>there are extremists lurking this board

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Oh fuck! Where are they?

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>the next Elliot Rodgers is lurking here RIGHT NOW

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>saying nigger on the internet

Get to bed horse mouth. You've got another big day tomorrow.


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Fuck you for discrediting my shitposts, fag

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Yas Forums is a board of peace user. We're just misunderstood and we dindu nuffin.

this but unironically

I miss that time. I wonder how many guys plunged in his sisters vagina by now.

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OMG! Are you seriously a conspiracy theorist?
Call the police, some paranoid freak is here!

Please post "Friend of CNN" in all your posts so that everyone knows you are not an extremist.

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You could have stopped this from happening. You could have saved her Yas Forums.

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Yeah, they have the star of Rempham on thier flags

So what?

I live a normal life and I'm a normal everyday normal person ‒ nothing to see here, just the usual with me.

There are extremists claiming your political affiliation.

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Why do they do these things? Don't they know it makes them look like freaks. Do they want people to hate them, and recoil in horror? I don't understand these people.

The ultimate red pill is that Yas Forums has never saved anyone. We couldn't even save one small girl.

Friend of CNN

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Yeah, I guess you could call me an extremist. I respect white women extremely.

many such cases

>horrible reply
Not surprised
Here we are

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Yas Forums is a board of peace

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>Moderates exist

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niggers tongue-punch my fartbox

They want to be able to spit in your mouth and you to ask for more

I am a moderate extremist

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actually i'm just a centrist who happens to be a race realist and anti-degeneracy


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And I am moderately extreme

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Shitslams are regularly shilling for shitscam on this board, like fucking bots

Why do jews keep calling me that?

>Yas Forums is a board of peace
they lie to me

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Why am I gonna go out of my way to save a literal retard

>literal retard
The line between a retard and just a female is very blurred, and that's being generous. In a healthy society, she'd be a housewife taken care of by her husband.
That said Hannah Hays is a coalburner and doesn't deserve saving.

>In a healthy society
what did he mean by this?

Traditional values, ethnic homogeneity and a total lack of foreign influence.

Nostra Aetate was a mistake

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someone just drove a train of the tracks into a ship, spouting Yas Forums qanon shit

foreign influence?... you mean like... jews?

No, I mean Jews specifically.

I'm the next one. Not only that, but I have 6 sons who are training to go even further than me. It is already too late.

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Not true, Yas Forums is a board of peace.

we won't survive this

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Who's we, and survive what. I need a bit of context during Corona shitstorm.


Gotta jew fast

Great painting. Ivan and son, very troubling and moving. I bought a Chinese knock off of this and The Agony in the Garden by Goya before the "pandemic". Very pleased.

Yeah, I think we are meant to call them "the government".

You never know

>raises pint

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I'm a moderate extremist. Not one of those nasty extreme extremist

What did I say that makes you think that?
Of course you will survive. Believe it or not you have people on the inside due to some mistakes made by some actors.
And the obvious point is that there's no reason to attempt to demoralize an enemy which is no longer a threat. But they do nothing but try to demoralize you (which seems to have worked in your case, unfortunately). This means that there is hope.

you don't get it do you?
It's not the demoralization but the amount of traitors who left this for vapid promises.

The country keeps moving left, there is nothing to fight for anymore here,

It's a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

post yfw I am lurking your board

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most of them are fbi/cia

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Toilet papers at risk.

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