What went wrong? And I mean seriously, how did we get here?

What went wrong? And I mean seriously, how did we get here?

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Hitler lost

We started treating lunatics like they might have some sort of point because muh feelings or something.

By making SJWism the dominant religion.

We have more and more abandoned God.

Sad isn’t it?
I mean how fucking hard is it to find the center point. Whole cosmetics of it is wasted now...

That cake looks shit

We let hippies rule the Earth.

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yeah that is kind of annoying me the most

We stopped following Christ.

We used to beat the fuck out of these types in the 80s and 90s. Politicians put hate crime laws into effect and this is the end result of empowering faggotry.

If only people would return to Christianity...

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jews and weak men

Look up the second vatican council. Prior to early 1960's the catholic church was alright.

social media

anyone disagreeing is dead wrong

>Implying degeneracy didn't exist until the mid 2000's

also the fact that "the right" was too busy living their own lives and being /comfy/ while these insane, jewish, "leftist" marxist nigger-apologists were working FULL FUCKING FORCE setting up the greatest propaganda campaigns in the history of the universe, a non-stop full-on assault on the brain of every white person to lament their fully justified feelings towards disgusting, filthy POC that was forced onto us at gun-point by the federal government

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Women empowerment. The break up of the family unit and the destruction of the role of the father. The war on masculinity. Worship of celebrities and every one is "special"

It existed but it was not promoted in the mainstream. Social media brought all the freaks together to a critical mass. Who then started to gain special status. So anyone on the cusp could be dragged down to the most degenerate level and be celebrated along the way.

I think the fact that "conservatives" see their worldview as self evident and don't need to justify it is why they always lose until they're literally backed into a corner. All leftists need to do is "educate" their children whilst they're still impressionable and within 1-2 generations they've won.

based paki dropping truth bombs

Watch any "sitcom" from the 90's (especially British sitcoms for some reason) and you can see them promoting sexuality more brazenly than they do now. Mainstream culture since 2010 is just pandering to minorities, before then it was a total degeneration machine for whites. Social media is just a representation of what pre-2010 mainstream media has done to us.


Modern problems require Medieval solutions.

It's mostly a phase. The next generation will find another way to "rebel" and be edgy. These faggots will mostly clean up their shit when the realities of life hit and they'll look back and cringe at their gender confused days.

It's the absence of God.

My generation doesn't fucking understand how to raise their children correctly. Honestly they're totally clueless.

tolerance without moderation


Very accurate


Vaccines and modern enable otherwise weak people to thrive. Simple as that. 90% of the people known as SJWs would have died in early childhood. I would know, I had an appendectomy at age 10 and became a complete and total loser rittled with mental illness. I should have died.

>I think the fact that "conservatives" see their worldview as self evident and don't need to justify it is why they always lose until they're literally backed into a corner
I always had an inkling of this, but never put two and two together. Makes a lot of sense especially since circular, extreme left ideology typically requires a lot of rationalizing and euphemizing to arrive at, which comes across as intelligent to NPCs. Meanwhile those self-evident conservative beliefs don't require the long, editorialized dissertations you see in leftist media to be disseminated, so they can easily become misrepresented as stupid or simple.

Look who made it lmao


False idol

Your pic specifically is an effect of the sexual revolution. But in essence, this


It's why the state has such an obsession with universities/state education and urbanisation. Being a purely rational environment leftist ideals can thrive there. In the more rural, physical world truth speaks for itself. Bad ideas can't survive under natural law.

It all begins with this

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>Muh religion that failed to save us and actively promotes everything that is wrong will save us this time

>The virgin kike vs the chad canaanite

>what is the difference between a corrupt institution and the truth it was initially founded on

Jealousy and envy make people desire to help the weak instead of the strong, and you are only ever led by who you help.

Repressed sexuality, should have raped her yung like asians do

like what ? because it was founded on loving your neighbour and other faggot shit like that

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What is wrong with loving your neighbor?

The good news is this shit is over.

So basically, uber lazy, degenerate boomers?

"Love your Neighbour" works when your neighbor isn't a foreigner. It's about building a functional community and not being self serving. It might as well say "love your nation" or "love your race" Notice when a large segment of the population started hating itself they decided to support mass migration as a means of destroying that bond. That is the exact opposite of christian doctrine properly understood.

Blame women doing politics

The pope is the false prophet and the vicar of Hell.

We stopped MacArthur from finishing China off.

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>cookie cake
shit tier taste, I found what went wrong.

This. Exactly this. Witnessed it first hand. Thought my mom was crazy when she got rid of the t.v. Now, now I understand.

If you institution gets corrupted this easily and you religious text can be used to argue for it, then maybe it was shit in the first place.

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someone's given this rube the impression that they're edgy. ohhh wow so shocking and cool, oh wait no its not, not at all.

Read Spengler's "Decline of the West". all civilisations become increasingly rationalistic, then materialistic over time, and lose sight of what their founders saw. Urban environments speed this process up considerably. Coupled with genetic decline thanks to the wars killing our best and you get westerners today. This is not a fault in Christianity, it's just the way people change over 700 years.


It’s almost as if there’s a specific group of people who are actively working to undermine western society.

Nobody's mentioned it yet so I will.

Communists in the Frankfurt school. Look up the rest yourself.