How do we convince Bernie supporters to become Trump supporters?
How do we convince Bernie supporters to become Trump supporters?
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They are weak and inferior for supporting a spineless diet-communist, you really want them on your side?
Just wait till death-tolls are in hundreds of thousands and Trump will be done
Some already are or have.
Bernie dropping out or dying would probably have a bigger impact than any effort we could muster. The key thing that needs to happen is Dems realizing their party is the wrong side
Trump legalizing marijuana
The DNC will do it for us.
Tell them Bernie lost because of Black voters being too stupid to think about their own good
just tell them that republicans think eating ass is cool now
We WOW them with Trumps orangely stable leadership in a time of crisis and strife!
show them biden
One post by this id.. You're in a slide thread.
A vote is a vote you faggot idealist
Simply point out that mass immigration is against their economic best interest, and social best interest. There's literally no reason for anyone who can earn over even $20k a year or who is able to live in a big city should care about mass immigration this much, buy Bernie Bros seem to hold it in their number 2 issue for some reason.
You can go further by pointing out the huge flaws in public healthcare systems, especially in the UK. A healthy person, such as those young people that support Bernie, would see their taxes increase so much it would be cheaper to just pay for the insurance that they require.
It's not rocket science, just turn their thinking against them. Their entire argument against Trump supporters seems to be "why are you voting against your own interests?". Well, why the fuck are Bernie Bros voting against theirs?
>A vote is a vote you faggot idealist
You can't. They won't. I don't want them.
By waiting for them to grow up
It can't happen because they have their priorities all wrong. Tell everyone here that they can have a culturally homogenous country free of muds and homogay shit but it will be under a socialist goverment, most would take that deal. Tell the faggot left they can have their socialist utopia but they have to give up niggers and trannies, they would never agree to that.
You can’t because we have completely different ideologies
>regulate the market
>increase taxes on the wealthy substantially, redistribute wealth
>single payer healthcare system for all
>no more wars + lower military spending
>free college
That being said I’m probably gonna vote for Trump, which might be foolish but fuck Biden and fuck neoliberals, Hillary somehow managed to get my vote last time but that shit will not fucking happen this time
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Is that a leaf in my thread? Sorry, subhumans not allowed. :)
I know, but I hope all of them do so (though that’s of course incredibly unrealistic).
Based “Dat shit already free my nigga” black voters.
Unironically, Trump has been awful lately with the Chinese virus (though him calling it the Chinese virus is based).
I admire the spirit and conviction behind Bernie and his supporters. It’s just terribly misplaced.
Please don’t tell me you’re serious. You actually voted for Hillary in the last election?
t. boomer and/or low IQ wignat
talk to them
also show them this place
so we can talk to them longer
Peace and prosperity will only be achieved through dialog first
Natural selection the strong will know that it's safer to take the redpill than trust any leftist KILLINTON baby raping cum nugget
>implying trump supporters arent overweight, opioid hooked slobs who worship him no matter what he does
They seem to respond well to cute girls in short skirts.
>How do we convince people to vote for one kike instead of the other kike
you cant, unless you pay them alot of money
Yes, I thought she was the lesser of two evils which she probably still is, policy wise and on paper at least compared to Trump. But she’s a corrupt backstabbing bitch who deserves every bad thing coming her way, disappointed at Trump for not locking her up yet. And you guys call Bernie weak and spineless
But why? Neither person offers us shit.
By killing them, then they re-incarnate as right-wing supporters.
We don't. Onions are best well cooked.
you cant, really. Only possible way is to convince them a vote for Trump is the biggest middle finger not just to the DNC, but to their boomer parents and the suburbanite wine moms who watch MSNBC and totally ignored the red flags and deluded themselves into thinking Biden was a great choice despite his dementia.
At this point, Trump is an establishment shill who has helped Wall Street and the establishment in general. You cant convince Bernie supporters to vote for him on policy/message, only on symbolic gestures aimed at out-of-touch normie dems
Wouldn't a better solution be to round up all of the liberal trash instead?
