ITT: Post your most extreme or strange belief. Don’t get asshurt when other people call you a retard, I want to see some conflict. Schizoposting allowed. This is a place to share your ideas.
Example: North Korea is a good country, and here is why.
ITT: Post your most extreme or strange belief. Don’t get asshurt when other people call you a retard, I want to see some conflict. Schizoposting allowed. This is a place to share your ideas.
Example: North Korea is a good country, and here is why.
Abrahamic religion are a mistake
I believe there is something to ESP.
Christianity and Islam are Jewish psyops
There's giant fruit bats the size of cows but they're mostly harmless because they prefer fruits unless you agitate them and they rip you apart or grab you and throw you off a cliff or something.
*Coof Coof* that's not extreme opinion
I believe that sex is sinful unless it's missionary between a married couple for the sole purpose of recreation.
There was no conspiracy to assassinate JFK; Oswald acted alone.
true story
A saw them.
They look like a very large goose in air.
But when they scream.......omg
Like a dying woman+bear lungs.
Nobody is imune to that sound, you just run.
This world is another worlds hell
Oswald shot him in the chest
The autopsy photos show no wound on the chest
He was shot in the head
Oswald shot the double
The jews within the secter service shot JFK inside the white house
He did give an executive order to take the power from the Federal Reserve after all.
Post your reasoning behind your beliefs, please.
womens voting rights were a mistake
You lost me at
Same old blame the kikes bullshit.
North Korea is good because it makes Koreans suffer
Brad Delp of the rock group Boston died due to an alien implant in his voicebox.
It is in this degenerate world. Just look at Yas Forums today. It’s filled with Abrahamists who all promote their disgusting doctrines. If Abrahamism was erased from history, humanity would gain so much richness, both materially and spiritually.
Cancer is FUNGUS, people get infected with the purpose to limit their IQ, keep them tired and get them die off early.
If infected, try antifungal treatment locally and watch the truth unfold before your eyes.
The NWO are real but they're the good guys. The average NPC can't be left to their own devices without wrecking everything, they need to be managed for their own good, especially in a technological society like today where we have two dozen different ways we could end the world on a whim. I'm doing my best to be useful to a technocratic organization that I suspect will survive as a lever of their power to ensure that I (or my kids) are well-positioned into the future. I'm undecided if it's the better move to marry into the (((tribe))) or to find a high-quality nonwhite woman - the answer depends on whether or not (((they))) really run this thing or if they just have a seat at the table and are only allowed to think they'll have a specially privileged position to ensure their compliance before they're integrated into the broader system.
Typical pseudoscientific trash coming once again from Germany. I suppose you think aluminium causes cancer, too.
I'll raise you on this.
Giving the vote to anyone but lords and landowners was a mistake.
those are reasonable
Cute little retard
The only word of God worth listening to, is directly from God.
Pretending to follow a religion for the sake of civilization is disrespect towards God.
Also there shouldnt be a single noneuropean resident in Europe. Not a single one.
Sensible in 1800, but not in the current year. The model of land ownership and development has changed too much.
that I AM REAL
Found the newfags
Gender is a social construct.
Which sex you are is a physical attribute
Just read the first 15 words or so.
You are a fucking idiot. Wanting to give up yourself as a human, and spit on your entire bloodline of free people just so people can be forced to live together with shitskined human trash...
The NWO are the kikes, the only order acceptable is aryan order.
elaborate on my newfaggotry pls.
Details please this sounds interesting. What parts of the world, is it covered up, etc.
My schizo belief is that even if no alphabet agencies are spamming /pol with psyops the belief that they are is turning people into paranoids
We were shifted into this timeline as punishment for letting Terry A. Davis die.
It’s /x/ teir and skitzo af but the hatman is real and he haunts me. I have a nightly ritual that keeps him away now but for 20+ years I had nightmares/sleep paralysis/time loops constantly and would even see him during the day. Whatever you do don’t draw his top hat, it’s his summon sign
They’re the reason the west is great
Well you should know better not to trust minorities
Especially ones who are known as the Synagogue of Satan
And have hard grip over your central (money printing) banks
>I have a nightly ritual that keeps him away now
I agree.
