'I'm as happy as a pig in mud': Aussie spends his $750 stimulus payment on a carload of VB beer - but the move sparks a fiery debate
Aussie spends his $750 stimulus payment on a carload of VB beer
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based stimulating that economy like the top cunt he is
Better than spending it on car load of fucking Fosters.
Do Australians really drink that much beer in 8 days?
>in 8 days
Australians are backward savage at best.
this "breed" of Australian, is know as the City-Goat or Bogan, I despise these "people".
the myth of Australians drinking Fosters....
Fucking hell I miss Australia but not the beer prices , Jesus christ 750 dollaroos for 8 slabs. My local supermarket just had an offer for 20 bottles of beer for 5€, that's like 7 dollars .
What the fuck they expect people to do with stimulus payment of less than a thousand dollars anyway? If our government cared to give us anything, I'ld probably spend the money on hardware for my pc and red wine most likely.
Is VB like uk bitter ?
Seems like a good way to pass the time.
He's stimulating the economy. It's not a relief check.
I make 3 x slabs for $30.
Coopers DIY with island Rain Water from my water tanks.
Why didn't he spend it at pic related?
But the commercials here advertise it with an Australian accent. Are u telling me they are lying?
How fucking expensive beer is land down under? I'm assuming case is 24 cans or bottles. Isn't Oz peso somewhere around 50 cents € or USD. 50€ for case of beer. That is nightmare fuel even for Finns.
WTF is a "slab"? The only time I use that word is to describe a slab of meat.
Fuck these guys are dime a dozen.
No Australians only drink lady beer.
>tfw the first thing I did with my $750 was go out and buy a slab of Coopers Sparkling and a bag of weed
Gotta keep myself entertained somehow while self-isolating. At least my money is going towards supporting local Australian industries, unlike the foreign-owned Vomit Beer.
That's about $500 worth, the rest was spent on Winnie blue
A carton, a block.
24 beers.
4 × 6 packs.
VB actually has 30 beers in a slab and is cheap.
For that money he could have bought 14 slabs of VB. I think me bought a few packs of smokes as well.
A slab is 24 beers.
I was going to say that.
Only $400 if you get them for $50 each and sometimes you can get them for $40
>$750 in VB
>for a pandemic that will cycle for 2 years
retard should have just bought some bleach and drank that instead
Over here we call that a "case"
yes. it was called the 1980s.
slab= carton
carton = 24 bottles or cans.
I make 72 Bottles/ 3 x cartons for $30
the bottles I use ar 740ml each
this pic, is 2 batches
= 6 cartons = 144 beers.
Read the article you stupid nigger
This one I found the most ridiculous. They import this beer from Germany and it sells for 30€ for 24 cans. This beer at home has the Universal reputation that it tastes like piss and it's what every homeless bum drinks , or a broke student on the last days of the month when he found some coins under his couch. Rated almost 5 stars on Dan Murphy's .
Ausses do make really good beer though ,Tooheys and Great northern original are nice.
Case-tards can fuck off, this is slab cuntry mate
Nooo you cant just spend the money on what you want!!!
That's why they gave it to NEETS and not wagies. It was intended to be spent.
Tooheys is piss, mein freund. Drink Coopers.
Is that light source the sun or a light switch? I assume it's a light switch because the sun will kill that beer.
Do you have to filter out the rat fur and pigeon droppings
Not in a day.
around 20 tins. though you can get more
BASED economy boosting mitre 10/10 bloke
I've never seen a person drinking fosters here
Hell even the pubs i visit haven't got it on tap
Tooheys New cans is the go to, Tooheys Old when at the pub
imagine trying to look smart and not understanding why a beer bottle is colored the way it is, what a dim fuck
Made me laugh. What a hero.
Realistically, what do you expect people to do?
I'd blow $250 of it on bullshit and save the rest, myself.
How can a slab be 24 and 30? What gypsy mathematics is this?
I made my own beer with the same bottles and live in a city apartment and it got fucked up do to the overabundance of light. Second time around I emptied my closet and stick them in there and it was completely different.
Rank and fucking dog shit. You could just as easily procure and re-use sterilised glass bottles and get a manual bottle top capping machine for a reasonable price and sell swill that doesn't taste of pub jugs for a nice profit to pay off the costs immediately. But you won't.
I believe the intention is that you blow it on bullshit to keep money flowing through Aussie business, saving to spend later is better than blowing on imports at least.
How Many cans/Bottles per case?
Seems expensive
Based big brain scomo knows exactly what demographic to target.
Do Americans drink less than that?
Quintessentially Australian.
Coopers Pale Ale is alright.
Remember to roll it on the table a few times to loosen the stuff at the bottom, ol' guy in Alice springs showed me that.
I do because I am a pussy and drinking more than 3 cans puts me to sleep immediately. I can pound a lot of liquor though
I just got mine, thx for the bitcoin lads
A couple of days ago they fined a boomer because he bought only 3 bottles of wine and a bag of pasta, saying that wasn't "necessity shopping"
Fuck ethical state
>How can a slab be 24 and 30? What gypsy mathematics is this?
VB math.
Every other beer and liquor that I know of sells 24 beers in a slab / case. VB sells 30 beer slabs.
I think it's a gimmick. It works they sell a lot of beer even though it's awful.
This is why UBI will ultimately fail
top lad
flamin poofda.
he will. those boxes and the article is just part of a grassroots marketing campaign. the boxes in the op are actually empty and after the photoshoot he went to outback steakhouse, the only restaurant on the island of australia
Man that looks comfy.
It's how faggots say "a carton of beer"
I always called them a case, unless it's 30 vb cans or xxxx then it's a slab.
fuggin based
>man loves beer
How is this news?