative sentiments toward Jews that had manifested themselves before the 1917 Revolution.[22] As early as 1907, Stalin wrote a letter differentiating between a "Jewish faction" and a "true Russian faction" in Bolshevism.[22][23] Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov stated that Stalin made crude antisemitic outbursts even before Lenin's death.[22][24] Stalin adopted antisemitic policies which were reinforced with his anti-Westernism.[25][note 1] Since antisemitism was associated with Nazi Germany and was officially condemned by the Soviet system, the Soviet Union and other communist states used the cover-term "anti-Zionism" for their antisemitic policies. Antisemitism, as historian, Orientalist and anthropologist Raphael Patai and geneticist Jennifer Patai Wing put it in their book The Myth of the Jewish Race, was "couched in the language of opposition to Zionism".[26]
Stalin was antisemitic scumbag en.m.wikipedia.org
He ruined Russia
Seethe more Mongol
>Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.
>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
>J. Stalin January 12, 1931
How would you explain this? Legit question, not trying to be passive-aggressive here.
Mongol is literally the master race
Fuck yeah, Mongol pride worldwide. Bring Finland to the party.
>>Frees nation of Jewish influence
>Laughs in Gulag
You are either:
1. a dementia-ridden georgian who forgot how we cucked you out of one fifth of your country or is so servile he still carries Russia's water
2. an "info-operative" on VPN, AKA underpaid half-literate shill D&Cing from an open office space in Lakhta-2. Coof-coof, nigger.
Volodin dolbit?
Laws in USSR were a sham. Stalin built a fascist country using universally-egalitarian rhetoric, so some contradictions are unavoidable. Questioning those contradictions are a better way to get shot than going around the neighborhood raping girls like half-ape coon Beriya.
Butthurt Polack still MAD
>You are either:
>1. a dementia-ridden georgian who forgot how we cucked you out of one fifth of your country or is so servile he still carries Russia's water
>2. an "info-operative" on VPN, AKA underpaid half-literate shill D&Cing from an open office space in Lakhta-2. Coof-coof, nigger.
>Volodin dolbit?
The second one
A lot of Russian shills use our flag
>sends your family to gulag for having 1 extra pair of shoes
>executes you for not ratting them out first
nothing personnel kid
Based mountain bvll
Thanks for the input, user.
Dunno. The difference between a fascist and a communist is vanishingly narrow.
Both deserve the same mass grave.
Stalin is the most based leader of the modern era
Others are: mao, assad, gaddafi, kim and saddam
This, except for Saddam, he trusted the west too much, Gaddafi did too but at least he was better leader.
>Frees nation of Jewish influence
You have no idea of what you'retalking about, do you? Or are you a kike?
If he dialed down a little bit on degeneracy, it was only because he needed to fight a war and you cannot find a war if your country is made of faggots.
>installs a government on the basis of a jewish book
start here, and stop here
Nice try Schlomo
>Frees nation of Jewish influence
>Institutes might is right philosophy
>Lets loose the will to power, invades a bunch of countries in order to extol the nation's spirit
>Makes the entire world seethe because of how based he is
Jews were already very wealthy off the USSR as a slave plantation.
Based horseshoe theory poster retard.
I don’t actually like fascists because they refuse to be consequent enough to show full support for the workers, they just stop halfway
But one thing i‘ve noticed here on Yas Forums for sure, it’s that they are the most reasonable posters around (right after the commies)
The rest, like 90% of all anons, are utterly retarded and completely brainwashed npcs that randomly scream names while worshiping their judeo-capitalist ideology
I'm sorry if you're either ignorant or just can't accept the truth. Go to work and starve to death to please your globalist masters, go. They need your loyalty.
>I don’t actually like fascists because they refuse to be consequent enough to show full support for the workers, they just stop halfway
But one thing i‘ve noticed here on Yas Forums for sure, it’s that they are the most reasonable posters around (right after the commies)
The rest, like 90% of all anons, are utterly retarded and completely brainwashed npcs that randomly scream names while worshiping their judeo-capitalist ideology
The workers are too low iq and disorganized to avoid being led by Jews as their only means of excluding this group which seeks imperialism is not allowed.
Yeah, they all got removed by pissrael and its american lapdog because socialism (especially the actual based socialism, not the subverted tranny and open borders bullshit) is the greatest threat to the international jewry, only kim‘s offspring is still standing
bolshevik jews during stalin period killed 20 milion of white russians, the greatest white genocide that happened
let that sink in you uneducated faggot
Communist's final goal is the same as the current liberalism. It's just that "woke capitalism" deprecated communism for rich countries.
Their end goal is to have a classless, deracinated, genderles, formless worker-slave for globalism.
Accept the truth before it's too late. Maybe it already is anyways.
Fuck communism say yes to capitalism.
Hope you enjoy the capitalistic future you commie shithead. One of the reasons why Hitler fucking invaded Russia and hated commies is because they are a lazy fuck who contributes nothing to the society.
Oh wow, steel is pronounced "plada" in hebrew...what a coincidence.
>Frees nation of Jewish influence
He was jewish and he never did anything like that, retard.
based Germ
>Oh wow, steel is pronounced "plada" in hebrew...what a coincidence.
Shabath Shalom
Black pepper is pilpili in Georgian
Beautifull - lamazi (semitic origin, think of babylonian god of the similar name.
Slang for house is baiti etc.
>>Frees nation of Jewish influence
Ummm...sweetie: bolshevism IS judaism in political form.
Sure thing Moshe
Stalin removed the Jews from the Bolshevik party through the 36-38 purges and the 1952 hanging of 11 Czech Jewish leaders
Stalin may have assented to power with Jewish aid but he cemented Russia’s independence from Jews with the purges hence the rise of the USA and USSR hostility with the USA being Zionist
Yes and when Stalin purged the Jews the USSR was no longer Bolshevik the USA wAs
მტყვანს შევეცი. უკრაინელებს ვინც ერთ ადგილს ულოკავს და ძმობას აბრალებს იმათ ცალკე შევეცი
Why do you think I respect most of my compatriots? I don't have any sympathy for most of my people because they are whiny spineless and hysteric. The fact that you cucked my country is the reason I lost most of my respect for this nation, a bunch of whiny children.
It's from Persian.