Aww welcome back spammer i'll be putting you to work all night bored as fuck
Bernie offers you
>student loan forgiveness
>social security increases
Trump offers you
>your job replaced by an H1B Pajeet
>cuts to your social security
>tax increases for you over a 10 year time period and cuts for the top 1%
>the status quo
We need to destroy the radio dish that's broadcasting the mind-control signal into their soft heads. Or maybe just pick them up and drop them in a majority black neighborhood, whatever is easier.
You don't have to, the DNC already did.
We're not gonna vote for Trump, but not for delusional-ass Biden either.
You win, 4 more years of Trump.
>source: bernout :(
What's a Bernie supporter?
Fellow bernout here. This is about sending a message, so become like me, another Bernie turned Trump statistic to really send a fuck you to the DNC. Trump is gonna win anyways courtesy us sitting it out, why not let him get a landslide win over another one of their chosen “electable” neolib shills to really send them packing
This. Trumptards still can’t explain why other first world countries have these things and we dont
Bernie offers me more taxes
Trump offers me talking shit on journos.
This is the truth, neither side is fighting for workers. It really is yellow vest time. Nothing can be changed with elections at this point.
This happened 4 years ago when Bernie cucked at the convention. Of course Trump has gone 180 on all his policies that made him popular. If anything there will be mass boycotts of the election by them if the blackpill sinks in.
Remind them that the leader of their great "Revolution" is telling them to Obey their Government.
Any true revolutionary would have taken advantage of America in it's crippled state. Bernie is weak and so are his supporters.
I'm not voting for your kike corporatist stooge, but I will not vote if that makes you feel better.
Trump decriminalizing weed
I’m not a spammer, but thanks, I have come back and I am stronger than ever.
It’s all about the lesser of evils. That’s what it’s aaaaaaall about.
you can't you dipshit.
Bernie supporter here. Voting for the DNC establishment candidate after they stole the nomination from him again would be the single most cucked action possible. Not voting for Blumf but the DNC can suck my cock
"Trump offers me talking shit on journos"
Solid case on voting rationalle there turd-herder.
based oven dodger
I'm in the discord also i'll be calling your threads out all night shareblue.
No bernie supporters some to pol.. We both know your name is Charlie on discord and you're not even American
So you offer less than zero
I don't know why this cunt tries to act like a cutie with her grotesquely exagerated expressions, it only makes want to kick her face in
Marissa is the superior queen of pol
>spic worshipping simps btfo
Why would Berniebros go back to supporting Trump?
The reason we abandoned Zion Don in the first place was his endless betrayal of white people in favor of incredible black employment numbers and billions to Israel.
At least with Bernie we can sit at home on welfare smoking weed while this world burns down. Instead of dying on the factory floor of coronavirus because Trump ordered us back to work for Mr Goldberg
Trump supporter here. I’m writing in for Bernie no matter what. He has shown that he knows what is best for lower and middle class...something I thought trump would do, but
Based schizo poster.
>simping for a Jew
Not happening, whiteboi. Bernie girls have tasted the BBC and theres no going back from that
>simping for a weaboo spic
son i..
Do you realize how many chads right now she is probably banging? And guess what? All of them will be right wing. Right wing always has he good looking people and no half way attractive woman wants a weak S O Y boy cuck who is a liberal or socialist. They may bang one but they sure as hell won't settle down with one.
>those fucking ultra thick ass eyebrows
I hate make up.
Sorry, but MAGA movement has no need for people who think that the following ideas are best :
>give government more control over your life
>give government more dollars to play with
Nah we don't like Jews who fuck niggers
t. still voting trump this election but let’s be real he’s pretty bad
>weaboo spic
Sounds based to me.
You realize the most common interracial mix with black men is latinas right?
Mexicans are honorary niggers
Remove their brains