Why doesn't the free market create prosperity in 3rd world countries?

Why doesn't the free market create prosperity in 3rd world countries?

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Because they don't have free markets

1. Market isn't free.
2. Niggers kill smarties for being different.

Because markets are tools for pursuit of comparative advantage with individual consumption. You will never get a space program, military, roads, or anything cool from that.

Free markets work only in white countries.

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because free markets aren't what created prosperity in 1st world countries
it's productive credit creation

Because there are many institutions needed in order to make a free market work properly.
Mutual trust, a functional judicial system, fair set of laws and so on.
Many other developing countries are exposed on the natural resources cycle and they’re the most vulnerable to shifts in price.
An other reason is the fast pulling out of the capital during crises and a very weak financial system totally dependent on dollar and its official rates.
There are many reasons, none of them ascribe to the concept of free market.



Because value is created by labour

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How long would you last during a garbage strike?

yes, try producing anything without labour.

No it's not.
Person 1 has a machine producing tools
Person 2 is digging 100m deep hole with a shovel

Who produced most value?

But it does.
All the third world countries that went muh free markets are noticeably better than others. Mauritius or Lesotho in Africa. Chile in Spanish America. Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore in eastern Asia, etc...

person 0 making the tools. never post again.

I can't say, but in that case all value came from labour anyway, so what's your fucking point?

Labor in itself isnt valuable. If I stack rocks by a river all day, what value is created. Wages are determined by the value of the labor

>How long would you last during a garbage strike?

I never said all labour creates value, I said all value is created by labour.
wages are not determined by the value of labour, if it is please tell me how you measure that.

Prosperity is created by high IQ, high trust societies. Not by ideology or economic systems. Norway could have pretty much any system and it will prosper because it has a smart, homogeneous people and lots of oil

If there labor is that important theyll get paid to a wage that is beneficial for both parties. If theyre striking and can be replaced, then fuck em

But the quantity of labor performed by the hole digger is more. What if he dug a 1000m hole? It's a lot of labor and zero value.

>Why doesn't the free market create prosperity in 3rd world countries?
Because they dont have a free market? I mean Somalia has the est internet of Africa exactly because the state didnt do anything about it

Niggers are only ever a problem in States

>Implying not every single Africa country is anything but free and just takes all the Socialist funded money sent to them

Africa is more a failure of Socialism than anything considering all the money we send to them is a Socialist idea and not a Capitalist.

Because if they become prosper they are not 3rd world countries anymore retard

>because free markets aren't what created prosperity in 1st world countries
Yes it is

>it's productive credit creation
Artificial credit creation only creates long term crisis like whats happening now you fucking idiot

>Because there are many institutions needed in order to make a free market work properly.
Yes, a State not existing
Just that

>relying on scabs
If there was a garbage strike and the garbage men didn't come, how long would you last? You wouldn't. After a few months of living with the smell and the rats, maybe you would see the value of their labor.

you'd measure it with labour time.

well, its working here and in brazil and peru and uruguay, colombia... one big problem is that we need to develope a proper way to assist or help the poor so the countries can grow in good balance, this is the big issue not free market per se .

It does... for a few

Its determined by supply and demand. Wages are relative to the market. If Jack does the same job for less, Ill hire Jack

>one big problem is that we need to develope a proper way to assist or help the poor so the countries can grow in good balance
We dont, its called free market, its minimum wage, working regulations and taxes that make poor people even poorer

Time isnt indicative of value, its all subjective and only possible to determine with a market

All 3rd world countries have Socialism

you sad piece of shit

It's only the US who has more or less gotten rid of that shit to an extend

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>well, its working here
holy fuck imagine being this deluded

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Lmao Bro are you about to arrange a union strike IRL wtf is with the garbage example


Niggers aren't smart enough.
This is literally the answer.

how do you measure it if it's subjective?
you just determine the value out of thin air?
that's magic, literally goes against the scientific method.

people who defend subjective value is comparable to flat earthers

Kek, OP here. This thread was inspired by City of God so I appreciate all the south americans in the thread

because you need enlightened virtuous people

i mean you need that for any ideology to work, but with free markets society gets rich

Kek what a retard
He thinks these are socialist countries, to name a few

You can monkey work for decades
or you could build a machine and do the job in a day (+ a month for the machine but that's reusable)

You can't measure it with time
or effort
or anything measured by inferior stupid people's checklists

You can only measure the results and that's what the free market is for
and besides we are arguing that the one who produces has the right to sell his product and profit from their own hard work

The reverse is communism where the worker slaves so that the Commie master can steal everything from him and send him to Gulag if he protests
you sad piece of shit
no offense
that's a fact

Bad people are still there but they don't have less power to enforce their will without a government. That's the point.

