Post your score flaggets

post your score flaggets

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Lowest i have gotten is 118, highest is 142

So since you are supposed to do multiple different ones and take an average: 130

I am basically a smart antijew since my only mental capacity is in arts and politics

bump for the 25 minute testing period

i just took it once on a whim having no idea what it would be like. ill just save myself the time and round myself up to a120 and im satisfied with that.

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135 and dyslexic who saw letters as negative space before I was taken aside and some hot student teacher was all amazed that I saw the dot not the circle that is the o. I learned to read on acid
Tested twice in 88 and 96 same score each time
I am a hell of a ambitious creative, I have an afinnity for noticing social patterns both societal and individual ( my stock portfolio is up 18% wile the blended sown and S&up are -7% in the last 60 days ) I read minds but it got boringing and know the truth.... so I smile when I succeed and win I fail.

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sounds like a targeted t-shirt

The other day I took it and got a 126. Got butthurt

Used to getting 135~150

Thats what Yas Forums does.

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i could take it over and over to improve my score but that seems less accurate than the initial try. it doesnt increase your iq to practice it does it? that just means you have a lot of EXPOSURE

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(((MENSA))) Imagine paying validity. Joining MENSA is like getting a degree at Phoenix U

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i got 124 on the actual mensa club test... didnt get in because not smart enough

Feels nice to be able to read patterns i guess

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i think youre on the wrong website. i wouldnt even reccommend the test, i dont advise you to bother if you cant make it there, to locate the test sir.

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good job how many trys was that?

>Good day Facebook, look at my score, ain't I smart?! Teehee!

Off the charts

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I'm a geneticist so this is similar to my work, but I doubt it's a good foundation for "IQ" since this skill has been in development for years. IQ is supposed to be unlearned intelligence, not education, and I learned how to do this, so this test is bad.

This is the message you get when you intentionally try to get everything as wrong as possible. If means you're beyond measure in retardation.

xD dopamine test xD better gib money to maker :D

Also, apparently when you get every answer correct in under 5 minutes. I guarantee if you get a room full of my colleagues to take this test each one will have 100% completion and 100% correct answers in under 5 minutes. But there is not enough data to give a score for people like us

On the spot


not enough data, hey? sad

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I was expecting a lower IQ

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not impressive at all, embarrassing to post in fact idiot



also not a real IQ test because it's timed the amount of time it takes has nothing to do with intelligence

By doing an online IQ test you've already proven to be a moron kek

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Got 110
Guess I'm done bashimg "midwits" and trying to run with tge big boys, I'm off to reddit where I'll be king of the hill

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6 million.


these are sophisticated responses but where is the fucking scores at?

I'd rather be in Mensa than have a Phoenix U degree.

First try
Any other attempt should flaw the result
Nice pattern solving puzzles

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You’re full of shit

trendy buzzwords are the sign of a master of intellect, a true shredder of thought lines

Those online IQ tests are fake as shit. I picked answers randomly and got 124

screenshot, brainlet

I was a very bad kid in school so in 3 grade I get given iq test. Score 180 and they tell my mom not t to tell me the result because I would think I’m smarter than teachers. She does anyway. Still think I’m smarter than everyone and don’t need to learn. Become druggy for 20 years. Clean and sober for 8 years. Being told how smart you are can be a curse

Anyone who cares about an online I test is in the sub 80 range irl

Muh niggas! I got a 82! Teach always tol me I wuz fuggin dum but now I gotta B IQ, so fuck tha bitch. Pic related, is me

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So that would be you before getting your results right?

Usually between 128-135. I can't into maths...

Wow my totally legit score is 196 you guys are all literally retarded lamo

Based dumbass, fuck the haters

avg ~130

I said 80 not 08 retard

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all drug addicts are lying leeches, dopamine coomers that exist in a whiny miserable space, causes by their own infantile obsession with neurolocical COOMING

Damn bro tell me how you really feel

you shoulnt have an "avg" how stupid can you be. taking it over and over is just going to make the results skewed through repitition, say you have seen them prior so what the fuck is the point of a timer? combined total time will obviously accummulate to a higher score, and a false score FUCKHEAD

notice all drug addicts have some excuse you will notice that from now on. in this case its because hes "smarter!" than everyone bboo hhoo how unique, good thing drugs wrect your memory, among other important factors contributing to intelligence damn to bad your exceptional iq could allow you to see that cooming

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Internet IQ tests are not valid. If you weren't tested in person with an actual physical IQ test, you do not know your IQ. That being said, Yas Forums definitely has IQs in the extremes. There are some absolutely brilliant insights posted here that you don't see anywhere else because people are afraid of repercussions. On the lower end you have the miga crowd in /ptg/, shills, and the boomers and r*dditors who came here in 2016 and never left.

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Cum on my bifocals

i perform so bad when under a time limit. i overthink shit and waste even more time

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and im jewish XDDDDDDD

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Not with your nigger brained typos.


Online mensa tests from their sites are literally same as irl. They give you a rough estimate at where your IQ is.
Cope more please.

i get like 130 on this test and im fucking stupid

I got 112 Yas Forums. Am I a brainlet?

Dude honestly fuckin kill yourself you're an embarrassment