Why do many conspiracy theorist believe that the nazis still control things. I may not be white, but I know who really runs things.
4th reich breakaway civilization
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pedophile kikes
read a book.
Are you a clown
This guy makes like low six figures year telling the gullible that the nazis still run things youtube.com
study what?
Yas Forums users are afraid of books and want others to simply tell them what to think and read.
this board is beyond /sheeple/nowadays.
just go back to sleep and hur dur its the joos.
Clown don't have political vendettas
they just clown around
the blade
Because they are told that nazis are bad. So in order to say that bad people control the world they say that nazis control the world.
What? That there is some magically force equivalent to entropy in the social sciences that's causing the problems. parsimony
heckin basederino
4 reason
1) Nazi documents on their Antarctic base
2) operation high jump
3) disclosure of advanced nazi U-boat designs
4) south American coast towns reported interactions with Nazis doing supply runs after the end of the war
Most likely scenario: there was a small holdout base. High jump "failed" only due to poor planning for the cold. US mopped up and repurposed the facilities then built their own. The reason travel over the center of the continent is restricted is a standard no-fly zone over military bases.
are Nazis running drag queen story hour?
>disclosure of advanced nazi U-boat designs
have a link?
Operation Highjump, amongst other things.
>lowers sunglasses
Because they do.
The Nazis didn't fail, America didn't mop up shit, Nazis became NASA and took over the U.S., WW2 was just a ruse for stealing all the materials needed to form the breakaway civ.
What is that?
are nazis cousing the migrant crisis?
The reason governments dont want global warming to happen is because it would uncover a whole new continent with fucktons of weird historical buildings on it, it would ruin the entire modern history-telling as we know it.
>are nazis cousing the migrant crisis?
actually i've seen a few people suggest this. it would make sense to apply pressure upon the global white psyche through the "great replacement" to prepare them for a ideological swing right. for example, it would be like deliberately engineering the black plague because you know it will lead to the renaissance
>da eguptiuns built da pyramids
>oh fugg the same pyramid just popped up from under the snow on the north pole
>how do we spin it that da egyptiunns built it?
So the Nazis are allowing grooming gangs and are along britons to be replaced by brown hordes?
Nowadays people can't even deal with pictures even worse with a whole book.
If I tell them to read a book of 2000 pages they will cry like children.
>So the Nazis are allowing grooming gangs and are along britons to be replaced by brown hordes?
You don't seem genuine in your interest of this conspiracy but i'll humour you.
I don't strictly believe in it. It has become a mythos amongst the right (see: Esoteric Hitlerism for a better understanding of this)
If a breakaway German Civilisation did exist, there's no guarantee that they are pulling the strings of civilisation anywhere, nor would there be a guarantee that they possess advanced propulsion technology.
>it would make sense to apply pressure upon the global white psyche through the "great replacement" to prepare them for a ideological swing right
This is pants on head retarded. Ya, let's permanently muttify our genetics to redpill people.
the nazis were the jews
>, let's permanently muttify our genetics to redpill people.
I never said that. I meant, through the Great Replacement, those still ideologically loyal to their people would be radicalised beyond control thus ensuring a rebirth will eventually take place. Again, it would be like deliberately engineering the black plague because you know it will lead to the renaissance
Look buddy I'm south asian. Do you think people like Ash Sakara are clever enough to create the damage and discord in British Society? Of course not! Its the jews and Freemasons/Jesuits
Nigga, What!?
Nazis, burgers, and Ivans declared a truce at the end of WW2, joined forces, and rule the world from the shadows.
They already have interstellar ether-driven ships. This is all theater.
OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS: 4th Revised and Expanded Edition: Tesla’s “Ideal Flying Machine” and the Conspiracy to Conceal It
Does that sound plausible to you? Or does it sound more like retarded boomers coping with ethnic replacement while still blaming Nazis?
>Its the jews
I agree, they are certainly amongst the most wealthy and powerful people on Earth who would have reasons to see Europe fall.
>If a breakaway German Civilisation did exist, there's no guarantee that they are pulling the strings of civilisation anywhere, nor would there be a guarantee that they possess advanced propulsion technology.
Who knows. There are small hints across the immense list of conspiracy theories that are vastly less absurd than certain others that suggest it could be possible. I've seen people suggest that the entire UFO phenomena is just one huge jewish psyop to cover up the embarrassing truth that a German breakaway civilisation exists, and that it is their ships which harass US aircraft and nuclear silos for shits and giggles whilst retaining a small base of operations in Antarctica.
It is a MYTHOS. A new religion. A new faith. Even now it is still materialising; Kalki is coming.
if the nazis were running things why not put jews in the visible positions of power so that nobody would ever suspect that nazis were actually the ones running things.
>Does that sound plausible to you?
That this is all an elaborate plot by space-faring Germans who have a base in Antarctica? No, it doesn't sound plausible lol.
But without a doubt the pressure of the great replacement is creating a new stronger generation of Europeans. And I doubt that whoever is really pulling the strings has not become aware of this.
Gives them an excuse to attack Europeans
that... is what happens when you tip an egg timer over and spin it user.
That's what it is.
I think Nazis ruined Europe and Europeans. White people are being oppressed and marginalized in the name of WWII!
I think we need to move on from the WWII meme.
>Most likely scenario there was a small holdout base
No; I've researched this intensively (and I'm not a schizo retard); most of the claims have been greatly embellished. The Germans did not create a base; and Operation High Jump didn't encounter German flying discs. The Germans who survived and escaped, moved to Argentina among other South American countries and set up Bavarian villages.
Open borders for Israel!
>The best book available on UFOs and flying saucers, showing them to be exclusively man-made and covered up for over 60 years by covert government agencies who use lies and disinformation to depict them as alien aircraft. Details the methods used in controlled mass media, using “enhanced credibility” of high government, military, academic and entertainment “officials” and personalities to disseminate false propaganda through movies, science, academia, TV, radio and print media.
They created UFO's and space travel.they are currently on an unknown planet building up the 4th Reich. They will return. More powerful than ever
Screenshot this
>scorched earth.
user, no military strategist would approve or dream of paki grooming gangs raping and murdering school girls and stuffing them into kebabs. It's rather crass.That's the worst 'cope' explanation I've ever come across.
>the pressure of the great replacement is creating a new stronger generation of Europeans
I disagree. Whites are now irreversibly cucked and the eternal normie is the perfect golem.
If we survive, it's a miracle and I will never not hate the average white person. In a post jewish world, we should have harsh, brutal feudalism forever.
This guy does a good job of explaining it to the oblivious.
You too watched Jason Jorjani's interview with Jeffrey Mishlove? I've read Jorjani's Lovers of Sophia where he has a full chapter called ''Black Sunrise'' where he connects pretty much all the available facts.
I want to believe.
>I disagree.
Well you are wrong. The proof is undeniable at this point. In your country, mine, sweden etc. There is an absurdly fast growing new right wing; they are young, smart, strong and dedicated.