That’s why I’m still a virgin
quarantine isnt here for the Q bullshit goverment is just trying to keep people spending more money on gas with how low the prices have gone pay attention to when quarantine ends and gas prices
Not true at all.
Paganism built western civilization.
This is the world before hell as a punishment for our sins. We all used to be divine once, but fell layer for layer down until we landed here.
Our purpose is to go back, but most forgot that we even came from such a high place and are thus stuck in human desires and pleasures
>Whatever you do don’t draw his top hat, it’s his summon sign
Explain. Who is the hatman? You can summon him?
God has a plan for me. Everything just works out
It’s based but it’s boring lol
The world is run by a satanic pedo elite
religionview is a mental disability, like low level of shizo
Checks out
Africans can be controlled and improved with (well-concealed) eugenic policy and population control. It would be foolish to just leave them to be unproductive and violent, but it will be a very large project. They need to be brought into the global system so that the same pressures that reduce White and Asian birthrates apply to them as well. And whites are honestly barely any better. Europeans burned down the continent every thirty years or so since the end of the middle ages, and the old model of imperialism only creates more unproductive conflict.
I am the only person that exists.
There was an advanced industrialized civilization living in the Amazon basin before 10,000 BC and they were wiped out by a meteor impact.
Rome/Greece were both built on pagan religions.
It’s the traditional beliefs of Europe.
All Abrahamic beliefs are just eastern cults.
Charging tourists 350€ for a parking spot and calling it economy is not the Roman way.
Everyone's going to heaven and we're all gonna be laughing about this shit together at a table in 150 years when we're dead.
the gas prices are low because of the quarantine you idiot. Because there is less gas required but the amount supplied is still the same...
kindergarten level economics
i am a paedophile
The death of every single jew would solve the world's problems almost overnight
the autism diaspora should organise and found autistic israel
no, me too, definitely
There was a timeline or dimension shift in 2012
I have an old protection seal that I have to draw and put behind my door, it lets him know that he isn’t welcome in my space.
He is an inter dimensional being that visits people usually in their sleep. He takes the form of a tall man with a top hat. His figure is blacker than black. I believe he feeds off of fear, and is the underlying cause of most nightmares, boogeymen, fear of the dark, etc.
Gnostics were right, this world is, for all intensive purposes, hell, and the Demiurge made it to feed on our suffering. I have a feeling all the ways of supposedly escaping, like accepting Christ, renouncing material attachments to not get reincarnated etc., are all just false hope to exacerbate the suffering.
I believe i was a woman in my past life. I had red hair and my name was Mary.
The hatman is the final redpill bros.
Recreation or procreation
And you're a Jewish meme flag.
spot on
i was a pirate memeflag, not jewish m8
The Dutch did 9/11
Faggotry and transgenderism isn't necessarily evil, but more like a disease that can be cured. The real evil thing is actively turning people into faggots and trannies by propaganda. It's like stabbing people with AIDS needles.
FAggots and trannies need help, but those who don't want that help or those who are proud of their retarded ass head needs to get nailed on a cross.
And it’s less of a “summon sign” and more of an invitation.
Like “hey whatsup mr. interdimensional fear demon, my life is boring and not scary pls come rape my brain until I can’t tell if I’m awake or having a nightmare thx”
the short answer
all our traits, were developed during the shitlong (I guess about 100k years) of undocumented history. The way we react to things and the way we aproach problems.
All of this is a direct result of our Gods (or if you are a retard atheist, you can call it evolution). Christianity just catched up on the slave morality which developed for the majority. The slave morality established because of unification and u ification developed because a unified nation is stronger then some unorganized group of people. There are only a few people who can be free and have the master morality in an organized group.
I'm pretty sure my kitchen sponge is out to get me
Based britcuck not getting any kids
How dare you!?
This is very true.
Once you delve into the art and lore and philosophy of our ancestor Aryans, the milquestoast plagiarism of Christianity loses interest.
It’s a foreign ideology to our people.
No individual creature needs to consume all human suffering in order to be content.
A human can be content with just simple things, are they greater and more stoic than the demiurge?