Muh roads

>describes communism in practice
>ancap ball

I love how you ignored the first part of my post, I guess you don't have an argument against it.

but also, supply and demand determines the price of something, there's no argument there, but price and value are not the same thing.
in this case you'd be saying that the value of labour is the cheapest a worker is willing to work for, that's not measuring the value of labour, that's measuring how desperate the poorest person that can do that job is.

again, this goes against the scientific method, becasue any price given for the value of a labour would be ok, so you can't prove or disprove this.
literally comparable to magic.

> productive credit creation
That's what you get from a free market

Eat shit and die

Brazil had a socialist goverment up until Bolsonaro
His main point was getting rid of the socialist crap and even letting them have guns
how far he has gone I don't know but if he has done at least half of what he has promised Brazilians would be happy

Colombia ia commie / oligarchic country on the same as Venezuela
but it's better off thanks to drug money
I wish I was joking

Bashar Al Assad is a communist dictator
that's a fact

And Thailand is just an extension to China and their communist goverment

So now do the right thing and kill yourself
you shameless piece of shit

Excluding Syria (war torn) all of these countries have large growth because of capitalism

Your prosperity was created via strong regulation, capital controls, industrial policy, 90% marginal tax rates and financial repression. Back in those day any adult could affor a house, a wife, kids, healthcare, a car and a yearly holiday.

Reminder that ancaps are simply pedophiles that could not make it into the child raping elite so they want to legalize child slaves

>The libertarian US economist Murray Rothbard (1926-1995) wrote in his book 'Ethics of Liberty', that parents should have the right to put a child out for adoption or sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract. Rothbard suggested selling children as consumer goods in accordance with market forces, would benefit "everyone" involved in the market: "the natural parents, the children, and the foster parents.[32] In Rothbard's view, "the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights." Thus, parents should have the legal right to let any infant die by starvation. However, since "the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children" he wrote, "the existence of a free baby market will bring such 'neglect' down to a minimum".[32]


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did the machine grow on a tree?
or was it, by any chance, created by labour?
if it's the latter then you can measure it with labour time, because it took a determined amount of labour time to create that machine, which in turn was used to create value.

>You can only measure the results
yes, that's called the calculation problem, you can read on this in "Towards a new socialism" by Paul Cockshott.

>and that's what the free market is for
no, what free market measures is how much can people pay / charge for soemthing, disregarding what it cost to be created.
so that's wrong.

>The reverse is communism where the worker slaves so that the Commie master can steal everything from him and send him to Gulag if he protests
imagine being this retarded.
not even going to dignify your ignorance with an answer here.

look up on Richard Werner or Princes of the Yen
a completely deregulated financial system cannot provide enough productive credit for economic growth

>Brazil is socialist because I say so!
How was it socialist? How did the state did anything for the people in the favelas?
>Colombia is a commie oligarchic country
Hilarious, they have a dying commie Guerilla that has failed so hard that communism is demonized to oblivion. There are no communist policies whatsoever.
>Assad is a commie
Right that’s why his greatest ally and savior is Putin, is he a commie too? Retard
>Thailand is not controlled by pacific ruling USA
>China is communist in anything but name
Topkek why are retards like you even allowed to Internet?
>die, kys, blah blah
The eternal summer strikes again

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Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan disagrees

Correlation doesn't equal causation. Income tax was created to pay of WW2 debt.

>so you can't prove or disprove this.
literally comparable to magic
Ever heard of the invisible hand? Its better to let unregulated free markets work things out naturally then base value on some preconceived notion of fair

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>doesn't the free market create prosperity in 3rd world countries?
1st, it does. Look at all the technological innovation happening with computers getting cheaper, cell phones, water filtration, educational content, etc.
2nd, the free market would be much more effective at doing these things if they weren't constantly strained with the government getting in the way, hogging and wasting resources. Thankfully, Bitcoin will change much of this in the coming decades.

killing pedofiles is the moral thing to do
not the legal
it is considered Homophobia by the leftist / socialist goverments

In an AnCap society Fags and Pedos will hang

It does, go look at how much poverty has been reduced in shitholes in the last few decades.


Credit only increases economic growth in the short term. Productivity drives economic growth in the long term. Nowadays we see what artificially low interest rates has led us to.

>Ever heard of the *magic*?
>Its better to let *magic* work things out *magically* then base value on some *sensible and scientific way*

>Paul Cock Shot
What the fuck is this cuckery ?!

Also who do you think YOU ARE to decide what costs how much ?

This is the right for the one who produces it
you have NO right to intervene between the producer and the client

You are an imbecil aren't you

The promise of free stuff appearing of nowhere?!
That's not what socialism is!
That's the bait for fags like you to buy into the shitty ideology
because you are low IQ
and you see a bait
and you put it in your mouth
And you suck on it
like it's your dads dick

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