>wanting to tame the wild
>thinking the wild and violence is somehow bad to begin with
dude, you really are trying to be a jew arent you? What race are you?
Ah solipsism. Well I know for sure I exsist. Like 100% positive. But I could be a figment of your imagination. Or you could be mine.
Wild ass guesses:
Existentialism and all related 20th and 21st century philosophical movements (those that deny the divine will and the holiness of family formation) were and are funded by the same people who funded the Leninists.
Trump is going to obliterate the pedo elite BEFORE the 2020 elections because it's the right thing to do for the American people, and because it'd get his face on Mt. Rushmore with solid gold hair. Literally hair made of many tons of polished gold. (Some of the gold reserves should be displayed.)
It is impossible to know rationally why I have conscious awareness, or how my mind can inhabit matter that follows math rules. Worse, I can't afford to think about it too much or I'd be unable to reproduce. Worst of all, I'm only interested in the "meaning of life" because of childhood trauma making me feel unattached, robot-like and dissatisfied.
Niggercock is delicious
From your perscpective, probably. From the demiurge’s perspective we are probably ants to a magnifying glass
I believe in ghosts or whatever the fuck that unexplained physical phenomena is because it's happening to be right now.
I've been living in this apartment for a couple of years without any noticeable happenings but a couple of weeks ago I woke up and was sitting up in bed when I heard a click from a table fan and it turned onto max setting. Like the button was pushed down by something. And i wasnt asleep because I had to go turn it off.
I was talking to my friend while at the pc and something pat me on the hip. I felt a fucking hand on my hip.
And twice now something took my vape and put it on the floor by the closets behind me.
There's no pattern to it so I don't know how to record this stuff happening short of having a 24/7 camera going. Im more irritated than scared but I don't wanna see no apparitions or shit.
Why not? You don't think there are very powerful beings in our strange and boundless universe capable of such a thing?
There's something to that. My nerves are completely dead from many years of occult practice, but the first time I saw an image of him on /x/, I felt a terror I had never felt in my life, and I even started crying for some reason. Shit's weird, yo.
Q is real but the plan is failing.
>Worst of all, I'm only interested in the "meaning of life" because of childhood trauma making me feel unattached, robot-like and dissatisfied.
Dude.. stop.. I’m starting to relate to you
>No individual creature needs to consume all human suffering in order to be content.
And you base this on what? Also Demiurge is not a "creature", In our vocabulary, a more proper word would be mad God.
>A human can be content with just simple things, are they greater and more stoic than the demiurge?
In a sense, supposedly we have spark of the divine, of something greater, that's why our suffering feeds him, because wearent just meat vehicles but something more, so our suffering "matters". Or maybe that is a false hope too, and we are literally matrix batteries, but for suffering and there is no chosen one.
Me too
All of the good aspects of Christianity, and there are many, are carryovers from old fashioned greek philosophy. St. Thomas Aquinas was big on this, he was big on greek philosophy.
Have you ever been to ?
It's one of the spookier pills out there imo. The idea is that all of the stories about seeing a white light after you die are true, but that's actually part of the trap. You die and then you see a bright light and visions of your loved ones (mom, dad, wife, pets, old friends, maybe celebs if you're that much of an NPC) and so you instinctively go towards the light to reconnect but then you get there and the entities show you a movie of your life and point out all the times you fucked up and convince you that you need to reincarnate in order to work on your karma and right past wrongs etc etc.
According to the website in reality you can transcend this process and ascend to a higher realm in the universe but you have to fight all natural urges and do your best to move your consciousness away from the light instead of towards it.
The website also alleges that all of this happens on the moon. It's far out and wacky but I can't help but feel like there might be some kind of truth there. It is perhaps the end all be all of schizoposting, but I find myself agreeing with it. I may be schizo tho
i read you can summon him by taking 700mg of benadryl
From women’s rights to egalitarianism to sexual degeneracy to corruption of the youth to fake food to poisoned water to non-natural pharmakeia to the feminization of society to mass immigration to the muttification of the Aryan races to the fiat money-usury slave system to communism to post modernism to destruction of family values and innocence to censorship to offshoring jobs to cheap Asian countries to stagnating wages and the elimination of the middle class to subverted Justice systems of anarcho-tyranny to mass genocide, all of our problems are DIRECTLY created and fomented by the Jew. The eternal Jew is the enemy of the Aryan.
Did I miss any?
So the demiurge is just a cosmic Stalin? He is not for the universal greater good, the first thing powerful enough to come along will end him because there are many people willing the end.
Our society should treasure fidelity, chastity, and honour again.
>I felt a fucking hand on my hip.
It’s probably a ghost qt who thinks your hot.
You should get a ouija board and try to talk to her.
Corona is made to get american resistance fighters to go to their bunkers. They bring their phones, US tracks the bigger ones that more young males go to, aka where the ones that get Bunker Busted. Ez Trump card on the last of the best of us.
>Who is George Hickey
Newfags btfo
Women are an alien race
You want to lose your mind for good? Google it. There are reports from all around the globe, people that have never talked to each other all report the same figure with a similar experience
i'm a solopsist, with the addition that i don't believe my own mind exists
since science is the only way to obtain knowledge, and there is no way to prove science, we have no choice but to believe in an eternal self refuting non-logic loop
Wait, is pic related the hatman? he like really tall? I think I’ve seen him while on an acid trip.
>Post your most extreme or strange belief
We live in a matriarchy that is controlled by foreign oligarchies and we do not have democracy or self determination.
White American. My ancestry is mainly French but I have some admixture from the UK, Ireland, Denmark, and Italy in roughly equal proportion.
White races will never be fully free until they are freed from abrahamic religions. It's an unfortunate consequence that currently any type of abrahamic religion is prone to being undermined by current (((forces)))
I understand where the christfags are coming from, I really do. Christianity has given moral values to europe and united it (somewhat) more under a banner. However, times have drastically changed. We need a new, working religion to unite all white races. Varg is somewhat right, but a little spergy.
This concept the jews fear most because their number one method of subversion of their golem in america is through religion.
>all intensive purposes
I think the idea of heaven that most Christians think of and as it is interpreted is silly.
After-life exists, but not with streets paved of gold where everyone has their own mansion in the sky. That’s literally what a Jew would believe. Very materialist and shallow.
There is more to afterlife than this
Yas Forums is a hotbed for trans culture. Historically, there has been an extremely high density of closeted MtF individuals, and the correlation is too high to ignore. It's basically a melting pot of lonely adolescent angst and heavily repressed sexuality, combing to create what would eventually become early chan culture.
These memetic ideas developed into the infamous "trap" obsession, which became one of the few grassroots T movements in the mid 00's. Some of the earliest and most notable transition timelines came from Yas Forums and /cd/ during this time, and went on to inspire a new generation of transgender individuals.
why do you promote NPC opinions on Yas Forums?
Also, universal suffrage was a mistake. Women shouldn't be able to vote, much less become part of any political process.
And jews should be stripped of their property, boycotted, and deported to israel. All of them. Every single jew, anywhere.
Israel should be a prison for its own people. Destroying israel would create another diaspora where the jews seek asylum everywhere, and the subversion begins anew.
Fuck dude stop. I purposely didn’t post a pic because it’s honestly hard to look at. Also I believe thinking about him calls him to you, I only even posted because I already did my nightly protection
Do you think the universe would have formed so unbalanced towards evil and bleakness?
Why would it not be unbalanced towards good? Perhaps literally everyone who dies goes straight to heaven and enjoys eternity. That would make life worth it wouldn't it?
I believe it's ok to challenge God. It gives him something to do.
My mom had that experience when she was a kid. Hat man went into her room and tickled her. I've had one night terror as a kid as well but it was some scary looking roastie circling my bed saying "what did you do"
You are absolutely correct on all fronts
It's useful to me and I genuinely believe it's for the bes,t same reason you promote multilateralism and ethnonationalism.
post the seal that makes him go away
sounds like a plan, except voting is inherently wrong.
fuck off nigger i exist u try and question my existence ill beat the shit out of u
free will is illusory because the universe is strictly deterministic
therefore, pee pee, poo poo
You may as well tell people to convert to Zoroastrianism. Paganism is dead as fuck, and it isn't coming back.